Saturday, December 28, 2024

Orc Fist Gauntlets

Like a lot of my McGuffins, I really should give a bit more detail on the Orc Fist Gauntlets. Or I already have done so, and I've forgotten. And figure I should attempt to dual-stat for The Fantasy Trip and OSE. As most of my fantasy games run on the same world. Though the actual description works for both, but the effects will differ a bit due to the significant differences in how the game systems handle magic. And in trying to figure it out, the only real difference mechanically is Stone Flesh for TFT and +4 AC for OSE (4 protection is the same as half-plate in TFT, so figuring a bit of that for the OSE AC plate armor).

And thinking ahead, should the group get them, we have actually no human player characters: Elf, Halfling, half Orc/Half Elf, Lizardman and Goblin. Of those, I think we've already said the Lizardman has only 3 fingers and a thumb so probably cannot wear these. And he is the fighter. The Elf and half Orc I think can wear them, but I would think the Goblin and Halfling may have issues with the gauntlets being too large. So, to head off potential arguments, for those characters they will get most of the benefits but due to the size mismatch, still cannot wield weapons requiring more strength as the gauntlets are very clumsy when they wear them and prone to slipping. Modifying them to fit may work but also carries the risk of disabling the spells. 

Orc Fist Gauntlets

More than two hundred years ago, before the Terror Lands became the Terror Lands, roving Orc bands started gathering together to fight humans in a contest to control the lands. Orc Leader Vrhug amassed a veritable army or Orcs at the base of Wizards Mount, ready to cross the lands to strike at Edge City and the human kingdoms. Queen Dithea commissioned a Gnoll Shaman to enchant weapons. Of these weapons, the Orc Fist Gauntlets were specifically created to go against Vhrug and his Orc's Fist Sword. And the battles were fought and eventually pushed back the Orc invasion. The gauntlets and sword got lost over the ensuing centuries. While the sword has recently shown up near Windmere Crossing, the gauntlets were lost until recent rumors put them in the outpost of Stubboon's Final Stand.

A pair of well-made gauntlets of black hardened leather and red detailing, the gauntlets give the wearer strength to wield the Orc's Fist sword, itself an enchanted sword for Orcs that non-Orcs cannot easily wield. It also gives protection to the wearer and will glow with a runic red light when Orcs are within 100 yards. Unkown to Queen Dithea, the gauntlets have a similar affect as the sword: its magic does not work against Gnolls and in fact, acts as a strength reduction and makes the wearer easier to hit when fighting Gnolls. 
Orc Fist Gauntlets

The Fantasy Trip Version

These give the user a +2 strength when wearing them, as well as stone flesh giving +4 protection that does stack with armor and other spells. There is also a detect orcs spell that works for 100 yards. This will allow the user to wield melee weapons without penalty above their normal strength limits. However, when attacking Gnolls, it actually gives a -2 to strength and the wearer must roll 4 dice per attack against their dexterity. It does allow the user to wield the Orc's Fist sword without penalty that non-Orcs have.

OSE Version

Wearing these gives the user +2 strength with all its benefits, as well as +4 to their AC. As above, these benefits are reversed when fighting Gnolls. Wearing these gloves allows a non-Orc to wield the Orc's Fist Sword.

Orcs Fist Sword

Orc's Fist Sword

January Character Challenge

I am not sure I am up to the character challenge this year. I've created a lot of characters over the years and few have been used. And while it is fun to create characters, so far I am horrible at acting as NPCs and even forget they are in the game all too often. 

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Late December Musings

That time of year again. 

After working with .NET Core more, which runs on Macs and PCs (and Linux too), I've been thinking of yet again working on a Traveller trade program that works on any platform. But that means it would be a web application, and I do not do well with making pretty views. But the theory would be that users would just download the code, and they could simply type `dotnet run` and go to site on their machine. Basically localhost:1234. But I also recognize that few people would want to do that, so another option is to figure out how to host it. And phase 1 would not even need data persistence: enter in the world's UWP and then I could generate the cargo lots for all the populations or one they specify. Anyway, thoughts on doing this again after so many attempts in the last 25 or so years! Probably because I have fun coding in .NET which is a good thing.

And I started turning into a jackass again at work. Part of that is the frustrations of dealing with a non-technical company. All my previous jobs have been in tech companies and this one actually makes stuff! But it all runs through IT now. Anyway, I started pulling the "I've been doing this a long time" thing and realized I was doing something I did more than 25, 30 years ago. Yes, I've been doing this a long time, but everything is different at every place, and even the technology changes. I've apologized to the junior dev. 

But I also feel I've done something similar with one of my gaming buddies. We were going to see about another shared universe for Space Gits and he put out a really nice idea and some concepts. I just had an issue with 1 part of the description where a sub-light sleeper ship finds a pair of worlds in another galaxy. Yes, that is possible, but he had a time frame of 400 years which, as the nearest galaxy is about 25K lightyears away, a sub-light vessel cannot get there in less than 25K years. He ended up removing the post and I feel he feels slighted or something. And me being an idiot with bad foot in mouth disease does not help. I did come up with some possible ways: wormholes, aliens doing something to speed things up, strange stellar currents that somehow manage to get things moving a lot faster than lightspeed. So, there were ways to do it as he posted, but I fear the way I indicated that it was impossible came across badly. 

Space Gits is also, in some ways, a variation on Traveller I feel. The life paths/previous history mechanisms are the same, though the rest of the mechanics are decidedly not Traveller. But as per the blurb in the intro, I feel it is taking aim at those of us who do like to calculate the fuel, plot the jump points, and deal with the crunch of Traveller:

Space Gits is a simple but fun science-fiction RPG for those that do not want to calculate space travel or worry too much about the minor things but just want to shoot aliens, discover new worlds and engage in space combat.

But this will let me use all those 0-Hr deck plans and ships as I am adding jump gates to this universe. But I am also adding DY-100 sleeper ships, because I do want to open that up in case he does want to run his concept (which I am hoping he does as all his games a fun to play in).

from here, which has a LOT of cool Star Trek deck plans and stuff!

