Rolled 3d6 6 times, and strength was pretty good at 15. Decided I've not done an OSE fighter as I keep doing odd-ball classes lately. So back to the basics but decided a half-Orc would be good and bump the strength up even more. And it is nice to just have a tank in there: sometimes you just want to hit things. And Nag just wants to hit things.
Nag's human mother did not live long past his birth: his father had taken her in a raid along the border and the tribe was surprised that he kept her. The tribe, who roamed the Kalor Desert, was a small tribe that was getting smaller through the generations. Zilg, Nag's father, thought any new births were better than none. Nag was born a fighter, and his mother, already frail from carrying a baby a bit too large, died after seeing him for just a moment.
Nag grew up in the harsh desert, honing his fighting skills against the few peers he had. While they often made fun of him, it was rarely done more than once as Nag was a bit stronger than most and would fight until he had to be pulled off the other. One fight finally went on too long, and Nag killed his tormentor. The Swift Kill tribe (sounds a bit harsher in Orc: rqay xaugh) passed the ruling that he was to be banned from the tribe. Already an able fighter, he headed south, a lone half-Orc. He stumbled on Lurbek's and learned Common there, but decided to move on and has been a mercenary for hire ever since. Now part of the Black Gryphon mercenaries, he fights alongside a cadre of fighters. Though he sometimes gets hired out for smaller duties, such as the time he was a bodyguard for Lord Twigg when visiting the border.
Almoat as wide as he is tall, Nag is a quiet Orc when not in battle. Quick to raise his fist should anyone say anything to impugn his character, the mercenary group has learned to say little about his mixed heritage or ask about his past. He speaks rarely and has a strong accent - Common is a bit difficult with his tusks. He is oddly cavalier about his mother, never knowing her and blaming her for his status as a half-Orc.
Character Challenge
Day 2: Classic Traveller Noble
Day 6: Classic Traveller Army (died in chargen!)
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