Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Space Gits: Session 2 recap

 When we last left our small squad of mercenaries, they had just killed a face hugger. Scabb's favorite spanner has a melted tip, and it was eating through the docking tube's floor. And as the docking tube was open to space on either side, and they were not wearing vacc suits, they quickly left that space and called back to Burke and company that they may want to send over Quantum Sentinel to patch the floor. 

It took Fingers more than 30 minutes to access and hack into the security system to be able to print out all access passes for the group. There was some brief discussion about the images to put on the cards. Fingers updated his a bit.

While this was going on, the 2nd squad came in and, getting their own passes (though not sure we actually said this was happening but retconning if we did not) and went to the top-level command deck. Hopefully to find where that device they were sent here for was at. Meanwhile, Fingers had noticed a human life-sign on the 3rd habitation deck and so they decided to go there. 

At this point, the elevators seemed to be broken - they were not moving and seemed powered down. Knowing that the OSHA-compliant central shaft led all the way there and had ladders, they decided to go that way. However, they quickly ran into an issue: the ladders were those enclosed ones you find on various construction and limited access places. Mugwart the Venusian Toadman could not fit. The rest of the group climbs to the next level, and despite having agility, the convection shaft is humid, and he slips. He also missed his save but still managed to catch himself on the edge: apparently the central shaft past the catwalk is a 0-G area. Not sure how convection would work without gravity exactly, but it was a cinematic choice. They call to Quantum to bring along any climbing gear, and a few minutes later he arrives with equipment including a grav sled. 

Hooking ropes to the burley toad man, he still manages to slip despite having advantage. He swings out over the shaft and then realizes he can just sort of fly up. Which he does. They manage to get to the accommodations deck finally. Mugwart and Quantum take one side and Viktor the other when they see an older alien. Mugwart shoots 3 times in the battle hit just once. Though he does have a skill that gives him an extra d4 of damage. Quantum Sentinal also only managed to hit once. Viktor, with his belcher, did manage to hit the creature as it leapt to him to attack. Somehow, other than some acid splashes on the armor that Geran cleaned off, no one was hurt. 

They found Casimer who almost killed Mugwart with a mining laser. Then they heard fighting over the comms as the other squad encountered more aliens in the command deck. It did not seem as though the other squad of mercenaries was doing well (I had some horrific rolls behind the scenes). 

They were wavering about whether to go to the engineering deck where the device was at (as they found from Casimer). That's when Helene, the pilot, and Carter Burke said that the alien ship was approaching. For the technically minded - they are in Jupiter's upper atmosphere. There is a lot of radiation and electronic interference, and that ship only has the basic sensors that cannot penetrate too far. Somehow 2 survivors from the command deck had managed to get aboard the Mistios. No one asked though I have updated the discord channel to note that there are various life pods and shuttles all around the station - there are other options than the inside only approach. I did say in the game that there were 4 main docking ports though the map really does not show that (hindsight!).

Then the comms from their ship cut off, and that was where we left the game.

Pretty sure we have 1 more session left, maybe 2 depending on how much we talk vs play, and what they end up doing. At least one of the players has some additional info that may have been shared as I am not privy to all that if they DM each other. Which is a nice advantage to online play though it took me way too long to figure out how to get to the DM when a player sent me a message!

Now the nice part about this game is that if they survive and someone else wants to run it, I can play one of the surviving mercenaries. Maybe even Viktor as he was a big part of the evenings play.

And also got a bit more paint and shading and highlighting on this guy. Almost done. Not sure what I am going to do with him but guess he can go into my demon collection box. If he'll fit!

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