And playing with a different kind of space map, as much as I love Traveller maps:

made with Hex Kit

And for those who celebrate - Merry Christmas!

AI image

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Fantasy Trip Game Recap #7

There have been only about 6 or 7 sessions in this game we started last February. The length of time between sessions does make it difficult to keep track of things.

In our last session, our valiant heroes got rejoined with Axz (and still guessing at the name!). Apparently, Clyde and Susan, our hapless late teens who are all sorts of messed up from the cult, are now blissfully married under the auspicious of Bresselwyth's de facto leader, Ceteern Gur. A quick recap of the battle, the harpies saying they will quit taking the sheep if the corrupted magic can be taken away. Finding their horses and moving along. I still have 2 NPCs with them, the silent Sister Ishbarrah and Maria, the Lappin. The dwarf with the huge ram is not with them as the ram is getting some medical attention. 

Towards the end of the day, they see more light than there should be in the forest. Getting to the edge, they see that the forest in front of them has been decimated. Completely logged and barren. Hearing a voice crying for help, the find what seems to be someone half-stuck in a tree.

not completely done painting but good enough and I needed to figure out how to use this mini
Having no idea how to handle the dryad, which Deimos had a bit of knowledge of, they are trying to see what to do when the half-Orc, half-Elf notices something moving out of the ground in the cutting fields. And lo, there were two misshapen creatures, having dug themselves out of the ground, are now stumbling towards our group. A fight of course occurs, with the group trying to keep the dryad safe as they attempt to draw off the creatures. Between makeshift Molotov cocktails, excellent arrow-work, a vine illusion trapping one, and some fancy whip-work and pointy weapons, the creatures are defeated.
more minis that oddly actually fit the description from where this part of the adventure is coming from
While this was happening, a druid showed up and with a healing potion, managed to free the dryad from her now corrupted tree. Our group comes back, and we get a bit more of an info dump: the Cutting Fields are the result of over-logging as New Beryl is trying to rebuild in the midst of these corrupted lands. The creatures are parts from soldiers who have fought and died on these fields over the years, the bad magic making them rise again in odd combinations. He is heading the same way, so Dovak the druid joins the group (meaning now there are 3 NPCs I keep forgetting about in play!) Deimos and Dovak spend a lot of time talking, as Deimos may be learning one of his spells as they travel. 

They stay in Grant the first night, with Dawn singing for her keep. Most of the others sleep in the stables, and their horses are being well-cared for. George, the proprietor of the Red Rover Inn, had a full house thanks for her singing. Nothing much else happened and the group had a good night's sleep.

And pretty sure this is where we left off. I think I'll summarize the next few days as they have two very competent woodsmen with them. There may be some encounters but nothing major. The next session will open at the sight of the ruins of Stubboon's Last Stand. I've a few ideas there for that, as well as several maps I can actually lay on the table, though they are squares and not hexes. Or I could bring out the Dungeons and Lasers stuff as I have enough. But I need to design the castle and encounters in the next week or two.

I've moved the Yol'najj Forest here, so I am using that setting supplement for parts of this. The creatures have a table you can roll up for the number of arms and weapons which is interesting. But the image matches one of the minis pretty closely! I need to apply the points from helping the dryad and killing those things, as what the adventurers do can affect the magical corruption. 

Previous recaps here (and think I missed one)

S1: Sewers, found crypt, rescued Keg
S2: return for the crypt, find Ax (goblin rat catcher), Hexis has sword
S3: shopping, get medicinal weeds for sick child thieves, stay at Olmsted farm
S4: back to Edge City, twin Elf children of possible royal descent. mission to head north for Orc Fist Gauntlets, fight a sect
S5: escort Clybe to Bresselwyth, fight demon, meet Marian Harefolk, stay in goat town
S5: heading north, meet harpies, fight wolves, find strange green crystals in the wolves

Saturday, November 30, 2024

New Games

We had our first session of the homebrew game last weekend, and it went well. Of course, I've enjoyed every game this GM puts out. Playing a bruiser as for me, playing a fighter when learning a new system is the easiest approach: you hit things.

Look at me - trying to base things! 

Levi Doe, my character, is not human but I think, based on the game notes, that eventually he will become human as he manages to destroy Chaos. Issue is that his method of destroying chaos is incinerating people who have chaos in them, generally bad guys. And as he is what is basically a fire elemental, there are no issues as he is always hungry to consume more and more. And in the first game, he did indeed consume a lot, killing a lot of soldiers and in the end, along with the other characters, also killed off another demon. Of course, he was a bit overpowered, so his companions also took damage (similar to a berserker not getting out of the berserker state and just hitting anything in sight). And so, we leveled up a bit at the end of the game, and with that I assume got a bit of human soul as well.

But if that is the case, and here is where things get interesting to me at least, Levi may start to have some remorse about the lives he takes, even if they are bad people. And so far, I've been playing him as just wanting to go back to the flaming planes he is from (an as yet undefined fiery plane of existence: whether Hell or Hades, or more the traditional fantasy trope of other planes we've not really talked about. I am going with Hades-adjacent at least as one of the other players is playing a Cerberus type of dog, and Levi has become attached to the good doggy as he can actually pet him. Along with the Kitsune who helped him a bit as well and sometimes rides on his shoulder when he is in fire mode). 

This becomes a more nuanced and character-driven arc if I follow through on that. I do tend to pick characters who end up a bit morose sometimes, though for reasons. The superhero game we played a while back, with the same GM, had a character, Verner Barrick, that had no memory to start with. As the game progressed, he and I developed his backstory along with the game, and it turned out he was really, really old and hiding from himself to prevent opening a gate to Earth that would destroy civilization basically. I've a feeling Levi, who also does not remember much other than flames and wanting to go home without even knowing where home is, may undergo a similar self-realization as he becomes more human. And curious if he will throw off that humanity if he could go back home or embrace something different than what he was. 

