Sunday, January 16, 2022

Character Challenge 2022 16: Dr. Jala Inishmar

Realizing that my last couple of Traveller characters were not exactly beacons of hope, we'll try again. That is the thing about an entirely random (or mostly) character generation: it does not always give you the happy path. And that is an entire discussion worth having at some point as it also plays into why we play. Most people want to play a more heroic character, someone who can make a difference be it via super powers or magic or sheer might. Traveller has always been about regular people doing heroic things. Or dastardly things if playing the criminal elements. Regardless, I do want something more optimistic in general, so we'll try to have a Traveller character who can have what they wanted out of life. That drug dealer NPC ended up being very destitute. I also see him as Lenny from Mice and Men. Or more likely that hairy monster from Bugs Bunny, who is based on Lenny. At least I think so.

And now on to our next Traveller character. 

667BB8. Other than a Star Wars reference, here we have someone with average physical stats but very smart and educated. A 4 as an even roll and we have a woman, and a 3 is human. I may have to pick an alien race just to have some this year. 

I always lean to the scientist career with stats like that. And what is a space station that has no lead scientist? In looking over the science career paths (and some of the pre-enlistment options to even better increase education) we have the following college options:


She was successful in getting in and actually stayed all 4 years, and just barely got honors. She also managed to pick up Language (Trokh-1) and Computer-1. And picked up more education, so now we have 667BD8. Looking at the University options, or the doctor options. I decided to forego trying for NOTC or MOTC as she will either be a doctor of medicine or a scientist. 

Medical School

I did roll and she would have been good in NOTC in college, and I failed the medical school enlistment roll by 1. Going to fudge this (and I would do the same when a player is that close). With her intelligence and education, going to sort of borrow the T5 mechanic that allows you to try again (which is an interesting mechanic that I did use last year for one of my T5 characters). She easily makes the success roll with that +2, and even gets honors with the 8 + 1. This gives her some crazy skills, though her dexterity is not high enough for a surgeon.  At this point we have 667BE8, Medic-4, Admin-1, Computer-2. Heck, she is ready to play as is, but. there is the surgeon career from Behind the Claw, Foreven Worlds. Yes, mixing rule sets. But that is the joy of Traveller for me. Besides, hoping to bump her dexterity up by 2 points so she can be a surgeon! You do not want a clumsy doctor with a scalpel operating on you!

Term 1, Medical Career

I actually rolled an 11 to get in. She is already a doctor, so no DMs even needed really. And honestly, this to me would have been a freebie. And my dice are feeling the optimism - rolled a 12 for survival even though 4+ was all I needed, and a 9 for promotion so Rank 1. Having 2 rolls, I'll do 1 on personal & hope for a dexterity push, and the other on advanced education to get another hopefully useful skill. Well, I gained endurance +1 for 668BE8 and language so picking actually Vilani just because of the pseudo-classical part of this. In fact, perhaps she comes from a Vilani family. I may go with that as humans are not really that differentiated in Traveller. So, Language (Trokh-1, Vilani-1) as she continues.  And it turns out there are a few varieties of the language as listed here. We'll stick with the "modern" standard version.  Though I think I want a younger character and she has plenty of skills to be a station doctor. And there is an event and apparently, she has a great bedside manner: can either take a +2 for the next advancement or +1 social. I'll bump her social, so now we have 668BE9. She can put that classical language to use as she moves up in society.

And not wanting to invoke the harsh aging rolls as she does not really have the physical stats to take a hit, we decide to muster out.

Mustering out

I get all of 1 roll and choose cash as she needs to be able to live a bit. Unfortunately, she did not manage to save much (perhaps she had a lot of student loans!). She ends up with Cr5,000. So she will be actively looking for some position.

In the end, this character turned out well: I had mostly good rolls, and only had to fudge 1 roll. Something I will often allow in character generation once in a while. We are here to have fun after all.

Dr. Laja Inishmar, MD

668BE9, age 30. College with honors, medical school with honors

Medic-4, Computer-2, Language (Trokh-1, Vilani-1), Admin-1

Dr. Inishmar comes from the core worlds of the Imperium, her family history stretching back generations. Though from a middle-class family, her innate intelligence and aptitude for school quickly led her to advanced degrees. Her college career she picked up computers and become fluent in Trokh. She got her medical doctorate, with honors, at the Medical School of Sketola. She took to a 4 year journey on various ships as ship's doctor, and the constant running around helped strengthen her legs as some of those decks are hard. She also picked up the Vilani language in tending high class passengers that refuse to learn Anglic. 

After a hectic four years, she decided to take a break and see what she really wanted to do next. She is staying at a long-term complex at the high port, drinking yakka juice and eating vilnafku. She sometimes tosses a credit to the derelict she passes in her walk, and is thinking about seeing if the travel agency at the Documat could use a ship's doctor for a trip.


Michael Thompson said...

Great character. She could be almost anywhere in the Imperium, and CT characters are easily adapted as NPCs for later versions.

Craig Oliver said...

thanks. I got tired of my deadbeat characters! And yeah, she could fit in anyplace. My endgame is two follow-up posts integrating all the characters for the high port, and for Windemere. Maybe get carried away with a PDF (already have one in very rough shape for Windemere, so these characters have been getting added to that). So I have a challenge in a challenge - challenge squared!

Actually, most of the characters can fit in anyplace, at least I am hoping. You just really don't need to know the life story for most NPCs, unless they become more important. If I do that PDF, hopefully I'll draw from that for the next Traveller game I run. Though it is not looking highly likely this year as I think our group has at least 3 games semi-planned ahead (yes, I am a lucky gamer as everyone in my group wants to run a game once in a while so we have a lot of variety).