Tuesday, January 07, 2025

Character Challenge 7: TFT Kobold

Oddly enough, I cannot find gnolls or kobolds in any of the Fantasy Trip stuff I have. And to be honest, I actually don't have a lot of experience with the traditional D&D versions: I actually almost never played D&D until my reappearance at the gaming club after a long break from gaming, College was almost all Traveller, then there was this 15-year gap...

Anyway, my Fantasy Trip group is going to (eventually as our face-to-face gaming took the normal dive in December but not sure what is going on this year) meet up at Stubboon's Final Stand to see about those Orc Fist Gauntlets. I even have a battle map I can use with a tower:

Seeing as there are some choke points, and there are other groups chasing after this, and I've woven in parts of the corruption of magic from yet another supplement setting, I want to have a bit of a battle. And as for some reason I have a LOT of kobold and a few gnoll minis, I want to use them at the table. And in thinking through things, I may even be able to bring in some of the characters in this challenge into the scenario. 

Anyway: back to kobold and gnolls. Not having found anything in the material I have (unless it is in one of the TFT magazines and I've forgotten: maybe I should collect the article titles into a document somewhere). Kobold are similar enough to goblins I think we can start with the same base stats. Gnolls are a larger goblinoid kin, and thinking the base human stats would work as do the Orcs. Which I really sort of disagree with: Orcs should be bigger and meaner. But TFT is at its heart a combat game without a lot of nuances for species. Thinking a small group of Kobolds, who knew of the Kobold mage who created both the sword and gauntlets, are trying to recover these artifacts. And interestingly they will get to the tower not long after our heroes. 

I am also basing some of this on the Revenge of the Horde. Though written for 5e, I can use parts of it (but can tell by parts of it I really don't like 5e, but like Traveller in all its incarnations, there is always something you can use!). But seeing as dragons and kobolds can go together...

Xedris Gorechewer, Kobold Mage

Xedris Gorechewer is the great-great grandson of Snoggiz Beanstalker, the mage who created the Orc Fist Gauntlets and sword. The Kobolds had decided that it was time to retrieve the gauntlets decades before, but they got lost. After searching and following rumors, Xedris has found the gauntlets at the keep of Stubboon's Last Stand. He has established a small war party to retrieve the fabled artifact. Kobolds are not known for being cross-country travelers, so they have hired a band of Gnolls from the to help them in the world outside of their warrens. The party consists of half a dozen Kobolds and twice that many Gnolls from the Tazg Vask clan. They have been making their way south to the keep.

Being of the dragon Kobolds, Xedris has focused often on dragon-like spells. His favorite being breath fire of course. H carries a twisted locust wood staff taller than he is, capped with a small, blue dragon scale. A bit smaller than most kobold, Xedris does prefer to lead from the rear. His staff makes an effective cudgel against the other kobold who are afraid of him. The gnolls tolerate him, and Xedris knows better than to beat on them. He has a whiny voice and does speak Common badly. One of the gnolls speaks kobold and is Xedris' translator for the mercenary creatures. Xedris is convinced of his superiority over most kobold, and while not literate will horde anything with writing on it.
And asked an AI language generator for some language for Gnolls:

Basic Vocabulary








































Adding Vask for swift to keep up with my challenge in a challenge. 

Character Challenge

Day 1: Halfling Heartsinger

Day 2: Classic Traveller Noble

Day 3: Halfling Reeve

Day 4: Arcane Bard

Day 5: Space Gits Scientist

Day 6: Classic Traveller Army (died in chargen!)

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