At any rate, this is one our face-to-face games, which as we alternate weeks, means it will probably be January before we get to session 2 since December tends to throw a lot of monkey wenches into getting together. Next weekend they are at my house, and we'll continue the Fantasy Trip game. I'll have to post a recap as it has been more than a month since we managed to play (though I do recap the games here, but I need a recap of the recaps as I think they have forgotten the original intent of their current quest). I did dig out my holiday pans so will have to make something holiday themed. I do like to bake for them.

And finally, this was my wife's and my first Thanksgiving I think we've been by ourselves since we've been together. Since we've met more than 30 years ago, we've usually eaten at her mother's house. But her mother was with another of her children, and our son moved to Minnesota, so there was just us. Empty nest syndrome hit us both hard! And I fear Christmas may be similar as I don't think the child will make it home for Christmas. But that is the point of parents: getting their children able to live in the real world. I just don't like it! Though I do like that we have more there is a bright side to everything!

Thursday, November 21, 2024

Cowboys and Dinos: Session 9 and Finale

We left session 8 or so at the cliffhanger of meeting up with a giant millipede. Or centipede - I did not count the number of legs per segment. The Gatling gun had been overturned and Sargeant Thomas was trying to shoot from his dying horse, who had been mortally wounded from the beast before our group got there.

The fight lasted a few rounds with most of the damage getting ignored: the creature had a high defensive value from almost 6" of chitin armor. Few shots made it, even though most of the characters had a rate of fire of at least 3. Even the soldiers had a high miss rate, and rarely did damage. 

Molly was flying overhead to keep an eye on things. Her attempt to drop a blanket over the creature's head, while a good idea, did not work out despite using a grit point to re-roll. Of course, Lee was attacking at point blank range, and then at one point leaps on the monster, jamming his short sword in-between some armor plates. He actually managed to do more damage than the guns. Hambone gets Puddin' to club the beast with her tail and even that did not do a lot of damage due to a bad damage roll. Fortunately, as a dino-rider, when the monster turned to attack, they managed to avoid the hit as there are some good advantages to fighting on your dino if you are a dino-rider class. Molly managed to drop a rope and help get the Army Sargeant back to his group as they were trying to right the gatling gun. Archibald, after few shots and not doing a lot of damage, and hearing that the soldiers had the gun righted and wanted to shoot but Hambone and Lee were in the way. Hambone wanted to shove a lit stick of dynamite into the beast's orifice, but despite 2 rolls kept having horrible rolls. Memories of the T-Rex going splat were not revisited with the monster. Finally the creature, realizing it is heavily damaged, takes off back into the Badlands, Lee still riding it like a bucking bronco. Archibald lifts Lee off before he gets too far, but Lee cannot maintain his grip on the sword as the monster runs off. Molly had made a graceful landing into the back of the runaway wagon and in a couple turns managed to get them under control and heading back to the group. Meanwhile, Mannix, who only has a pistol and you don't bring a pistol to a monster fight, caught back up with Molly and took over the wagon.

The group stays at For Talon overnight, then heads out. Just as in the fight, I keep forgetting my NPC and Mannix was not with them. They had a map to the location of the machine that dug the hole as the Army, while not inspecting it, did find it and part of their job is to track things in the Badlands. 

Drilling Machine, which is what Archibald was looking for

Fort Talon (actually a real fort in MN)
They only find a large hole sloping into the ground where the machine was. Large enough to allow their dinos to go with them, they have to decide what to do. Seeing the purple ichor from the millipede, Hambone tosses a couple sticks of dynamite down the tunnel. Nothing comes out or makes noise, and noticing that after the dust settles, there is warm, moist air blowing out of the hole.

They trek down, and 4 or more hours later they see a light at the end of the tunnel. Getting to the opening, they see a vast jungle in front of them. Off in the distance, amidst a thinning fog. an island seems to be floating down from above and landing in the middle of the jungle. Below them, the large cylindrical tunnel machine was sitting at the edge of the jungle, down the slope. 

And thus we finished this arc of the story. Which is in the same place and time now as where we finished off the vigilante game that I was playing in before this. We are in the Hollow Earth, and there are a lot of potential things that can happen. I may even bring back Jungle Girl - there was an entrance in our first Apex game but no one went there even though it was on the map. They were busy being chased by Nazis so really did not have the time to look. And the 2nd game of Apex, the first round of Cowboys & Dinos, I made the door too small for the dinos. Thinking it would be hard to play with them but not realizing that they were why we were playing that game to begin with!

This is also part of my "all my game worlds are connected" thing. Even though I was not running the vigilante game, I had a character in there. What is in the Hollow Earth? Anything and everything. As I had just finished reading Journey to the Center of the Earth for a pulpy feel for a game, I decided to stick it in there. There are empires there, maybe even SF ones and I can use some of my 0-Hr deck plans. Anyway, it is wide open for the other game masters in my group as well if they want to play there.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Cowboys & Dinos: Session 7 & 8: At the Farm

I have a few miscounts in the session counts in the posts! But we finally got back to a real session, and probably next to last depending on how the next session goes. I did leave this game at a cliff-hanger (well, to be honest I thought we'd get there before we did, so now it is a cliff-hanger).

A missed recap I present here from the post I put into the Discord channel where we played:

the sheriff and you all head to Hambone's farm, Vogol I believe was left behind. Seeing smoke from up the hill on the far side (eastern side of the land as New Dawn is about 2+ miles to the west of the 40 acre farm). You split up a bit, leaving the dinos at the edge of the property. Molly, not known for her stealth (again she had 2 horrible rolls, just like the last time she was sneaking about!) manages to break a few loud branchs and then there are gunshots from the small lean-to with the fire in front. Mason (yes, it is the villain) shoots and misses as Lee starts to move closer. the sheriff, Hambone and Archibald are a bit behind Lee, and Archibald swallows an iron-hide potion. They keep getting closer and Molly has moved around the other side, shooting her gun to hopefully distract the outlaw. Hambone finally makes a shot that hits and Lee barely gets missed a couple more times before the final rush and gets a critical blow to knock Mason out. They drag him out, and the sheriff Holt, Molly and Lee head back to town while (I think) Hambone & Archibald survey his property. there are a plethora of apple trees that will need some maintenance if he wants to make an orchard, and the artesion well has some of the best water they have ever drank - cold and clear. And pretty sure that is where we left the game.
In the next session (several weeks later due the hurricanes and things), we started where we left off. Archibald and Hambone settle down for the night, a toasty fire outside of Archibald's pop-up house. They hear what sounds like a tree crashing, then another. Rushing out, guns in hand, they find that Puddin' and Archimedes both had eaten far too many fermented apples. As it is late fall, the apples have fallen, and they can ferment I believe. And both players rolled a 1 on the action die, and I decided that both their dinos are now falling down drunk. And took out a few of the trees as an ankylosaurus and a triceratops are pretty big dinos. And we found that dinos do snore and do sleep lying down. 

