Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Space Gits: Session 3 Recap

Note: Not entirely sure I have the chronology all correct as I took no notes at all this time. But hopefully the gist of things is correct.

Having rescued Casimer Fontaine on the accommodation deck 3, the group has to decide what to do next. Fingers comes clean: he has a sensor that will lead them to the device in question and was actually hired by his contact the junkman Barloc Ros on Mars to retrieve the device. While I am pretty sure he did mention there is a trade for an alien craft for the power cell, there is that. 

They attempt to contact the Mistrios again. This time an alien voice is speaking in a language no one has heard before. They decide that the ship is probably not safe to return to though there was some talk about a rescue or possibly using the device as a bargaining chip, thinking the aliens where there for that. Spoiler: that was entirely incidental as there are two stories going on here. I'll have the meta-game view at the end.

As Quantum Sentinel still has the ropes, he and Mugwart "fly" down the zero-G shaft while the rest climb down the ladders. Standing outside the engineering space, Mugwart opens the door. And rolls initiative!

The alien attacks but sadly never actually connected except a couple times, but Mugwart's armor and power shield protected him. Viktor and Casimer both shoot & managed to miss at point blank range (not surprising in how I roll) and manage to set the filtering system on fire. The battle goes around with little movement other than another alien climbing down the shaft. It gave all the players chances to shoot. And as per our group, mostly missing. One player is pretty sure he never had a successful roll in the game, and I am fairly certain he did not. But he did help his brother which gives advantage, so he did help!

They eventually kill the two aliens, Quantum floating in the shaft shooting and missing as well. The other alien managed to get to the railing and tried to chew on Mugwart (he kept getting the random who is getting attacked roll). Getting through they managed to get the device, and then have to decide what to do again. The bad news was that the fire triggered an automatic lockdown to prevent it from spreading. The good news was that Fingers & Scabbs had a high-admin override. As Viktor found he could not exit the doors, but they could. 
a little fire
Knowing that below them there are only 1 and 2 man work pods, the head back to the docking deck. Knowing there is a 20 ton launch there. They were going to lock the docking clamps to the Mistrios, but the main terminal had no power. In this universe, docking clamps are mostly automatic but a station or ship that has them can override them to keep them locked. One of the emergent universe rules as I had not thought about it, and when asked, came up with this. 

They shuffle on after checking the shuttle, and launch. They can see the alien ship docked to their ship, and figure they cannot rescue anyone left behind. So, we asked another player to come up with a contact and a place: we now have a doctor who is currently on a mining station on one of the moons that is within reach of the launch.

Goodbye gas mining station

And we left at that point. Normally the game has an XP die set up based on stats: a lucky roller may bet a d12 and an unlucky one may get a d4. At a milestone (as this was) you roll that die for the number of XP points you get. You can then back them or apply them. As I've been told I'm stingy in that department, I just gave out 5 points they can use. If we continue to play, I will use that mechanic as I don't want to be too giving! 

I am hoping that another player picks up the game and runs it, and I can play one of the NPCs that they have with them: Quantum, Viktor, or Casimer. Though Viktor is the only one I did not roll up so has currently stat-free.

Meta-game plot if anyone is interested

Earthfirst was not sure what the device actually was, and they were going by rumor. They wanted it regardless as it was a higher technology than Earth has, and they want to improve not only Earth but also its technology. And kick aliens off of Earth. 

Ros had some schematics in the alien ship that was mysteriously left in his junk yard and knew this was worth a lot. He contacted his friend Fingers, gave him a sensor unit (which can be repurposed) and a trade: get teh power cell back and the ship is Finger's. It may need some work - leaving that open for future adventures: it may not even fly and need parts and stuff. And being an alien ship, good luck! But we have player characters with skill that apply so they may be able to fix things. Of course, it also depends on who runs the next session for that game.

The aliens were actually the children of the alien from the alien ship. They hatched a bit earlier than expected, and the protector dropped them off at the station to feed. His plan is to take them to another colony to continue to feed. They are higher-tech than Earth. and had basically done some EMP to the station systems. Carter Burke and the remaining mercenaries are probably dead, unless they made a deal with the alien, and then may have reason to go after our heroes for abandoning them at the station! Though to be fair, things seemed dire.

I also have a few alien ships we could use, and just today 0-Hr started another Kickstarter with yet another alien ship. I saw it as a sign and backed it. Despite saying I was going to stop...It could be that one or the traditional flying saucer...


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