Monday, June 28, 2021

Apex Game - A Bit of Prep

Though it will be a few weeks before I run this game, I dusted off the Campaign Cartographer and tried again to make a map. I've got two versions I'm showing here (and ignore the highlighter - was trying something from a screen shot, and not really liking that...).

The first was supposed to look more like a hand-drawn map. The second I'm going with a professional German cartographer (there are the pre-WWII Nazis in this game - think Indian Jones and that sort of pulpy adventure).  And yes, I could always actually draw the map! I have saved off a lot of packing paper - these long rolls of paper just for doing that. But I am not sure we'll be face to face so a digital map is easier. And yeah, I do have a scanner....I do need to practice hand-drawing maps as well.

There is a port (Port Two in German if translate did not fail me) that the players will need to get to. Then either hiking 6-8 days or chartering a river boat for a 3 day journey up the river. I see alligators and some river dinosaurs in their future. Then at the entrance to the badlands, an overland trip of about 2 days to the base of the active volcano. Here is the ancient temple, vine-infested and who knows who or even what lives there now. Hidden inside are the mystery crystals the Germans want. They hope to power their giant plane with them, as the fragments seem to host nearly unlimited power. Of course, perhaps too many too close together create a chain reaction of some sort...

okay, so there is a spaceship here. Another 0-Hr Kickstarter. The "plane" is really a spaceship as well from a Patreon account I give money to. I like creative people being able to be creative!

Took a mini-vacation in Greensboro, NC and the museum had dinosaurs. The actual displays were really cool: e-ink glass in front of some of the exhibits had active descriptions, some pseudo-3D exhibits, and of course, large dinos!

So I have some encounter images ready to go!

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Leaving Tryonus

Having loaded the 5 tons of electronics we picked up, and having no additional funds for speculative trade, we checked the boards, and managed to load 11 tons of tools, 14 tons of still images (I was assuming artwork of some sort perhaps. And I am also guessing pretty fancy frames or something. If that cargo was not sealed I would have stolen a look, but Ewo was watching me), 14 tons of nitrogen compounds, 16 tons of raw hydrocarbons, 10 tons of radioactive ore (and I triple checked the rad seals, and stuck a sensor on it for good measure!), and 2 tons of metal parts. And a few other thigns - my cargo pad got pretty filled up. Most of our cargo space was empty as there was only 148 tons of cargo. This would only get us Cr148,000. But the captain seemed to be in a rush, and gave us just this week to search for goods. He said not to worry about it, he had a plan. I only wish he let us in on his plan. We did not have any passengers this time around. It would make my week a bit easier, though I was inordinately concerned with the radioactives we had aboard.

Finally re-found the classic rules for freight in Book 2. It was earlier in the book and not with the speculative trade section. Though sort of fudged and used Heaven& Earth and just used those results. Had enough cargo space for ALL the freight. Though this is a jump 2, and I may use Mongoose v1 rules where it is Cr1200 for jump 2. I've always chafed at the per jump rule (or is it per parsec - so many words over interpreting that on various forums!) Even though I actually have the time to roll everything up, I am just not feeling organized. After two years or more of this, you think I would have settled on something...I really want to start writing it down as the Solo rules say to do. After all, this is a pen and paper game!

After securing the cargo, signing the various manifests, we had only an hour for departure. We got Egg settled in, his air/raft in the forward shuttle bay we had been using as a cargo bay. It had some...interesting...colors. He said he was still learning to fly it, and it would be a handy thing to have to get about when we landed. As the No Refunds launched, I was watching the sensors as we approached jump point for Montca. While there were several ships heading to and from Tryonas, none hailed us on the way out. Being a B port with a decent population, I figured there would be more traffic (well, rolled a 3 on the major routes table and that indicates nothing.) We reached out jump coordinates and with a flicker, the Universe disappeared from my sensors.

Okay, so at least I got off of Tryonas! I need to re-find the dates. And I really should stick this in a notebook. Yeah, I keep saying that and not doing that...

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Playing in the multiverse

Okay, I was not sure what to call this post. But there is Traveller in it! I did end up getting yet another RPG, Apex, to avoid having to homebrew my Cowboys and Dinosaurs game. Fortunately, I was coaxed into it by the player who really wants to play this (though we've moving from cowboys and 1870s to "diesel punk" 1935 or so). And he, and another player, both have the rules as well now (one bought it while we had our session 0 as the GM for that night had to bail for family reasons. And family should always come first!)  So we went with rolling up some characters

Looking through this and generating the characters, I also realized this was in the same milieu as our vigilante pulp game. Realizing that we can have an indirect cross-over event, my plan is to have newspaper clippings that mention the other player characters. While I am not going to bring them in, this could create a shared universe with two game systems. 

of course there will be an ancient temple that will be a race between the players and the Nazis

And then I got to thinking: this is a TL5 with a bit of TL6 tossed in. There is no real reason we could not play the same game with Traveller. Though having an air/raft to cover the ground versus hacking through the jungle, fighting dinosaurs and Nazis, would make the adventure a lot shorter. But it would be interesting, at least to me, to run the same adventure twice using different rule sets. Just to see how it plays out. So I may be working Apex Island on to one of my Traveller worlds IMTU. I'll have to look to see the next few systems the No Refunds will be jumping to and see if something fits. If all else, it could be a really high-tech theme park as well. Not as high as the one from the Star Trek episode Shore Leave.