Back in town, Morgan, Edna's son, met Sheriff Holt, Molly and Lee carrying in Mason Fuentes. He was clamoring about Bobby & Mary seeing a living scarecrow on the outside of town. While the sheriff took note, and Lee was all about going to find this living scarecrow, Holt decided that the tales of children ranked lower than him getting his dinner. There will also be a delay for the $500 reward of at least 2-3 weeks as the sheriff does not have that much cash on hand. He will send a message down to Aurora to get the reward money from the state. Or territory, whatever this place happens to be at this time. 

Over at Edna's, our group sees Mannix and a military man eating and talking. Morgan, when getting their food, says that is Sergeant Thomas, the Army man who gave him that big black claw. Molly & Lee see the sergeant rise, shake hands, and Thomas says he will see Mannix at 7am sharp over at Colt's barn. Apparently, a squad came to town to visit the blacksmith to see about some repairs on a gatling gun they use at the fort. Mannix takes his hat, and with a tip of the top hat to Molly, leaves the restaurant. 

Lee, deciding with Molly's firm help, goes to knock on Mannix' door after they finish their dinner. The dapper gentleman from the south welcomes them in, and they try again for a seance. My first roll was a total failure for Mannix, as the spirits were not willing. Mannix, noticing Molly's expression, tried again and could read her mind that she that he was a flim-flam man. "Ahh, " said Mannix, "there are doubters out here interfering with the spirits. Perhaps we can try again." Next roll I also failed, and then right before they decide to give up, I have a really good roll and get Mannix to describe Lee's wife and 3 children. He then said that they were in a good place and going on a voyage to the next life, and that they did not blame Lee for their deaths. I had 1 last good roll, and Mannix managed to tell Lee in his head that there was nothing to forgive, and they were happy. And yes, Mannix is a flim-flam man, but one with of heart of gold. His full write-up is here if you want to read about him. And yes - there was something ethereal calling him from the badlands, just as the tunnel machine called to Archimedes. 

Next day, Molly & Lee head back to Hambone's while our erstwhile campers managed to get their hung-over dinos loaded and ready to go. They met about half-way, perhaps a mile outside of town. Hambone noticed a glint in the woods, and they head off to investigate. After a bit of hunting and searchingm they find that the preacher from Harmony had managed to find them. He had been tracking them, a gaunt scarecrow of a man with a cross burned on his chest. Clutching a singed bible and burnt cross, he curses at the "heathens" and then gets headbutted by Lee's pachysaurus. Which knocked him out and almost killed him. Which Lee then did a few minutes later after some discussion. Then further chopped him up to make it easier for the scavengers to eat. Lee is a pretty violent law man. 

While deciding what to do next, this almost was a place to stop the game: Hambone was ready to settle down, Lee was willing to help and be a part-time deputy, and Molly has a business back in Aurora. But I did a little railroading and "Archibald pulled out his newspaper clipping" but then the players took it from there. They decided to help him find this machine (and no Hambone, it is not a tipped over silo) and head back to town.

They tell the sheriff what they did so there would be no surprises. While Sheriff Holt was not happy about the frontier justice, and will not countenance that in the future, he understood why they did it. Getting some more dynamite (you never know when you may need to blow up a T-Rex) they head out towards the fort. 

A few hours later, flying ahead Molly hears several rounds of gunshots - the gatling gun was being fired. She circles back to the group with a red bandana, and ready for anything, the group moves forward to find the wagon with the soldiers and Mannix being attacked by what appears to be a giant millipede! And that is where we left the game.


Saturday, November 09, 2024

Levi, Fire Elemental

 My face to face every-other-Saturday gam is going to start a new game when at the other house (we alternate houses and when here we are running a Fantasy Trip game). It is a home brewed game that takes place in Solomia, 1990s. The basic premise:

You are all created beings, coming to an awakened state by events around the world. Summoned, awakened or even constructed by a cult called the Sons of Prometheus, you are all believed to be a tool to achieve peace in the world and Somalia is anything but that. You will awake and you will realize what you are but not know where you came from and why you are here. Your Awakening is a violent, chaotic process and you realize quickly that you have come into being earlier than you should have. Death and blood surround you and yet there is a serenity that builds as you find yourself in a darkened place, cold stone around you and odd looking folk removing you from a stone casket or other form of tomb. You have questions to answer...

This GM really likes to start player characters without a lot of knowledge as to who they are sometimes. I've had some memorable characters that evolved over the game play (and some that just never succeeded many rolls, but they were also memorable!) We were going to start today but alas, the GM was unwell. The last few weeks have been chaotic for getting together, and with the looming holiday season, it won't get a whole lot better any time soon!

My concept for this game, pending GM approval (as in re-reading that above, my stone casket is miles away and was melted in my chaotic birth). I am aiming for the 70s Incredible Hulk vibe in some ways, as you wouldn't like Levi when he gets angry. But Levi is also afraid of that side of himself though as time goes on, hoping he will figure out that he is the Elemental. Not doing the Avengers "I am always angry" schtick. Which was fun, but I am a child of the 70s (technically the 60s. Yes, I am old! Though no longer the oldest in my Monday night game group! Happy birthday Jim!)

