Sunday, January 05, 2025

Character Challenge 5: Space Gits

I'm going to be running a short 2-3 session game of Space Gits. While I really wanted to get a shared universe at the start, so far my approach to this has not worked. One of these years it will, though I am hoping that we'll get other game masters in this universe, and they will add their spin on things.

And yes, Swift is in this post as well! I like my challenge in a challenge. This is also a bit of world building, and I need to make notes in my Space Gits notes about what I've added here.

Space Gits was updated and greatly expanded the basic concept of the game. Gone is the initial Suicide Squad feel as they move into the greater universe. The setting now has other stars and more aliens. I personally feel it loses a good bit of its charm by doing this and becomes more sandbox environment. And yes, I do like sandboxes (hello Classic Traveller!) some games I think do better by remaining small. This setup would work equally well as a Traveller adventure, I think.

Anyway - I have a basic premise set up for the players:

Jupiter Mining Station Ormstom class XM-J-832 is run by the Frii Gas Consortium. Your mercenary team has been hired by EarthGuard (an Earth planetary NGO that tries to protect human culture according to their charter) to locate a Valchet gas probe that has been recovered by the miners. The Valchet want it back, the miners want it off the platform so they won’t get in the middle of anything. And rumors are the Scritch have infiltrated the platform and are also looking for it.

Your job, should you choose to accept it, will pay 100,000Cr. You are to go to station XM-J-832, retrieve the object, and return to Moon Base Epsilon to hand it over to EarthGuard for proper disposal.

  And I need the person who will present this offer, and perhaps go with the group to oversee things. Thinking of one of the earlier Alien movies with that guy from the corporation sort of vibe. And while my character will share the name and face of Carter Burke (and I had to look that up as it has been a long time since I saw that movie!) he has a different background.

In Space Gits, you start out with a 10 in each of your stats, but each species has a few things. Humans get +1 to Health and Intelligence, as well as +1 to Commerce, Drive and Knowledge skills.

Starting stats:

  • Strength STR 10 - measure of physical power for lifting, climbing, etc
  • Coordination COOR 10 - measure of agility and movement, stealth, etc
  • Health HTH 11 - measure of physical well-being for wounds, resistance, and healing rates
  • Intelligence INT 11 - measure of knowledge and reasoning
  • Will WILL 10 - measure of mental strength for courage, mental resistance and grit rolls
  • Personality PERS 10 - measure of your Gits demeaner and charisma
Interestingly, a few of the careers you cannot start out in as the prerequisites are often 11 or 12. However, military intelligence is open to humans. 

Coming from the wastelands of Earth, Carter Burke enlisted in military intelligence. 

Term 1 (18-22 year) Military Intelligence

Basic training increased his STR+1 to 11, and he picks up Investigation +1 and another Knowledge skill for Knowledge +2 and learns his Tradecraft +1 (the ability to read lips, follow people, and know when people are following you. Your classic spy skills. In watching people, Carter picks up a talent:  Aliens +1 (seems fitting and actually what I rolled!)

I also switched the stat from COOR to STR as I want him to be a scientist, so a bit of fudging. 

Term 2 (23-26) Scientist

Switching to the science background because Carter wants to help Earth recover, and after seeing that alien technology may be the key to speeding up that process he needs to know more. He improves his COOR to 11 and an honest roll for Technology+1. And due to a minor lab accident, he gets an upgrade: a cybernetic eye. He also learns First Aid+1, Reasearch+1.

Term 3 (27-30) Scientist

Persevering, Carter increases his WILL +1 and learns about Geology+1. He also specializes in Xenology now (available after a 2nd term in the same career) and gains another Reasrch+2i. He gains another upgrade, this time getting aqualungs. 

At this point the character is about the right age for matching Paul Reiser at the time (give or take, I am horrible at guessing ages. Though guess I could Google that...)

Carter Burke's research has been on the behalf of EarthGuard, a human organization to protect human culture and recover Earth's past glory. He is part of the Swift Technologies Group, the research arm of Earthguard. Upon hearing that the Valchet gas probe has been recovered at Jupiter and thinking that the technology it has may be used to help clean Earth's polluted atmosphere, Carter is the lead science officer and will accompany the mercenaries on their trip to safeguard the recovery of the probe. He carries no weapons but is borderline zealot when it comes to protecting Earth. He is also mildly xenophobic and will not be kind to aliens and thinks they are lesser creatures. 

And wish I knew where I found this so I could credit the artist!
Jupiter Mining Station Ormstom class XM-J-832

Also, cigar boxes make good magazine holders. I don't smoke but apparently you can get cigar boxes from cigar stores for free (at least my sister did and sent me a few). These are bamboo or balsa or some sort of light wood. I've a few more, just need to figure out what to do with them. But I do like storage options!

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