Which brings me to: sometimes there has to be reasons for the players in Traveller to have to travel overland. Back in the early days, the characters probably did not have a lot of the vehicles. The real intent was a more personal game, about ordinary people doing extraordinary things. At least that was how we mostly played, and how I feel Traveller is. I have played with people who do the whole high society thing and it is more of a social interaction game versus an adventure. And sadly I cannot come up with dialog fitting in a real game. And the few times I've tried the play by post games, they tended to meander and not go anywhere. It is hard to set aside time consistently to follow up on things (just witness this blog: my Traveller solo game is over 2 years of real time, and maybe 6 months of game time!)

Now, some game cross-overs may be a bit too far: not sure how dangerous the labyrinth is if you have some high tech backup!

Thunderbirds are GO!

Now, I will say (and probably already have somewhere in the past on this blog) that we did have one game years ago back in college that was a Traveller & D&D cross over. I was playing a gung-ho marine, complete with grav-assisted power battle armor. She shot first and let others ask the questions. Yes, I was trying to play out of character for me (I tend towards lawful good type of alignment. Hey, I want to be the good guy even in my games!) Anyway, the referee really wanted to play D&D, so we misjumped, crashed on a planet. We re-worked the stats into D&D stats, but first thing that comes along was a dragon. So of course the marine gets out and there is this huge battle: plasma gun, man-portable versus magical fire breathing dragon. We managed to kill each other, and some goddess really liked my attitude, so she came back. With wings, so she could still fly. And yes, I also really like flying characters as well. I still have that mini, which I want to say is probably supposed to be an angel of some sort.

Anyway, I do like shared universes, and playing the same character in different worlds. While I also like playing new characters, it takes me a while to get into a character. Which is odd as I will either have an idea going in or let the dice rolls help determine that character. But it takes a while for me to find my voice, so to speak. Which is why I really want to get back to longer games, as well as circling back to previous games and characters. I'd like to get a bit more emotionally invested in some of my characters. At least I think I would - Sir Zay really should have died in a the last game we played (and it would have been a good death, protecting the cleric). But the game master finessed a few things so he is alive, though one of his stats took a permanent loss of a point or two if I recall. 

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Scenery Pieces, Conan Game, and back to face to face?

As with a lot of my spending way too much time by myself, I've been trying to paint some of the Ramparts & Dungeons and Lasers scenery from the last couple of Kickstarters. The fantasy stuff is a lot easier to paint in many ways. I've been using cheap acrylic paint, about $1 / ounce. As this is the background and scenery, and takes a large amount of paint, it is a lot cheaper than using miniature paints. I save those for actual minis. Which sadly I need to get back to painting as I've quite a few in the "pile of shame" awaiting painting. But I figure I'll paint the ones I need for upcoming games for face to face...oh. 

The game shop where we used to play will probably be opening up late July for those who have been vaccinated. I am one of those (though I would not mind Magento powers from the vaccine. And I thought my attachment to reality was a bit thin...but I could win a million dollars as NC is going to do a vaccine lottery. Think of all the paint then!) And my other group, the two boys have had their first vaccine, so hopefully we'll be able to get back face to face late July as well. Which is also when I am guessing my Reaper, Blacklist & Nord miniatures will all show up. On the same day. So hopefully in a few weeks, there will be some more be actual table top playing!

Part of the reason I like face to face is to share the dice rolls. There can be so much anticipation about that, at least for me. And as I usually have sucky rolls, I need to be able to role play a lot more to work around those rolls. And while my current group I assume is honest, there is one guy who always seems to get amazing rolls. Perhaps he is stealing all my good rolls... Anyway, I like to also watch the GM roll if they roll in front of the screen (or even have a screen). The dice mechanic is there to add some randomness to the game, else we'd just be doing improv theater. But often the mechanics of new games are easier to show than explain. And we're currently playing Conan, which is a pretty crunchy game. With a very dense character sheet. On the bright side, there is a really nice character generation site that goes through the process and gives you a form fillable PDF. We're doing something a bit different, and something I am really enjoying. We are actually doing some shared world building: we're playing various family members: we have the "children" who are late teens/early 20s. The twin girls Lifo and Lofa and their brother Skeld. I am playing their uncle Truble (yes, wherever I go there is trouble...). We had been on the run as our village had been over-run by frost giants and the Wolves. We were all that remained (and I had only just returned from my mercenary days for retirement. I am getting too old for this shit! And my shirt may be red...). We had a player who missed session 0, and in our first battle against the Picts, some kid (okay, again, late teens, early 20s?) comes running across the woods screaming Father as we we start our attack. And for a mercenary with apparent training, I really suck at hitting anything (see above note on die rolls). Which is okay, but there was some fun role playing after the battle as I had no idea about this new son of mine. Thorgrim tells me his mothers name was Gretchen, and I keep asking which Gretchen (and one of the players came up with Gretchin Kapafulshlaggen of the midfield Kapafulshlaggen's. Don't ask me to speak it - I have enough trouble speaking simple English at times!) It was a different way of getting a group together to already have some back-history. Several games have this sort of built into the character generation now (one of the things I do like about Mongoose Traveller! And the Fate game worked in a similar fashion to get the characters together a bit less awkwardly). And we've carried on the world building in a group chat message where we share silly things, memes and fun links. But there is some in-character postings as well. And Truble has eaten food stored in a kangaroo pouch. It was a bit furry and I was picking fur out of my teeth for a day. Yeah, we get a bit off-tangent and somehow manage to work things into the game. This is actually the first time this has happened, though we have talked about our games before. Just never extended the game into these texting sessions.