Levi Doe

Summoned from the burning planes that some call Hell, Levi came as a burning flame that destroyed the Sons of Prometheus cult in the border town of Doolow. He was pulled to existence to destroy their enemies but instead destroyed that cell. After the raging fires of his birth destroyed the entire neighborhood, Levi staggered out, a dazed and naked man. Thinking he was a survivor of the terrible flames, he was taken to the hospital. Not knowing who he was, or where he came from, the staff named him Levi Doe. In a daze in the middle of the night, amnesiac and gaunt, he wandered out of the hospital. The ensuing weeks were more a blur than anything else and Levi eventually found himself on the coast, in the capital of Mogadishu, dressed in ragged jeans and a frayed vest. With vague dreams or nightmares of burning soldiers in the desert haunting his waking hours.

Keyword: Unleash: add 2 dice to the pool when activating your power
Form: 4 / 1
Psyche: 3 / 1
Will Power 2 / 1

When human, he is a normal human. But when he gets upset enough, his elemental form comes out. While his elemental form remembers all his other memories as a human. But none from the time before he was unleashed and even those early memories are smokey and it was not until he got to Mogadishu that his Elemental memories were finally coherent. When he reverts back to normal, he only has vague memories of what happened. But the memories are starting to come together, and he recognizes the beast within as who is though he has no idea how he came to be. Other than a small tattoo on the back of his left hand of flames.
not sure what the human form will be

and while I do not have fire-themed dice, I do have some oversized gelatinous cube dice that could be from Levi's home plane of existence!

Saturday, November 02, 2024

Traveler 5.10: Book 2 Starships Part 4

 Book 2 Part 1Part 2, Part 3

Book 1 is reviewed here: Part 1Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10

A month without internet   

It took over 4 weeks before my internet was restored. And made me realize just how much I depend on so much out of my control. And also, just how lucky I am as that was my only issue a month past the hurricane Helene. I did work from my mother-in-law's house, and she appreciated having someone in the house with her. But it is nice to be back in my own little space I've been in for more than 20 years!

Starship Construction

The next chapter covers all the parts from the checklist. And unlike classic book 2, there are a lot more steps. 27 to be exact! Well, technically 26 as the 1st step is the checklist itself.

Step 2: Starship Missions

Similar to the old one and two letter codes, the mission is determined first. And may even rarely have a 3-letter code. They left the classic codes in for the most part from what I can see, so that old classic ships should share the same codes: C for cruiser, S for courier or messenger. There is a broader, more thoughtful organization for the codes: Service => Activity => Type => Qualifier => Mission => Modifier. Services are Naval, Commerce, Government/NGO/Private and Unclassified. Activity may further break that down for some services, and the type breaks it down even more. Very much a classification system. For example, we can have a Naval Service with Combat Activity of a Defensive type. The Qualifier and Mission seem to be a single line for the letter code, so that a Qualifier of Minor can only have an Escort as the mission (code E), a principal can only be a monitor (type N). Step 2 is the table.

Step 3: Starship Missions

Step 3 is the refinement and a more textual description of the missions. It also includes descriptions of modifiers, such as Intruder probes enemy territory, Patrol operates within a defined region but without scheduled routes. For Spinward Flow over on COTI, there is a Modular indicating it uses modules. He has some mostly house rules that I don't always agree with, but it is his universe to play in.

Step 4: Hull and Costs

Like classic book 2, we have a table that has a size in tons down one side, and configuration codes across the top. This allows us the basic price for the hull based on how it is configured. It also gives the number of squares the deck plan will have, which is really not needed as you simply have to multiply the tonnage displacement by 2. But these books really love their tables! 

We also have pods and barges now available, so we can add external modules to our ships. They are "detachable ship components". Based on rules versus house rules. Though in the end, probably the same thing. 

Step 5: Configurations

We have a few more configurations than before but not anything really new. We have more details on how each configuration is affected by atmosphere, whether they can land or now, maximum acceleration and stability.
T5 Starship Configurations

Step 6: Starship Hull Fittings

Now that we know what the ship is going to be used for, and just how big it is, time for some details. What is the hull made of - plate, shell, polymer, nickel-iron asteroid, organic or charged? And what kind of fittings: floatation hull, fins, wings, lifters, etc. Some are only compatible with certain configurations. And we have a few types of landing gear: skids, legs with pads, wheels. A bunch of little details to make your starship architect happy.

Step 7: Starship Jump Fields

Previous versions of Traveller started expanding just how the jump field works. Traveller 5 consolidates and adds to that. I always thought it as a jump bubble based on a lot of the early adventures and notes, then JTAS has that classic Marc Miller article for just how jump works, and I think that is where we suddenly had choices. The jump bubble is the standard application and produces the jump flash (which does not exist in MTU!). But we also have a jump grid, with wires and conduits. This produces a more refined jump so that you can jump closer to a gravity source. Countering this it reduces the armor value and creates a larger jump flash. I would have made it a smaller jump flash myself as it more closely confirms to the ship itself. But if damaged, you need to use jump pates to temporarily patch the holes. Which are also a valid jump mechanism and apparently how we figured it all out: "The original system for creating a jump field consisted of Bolt-On Jump Plates (one plate per 1 tons of hull)". So we gain a bit of a history lesson as well!

And we have formulas for safe jump distance, which now also take into account your engineer's skill:
D = S/E -K
  • D = diameters from gravity source
  • S = Jump Field Strength (see chart 07F)
  • E = Drive Efficiency (see chart 10X)
  • K = Engineer Skill and Jump Drive Knowledge
There is also another formula to avoid initiation interference. Very similar the formula above, and if you roll < 1 no interference. If you feel lucky, you can roll flux but if you roll it you have to use it. 

The charts reference the section and table, so 07F is actually just above the formula, and 10X is in section 10. Though page numbers would be nice, this does allow for revisions without have to adjust page numbers. Though I would think professional layout software would handle all that for you. Jump Field Strength is 100 for bubble, 80 for grid and 140 for plates. And looking at table 10X we have percentages, which the text converts 100% to 1, so that a standard jump drive safe jump, with an engineer with a Engineer Kill of 3 and Jump Drive knowledge is 100 / 1 - 4, or 96 diameters out. Not that 4 diameters out will take much more time to get there, but it does give a bit of additional player impact to the universe. Each ship would have the base calculation, but then you can adjust it based on your engineers, which I think is a nice thing. 

To Be Continued...

Yes, only covered less than a third of this process. And one of these days I will have to see about creating a ship in T5. May redo my old college 200-ton scout ship which was basically the classic type S but scaled up so that you could have 3 decks. The top back deck was a small library with a view port. Even then I really liked libraries. Still was almost a librarian!

1 Month Later

This is the first time I've been in a natural disaster. It was an experience that really impacted me in a few ways. I was really, really lucky, and as I say, my whole life I've been pretty lucky. But it was an odd experience to flush the toilets with buckets of water, cook on my back deck on a camping grill, and go to sleep when it got dark (okay, that last one is actually pretty normal for me! But to be fair I also get up a bit after 4am so that I can get to the gym before work!) It will be years before this area recovers - the road to the old gym (I am now a member of 2 gyms for reasons) goes by the river and there are houses and trucks still piled up against the few remaining telephone poles. It is very post-apocalyptic in how it feels. We drove through Erwin, TN and the river there has carved a whole new cliff face, and dozens of houses that used to be beside the river are entirely gone. 

So, just like my experience as a technical support person for a year gave me a lot more respect for those who answer the phone when you have a problem, I think I'll have a much better appreciation of what survivors go through.

And less than 2 months until Christmas! Wow! 

Tuesday, October 08, 2024

Storms and Random Weather

In one of the last sessions, our players managed to get safely past a flash flood I had on the random events. Living in WNC, I've seen the real devastation flooding can cause. I had to listen to the winds blow, huge trees cracking then snapping and falling to the ground, taking out anything under them. If this event in the game happens again I may have to to better at picturing the sheer chaos, noise and horror this actually is. I am very lucky - no trees fell on my house, and everyone I knew I thought was safe. It took over a week before I had power, and as I have a well, used buckets for flushing. I still have no internet, and I am working at my mother-in-law's house where she has it all working. I'll probably go into the office Friday.

The day the hurricane blew through after I heard a chainsaw - someone was going down the street and clearing at least one lane to allow traffic through. There were trees and lines all over the road. I helped out, and more people showed up with chain saws. Some neighbors even had tractors and helped haul off trees, and even stood in the bucket of a front loader, to cut down trees higher up. It was really nice to see people helping one another. And that has been mostly what has been happening: people helping each other. Except for the idiots in the gas line who shot someone. So disasters also bring out the worse in some people. But overall, there is more good than bad that happens when these disasters occur. 

I've been in an odd, existential state of mind because of all this. Sadly, I am a person of deep habits, and being unable to live on my routines really throws me off. I did read several books, and with a camp stove I had hot meals and my coffee. My wife even had a camp shower so I could at least rinse off. So I was not living in the wilds. Though I was getting concerned as I was running low on cat food, and sometimes those cats would be looking at me... 

And an old friend I've not seen in a long time got in contact with me: friends we played volleyball with back in the day were killed when their house collapsed on them. I've not talked with them in probably close to 20 years, but still it is sad to hear and know. And sadly, in Traveller terms, more people I know are struggling with their aging rolls, including me. There was a posting that a long-time Traveller fan, Shawn Driscoll has passed as well. Which is why the gym is so important to me - need to hopefully at least keep those physical stats up! Guess writing new software helps with the INT score.

Sorry that this is a bit of a bummer of a post. Sometimes the real world comes calling. Which is one of the reasons I play RPGs, to get out and explore the cosmos, or the fantasy worlds we play in. But we do live in the real world. And while I try to stay optimistic, there are some people who just play these disasters for personal power and gain. Fortunately, most people try to help others.

Hopefully a better blog post next time. I'll probably continue with the Traveller 5.10 overview as I would actually like to complete that. And I may go over some of the .NET stuff I'd like to do for Traveller that would allow people to do things on their computer. Actually - the code I wrote for the UWP explainer is here on GitHub. You can always download it and run it. At least on a PC - I may do yet another version and make it a web application so that it could then be run on a Mac as well. Let me know if I need to post directions. The goal of that project was to see if I could get it to run on a PC & Android. And while I tried I never figured out how to get it signed for the Android app store, and Google recently dropped my dev license as I had not done anything with it.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Cowboys & Dinos II: Session 5 - New Dawn Was Once New Harmony

I am bad with names. Even the names I make up...The 40 acres the character owns thanks to his wife is just outside of New Dawn. Unfortunately, the plat and half the time I talk about it I call it New Harmony. And the characters just left Harmony, which was run by a religious zealot. 

So...originally the township was New Harmony. But Harmony got such a bad rap, the town council decided they wanted nothing to do with that name. In 1862 (one year after the plat was drawn up) the town was officially renamed New Dawn. Retcons can be your friend!

New Dawn

Our characters roll into town at dusk, having only encountered a rattlesnake that Pachy smooshed underfoot. Some of my encounters are geared to people walking along - dinosaurs present an entirely different encounter. At least horses may have reared up for a snake. I just don't think a critter weighing more than a ton is going to worry about something that small.

New Dawn seems a lot friendlier than Harmony: two boys are rolling a hoop down the street; the smell of bison steaks is wafting through the air. Lee, wanting to get in touch with the sheriff but a note on the door indicates he is at Edna's. The group walks to the good-smelling restaurant and see the Edna's sign above the doors. A boy runs out as the group, including 4 dinosaurs, approaches the single-story building. 

"Hi! We ain't got space for all your critters here. You can take them to Colt's - he's got the space down there," and points a bit to the edge of town where a large barn can be seen. "Don't think he's got a perch for yours, Ma'am. And I'm Morgan," he finishes up before rushing back into the restaurant. 

The group goes to Colt's barn, finds an older man there and says he's got the space for 4 bits a night, plus food costs. Two girls peer around from behind him. As the group takes the harnesses and equipment off their dinos, Colt indicates a smaller barn off to the side. "Got space for yer stuff if you want to lock it up," he says. They don't, so just pile the equipment in the barn. Volgol has a fairly large corral, and Colt has some raw bison for the pterodactyl. 