A dense but pretty character sheet

And like paint, I have a lot of dice. And more coming in. Though I do also tend to give dice away as presents. My cat dice showed up, and the orange dice are really for some coworkers (who I play board games with but not yet role playing). They have an orange cat, Simon, and I try to give my immediate co-workers gifts around Christmas. But we've not been in an office for over a year, and the owner realized we are all as efficient outside the office as in, so he is selling the office space. 

Anyway, a dreary Saturday and I've been painting some of the terrain. My cheap wash seems to usually work pretty well for bringing out some of the details. Playing with the filters for various effects on the pictures, and you can see my stick-built ladder. And my lack of painting some, err, a lot, of the minis I have. Now I have painted the giant scorpion as that will get used in the face to face game I hope to resume in a month. Always good to have the beast instead of either a die representing that, or a stand-up mini. Though I also have some stand-ups I could use. 

Finally, happy that the Dungeons and Laser people added tabs that allow for additional floors. I think I've already mentioned it, but it does allow for multi-level dungeons. 

And like everything else, will it get used? When I play the Fantasy Trip, it is a hex based, not square based, combat system. The Ramparts are just walls, so they can be used on a battlemap easily enough. And I think for a lot, the other stuff can also be used for at least the non-combat stuff for getting a feel of things, but I don't know. We can probably fake the hexes in a way. But we have to get back to face to face gaming first!

And speaking of battlemaps, yes, another Kickstarter for a silicon version. I'm getting 2 at the moment as they are really cheap. One with the traditional hex / squares on opposite sides, and a clear one that I am hoping I can lay over the starship poster maps to keep them safe in use. I'll also probably get a few of those tracker sheets for the other GMs in my group. I think that could be useful. If interested, they have met their funding goal. See the campaign here. And apparently I just cannot keep away from Kickstarters. 

Sunday, June 06, 2021

Apex vs my home brew Cowboy & Dinosaur

One of my group pointed me to the Apex RPG:

“Diesel”-pulp is a bit harder to define, but simply put: It’s steampunk, but instead of gears and steam, diesel engines have led a new renaissance in exploration, adventure, and more. Dieselpulp is focused on the early 1900s, the Jazz Age, and the aftermath of World War 1, and  the beginning of World War 2. We’ve loosely set our game in the 1930s, but you can run it whenever you want.

And of course the cover has a great image. So, rather than continue with the microlite version (which I may still tinker with later), we'll go with this game.

 And as I am now painting up some Aztec/ancient ruins type of scenery from the Ramparts Kickstarter I backed, so hopefully we'll be back at a table and I can bring out the flats. Of course, I don't have any minis that would really fit, except I do have several Raiders Lego minis. If I can find them, I think I'd have that covered.  

There are several pulp style character classes, and it is a fairly rules-light game. I've breezed through the PDF but ordered the hardback so I can actually ready the thing. And here I said I would not get any more RPGs. But $40 is worth it to have a framework already done versus coming up with my own in my own limited amount of time I do have (having spent over 3 hours waiting for one of my motorcycles to get a new front tire & an oil change. I did walk a lot yesterday at least while waiting. If I only had that book and my glasses it would have been okay. Though I did try a watermelon salad for lunch that turned out to be pretty good!)

Anyway, the classes are as below, and if you've seen any of the Raiders of the Lost Ark movies, or the Rocketeer, you can pretty much envision their Appendix N:

  • Academic
  • Adventurer
  • Dinosaur Rider
  • Feral Child
  • Gadgeteer
  • Martial Artist
  • Mentalist
  • Mercenary
  • Mystic
  • Raider
  • Socialite
We've just started a Conan game, with an interesting twist to our characters. We're actually playing an family: I'm Uncle Truble Luganson, and fleeing the destruction of our home town I have the twins Lifa and Lofa and their brother Skeld. It was a group decision so that was pretty cool, and we avoided "we all meet in a tavern". Which honestly, I've not actually done in years. But hey, it's a trope. 

And hey, here's a watermelon salad (and my not even on Instagram or whatever everyone shares food pictures of!)

And finally, it's been sort of difficult getting back into my Traveller solo game. I'll try some more, but solo playing is just not the same. While I love creating characters, worlds, starships and all the fun Traveller mini-games, it is just not the same without people. I may have to try & get into an on-line game. I was invited before but the time was not great. Not sure it is any better now, but I do want to play some Traveller!