They head back to Edna's, and Morgan meets them at the door to take them to a table. Spying what looks to be the sheriff, Lee goes on over, interrupting the lam man's medium rare bison steak. Looking up, after a bit of conversation, Lee will meet up with the sheriff later that evening. The group, with the exception of Archibald, notice the well-dressed man in the corner listening in apparently. The same man Molly saw walking to the town earlier that day. 

They find the dapper Mannix Durango speaks with a southern drawl (which sadly, despite living in the south the last almost 40 years, I cannot do. Nor even hear any more as I apparently have the aural filters translating things. I honestly could barely understand my wife when I met her, and now I cannot hear that southern accent at all. This is also why I would never want to work at a coffee or donut shop as I do not want to not be able to smell those wonderful aromas!) He introduces himself as someone who hears the spirits, and there was a calling from the Badlands. He plans on going there after a day or so of rest to see what was calling to him. Lee perks up at this, asking if he can talk with the spirits. He can sometimes he says, and Lee wants to talk with him later as well. As he leaves the table, the words "you can trust him" seem to come into his mind. Archibald wonders about people who can puts words in your mind may also be able to hear words in your mind. 

The food at Edna's is good: bison steaks, mashed potatoes, beans and steamed string beans. Edna is only heard in the kitchen, and it turns out Morgan is her son. She apparently had some training in France. She has the only restaurant in the small town. The beer is made by Beautrice, and there are no other liquors in town, except for an occasional crate of wines. Though the last one was a couple months back and the wine is long gone. 

Morgan shows off a giant black serrated claw. No one recognizes it other than not matching any dinos they are familiar with. Morgan says Sargent Thomas of Fort Talon gave it to him. It was from some creature with six legs that took a gatling gun to kill. There is a reason Fort Talon is there and has some surplus equipment from the Civil War.

The group goes to the hotel named The Hotel. As there is just the one there. The man behind the desk, Rufus, indicates there are only 2 rooms left out of the 4. Mannix is in one room, and a man named Rufus Porter has checked into the other. Molly gets room 3, and Archibald and Hambone decide sleeping in the barn loft is good enough for them. Lee goes and finds Mannix while Molly bathes and washes her clothes in the claw-footed tub. Which takes Rufus about 30 minutes to fill up with multiple trips from the stove carrying buckets of hot water.

well, maybe not exactly but Archimedes is as clean as Archibald has ever seen

and Molly cleans up well as well

Bringing out two wedding rings and a large locket, Lee and Mannix talk. He has his small room set up with a candle on the table and attempts to contact Lee's wife and child. He manages to pull their names from Lee's mind but after that, I failed every roll. The spirits were not willing to be found apparently according to Mannix. Lee still drops $5 on the table even though he was only charged $2 as the spirits were not willing to talk that evening. There was more but sadly my notes, as always, are incomplete.

Realizing he still needed to talk with sheriff George Holt, Lee and Molly go to the sheriff's office. Hambone & Archibald have apparently gone to sleep in the loft, though Hambone sees a ribbon tied in a bow on Puddin', and Archimede's horns are fairly glistening. The dinos have been well cleaned and pampered. I was going with Colt's daughters are dino-crazy. Molly will find Volgol cleaned and what looks to be polish on his claws. 

The sheriff finds the same wanted poster for Manual Fuentes, and Lee explains he believes he may be holed up at Hambone's farm. Lee agrees to meet the group in the morning at Edna's as Lee heads back to the hotel. 

Next morning, after griddle cakes and fresh maple syrup, Hambone finds the land office with a young man pouring over maps. They find the land plat with the old town name on it, and find it is all of 2.1 miles east of town. There are apple trees already growing there, though George, the land office man, says they will need some work if you want to make an orchard there. An artesian well halfway up a hill indicates a good place to build a house should he want to. Stepping back outside, the sheriff walks up and that is where we left the game. No fights or battles this round, and a lot of talking from Lee mostly. Everyone got 150XP for the evening. 

Characters met

Mannix "Dragon" Durango - mentalist stranger heading to the Badlands.
Morgan - 12-year-old working at his mother's restaurant.
Edna (only heard her in the kitchen) owner of Edna's restaurant. Trained in Europe, came to New Dawn only with her son.
Sheriff George Holt
Rufus - hotel manager/owner
Colt - stable owner. Has two dino-crazy daughters
Sgt Thomas of Fort Hood - not met but shows up in town and gave Morgan a giant claw
Beatrice - not met but makes good beer
George - land office worker at New Dawn. Seems eager to help
Porter Reid - never met, staying at The Hotel

Strange Art

I tried to get AI to draw me a 12-year-old boy circa 1875 holding a single large black claw. Nothing came out well...but may be useful for other games! 

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Lapin - the Rabbitfolk

While D&D did introduce the Harengon, I am going to borrow only parts of that to fit into the Fantasy Trip (and possibly OSE). As well as renaming them to the Lapin. Though most folk call then Rabbitfolk, they call themselves Lapin. 

They are the result of Fey, though not fey themselves. In ancient times, the Unseelie Court thought nothing of meddling of other races and beings. They still feel that way. The Lapin were originally created from rabbits as fast guards: they move fast and multiply fast, so readily replenish any forces. Centuries ago a few escaped into the more mundane world we live in, and live somewhat furtive lives, worried that some Fey Lord may come hunting them. In fact, the Hunt brings an irrational fear to the Lapin and cause them to run away in random directions. If this were OSE there would be a really high saving roll, for TFT 5 dice against IQ to not run away.

Most Lapin are between 3 and half to 4 and a half feet tall, excluding their long ears which can put them close to 6 feet tall. But there are some giant Lapin that tower almost 7 feet tall. They are slower than their smaller cousins but stronger. 

Lapin primarily are plant eaters, but with the meddling of the fey they can also digest meat. They prefer vegetables over meat, though they will eat meat if nothing else is available. Alcohol works faster on them than others, but Lapin never get hangovers and also recover more quickly from over-indulging. 

Lapin villages are rare as most are solitaire creatures. They do not mate for life but stay together until the young are old enough to be on their own. This is about a dozen years and this age is considered adulthood for the Lapin. Both parents share duties for raising their young. There are 2 to 4 babies per birthing (d3 where 1/2 = 2, 3/4 = 3, 5/6 = 4) and genders are random, a 50% chance of either a boy or girl. Lapin tend to make small huts that may only last a couple of years. They only have possessions they can travel with easily. They move around a lot and will work odd jobs so that they can purchase the things they want or need. Few tend to be in towns or cities. Most tend to be expert woodsman and may often be healers, with a broad knowledge of plants and herbs. Lapin tend to have an average lifespan of about 50 years or so.

Despite this, there is something of a Lapin culture. Primarily they are independent, quick to judge, but also fiercely loyal. Having been foot soldiers in the Unseelie battles, they tend to favor the weak and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Those Lapin who have dealt with humans say they are similar to the Knight Errant. They are self-sufficient other than the tools and weapons they may purchase as they cannot create themselves. In general, they prefer to hide rather than fight, but they will always stick up for the oppressed. 

For The Fantasy Trip, Lapin folk are similar to Elves in terms of initial stats. Their starting stats are ST 5, DX 11 IQ 8 and an even faster MA at 14 when unarmored. They can be fighters or magic users and will rarely wear anything more than leather armor as they rely on their speed more than anything else. Unless they take running, though, this speed is generally only for combat as they will tire faster than humans do. They walk at a human pace, though there is more vertical movement than humans. As part of their furtive nature, they are also constantly looking around and sniffing the air. Their noses do wriggle, and as a result get a +1 to most other races for reactions. That and the ears. Which they do not like people touching.

Working up Marianne, our Lapin NPC, we know she carries a light crossbow and can shoot every turn. Meaning she has to have at least a DX of 14 and a ST of 12. Giving her a range of talents bumped her IQ to 10 so she can have Naturalist. Technically she could have more talents, but her experience has given her the strength to use her light crossbow, and the IQ as to have naturalist. As per our last recap, she knew a bit about the harpies, so I decided she needed that skill as well. This makes her quite a bit more talented than our player characters, but as I underplay most NPCs that works out. Heck - I tend to underplay my characters as well...

TFT Marianne

As she mentioned, the rising of the demoness Indhyna is what brought Marianne to this part of the world. The ley lines weakening the barriers between the worlds is threatening more than just this one area. While she has no affinity for magic, nor carries any magical weapons, she is not much against a demon. She will be on the lookout for enchanted bolts for her crossbow to save for those times when she can attack a demon.

The Ultimate Bestiary: Secrets of the Fey showed up. And as Sister Ishbarra was heavily wounded, I can bring in either the travelling Goblin merchant as I mentioned before, or perhaps one of these fey will help:

Alseids, or ‘cervitaurs’ as they are sometimes known, are reciprocally considered ‘cousins’ of centaurs, likely diverting from different points on the same family tree, though both species see the other as something of an oddity. Alseids differ in that their feet bear cloven hooves, and their hindquarters resemble that of a deer or antelope, with a variety of dappled, striped, or countershaded hues. They are significantly smaller than centaurs, their heads no higher than a human’s, and often display horns or antlers with both males and females equally likely to feature short nubs of bone or great, spiraling coronets.

As they know the forest, perhaps if they can make friends (and understand!) they could get a healing salve or two. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Cowboys and Dinosaurs II: Session 4

Switching to the old west, our characters awaken in Copper Peak on Monday. Hambone heads on down to the land office after breakfast. Clifford English, the government employee at the office shows up at 1 minute to 9, ready to start the day promptly at 9am. Opening the doors, and switching the sign to open, he settles in behind the desk facing the door. Hambone introduces himself and gets to the point.

"I do believe we should have a copy of the land plat around here Mr. Hewiggans," says the bespectacled older man. A few minutes of searching and he can provide a land plat matching the deed Hambone has.

Hewiggan's Land Plat
Not able to take this copy, Mr. English says there should be a copy in the New Haven Land Office which he can have if need be. With the land verified, Hewiggans and the group head out of town, leaving Copper Peak and the fumes of the smelter behind as the head north through the Northern Passage. Sadly, they could only find half a bag of apples for Puddin', her favorite food. I did provide a map giving an overview of where they and where they are going so that they have some context. 
kinda looks old westerny :)
During the slow ride up at Puddin' Pace, they follow the easy-to-follow road. No chance of getting lost. However, the rain constantly increases, and the random encounter rolled up was a bad weather event, flash flood. Molly, sees the rising rivulets turning into rivers up the road, so flies back, flashing her red (danger) and blue (water) kerchiefs. Recognizing the dangers ahead, the group starts moving up the mountain, following Volgol. He finds a perch and makes a rough yet serviceable landing. Archibald has a steam-powered portable cabin essentially: pulling out a big box and a flip of the trigger and a shelter unfolds itself. There is enough room for all the characters, though the dinos are getting soaked through and through. And it turns out the Lee does enjoy Hambone's chicory coffee. Which I've had in New Orleans a long time ago and really enjoyed it. May have to see about getting more at some point. 

The rain finally lets up some, but it is late so the group stays at their mountainside camp site. Next day, they get up early and finish the hike into the next town, Harmony. Because the road is a mess, they move through the woods and travel in the plains. It is a bit longer, and they get into town late in the afternoon. Way back when I was mapping out this place, I decided I did want a zealot church town. Though I'll also counterbalance that in New Haven as there is a small church there, but they are good people. My updated paragraph describing Harmony from the now 90+ page Cowboy & Dinosaur bible:
A small, very religious town - Molly will have to sleep in a “woman’s hostel” (House of St. Mary) and not in the same hotel as the men (The Good Shepherd). Rates are malleable - if you profess being a Christian, $1/night includes breakfast. Otherwise $5/night and no food. Asked: “Are you in good standing with our Lord and pray every day?” If no... There is also a mandatory prayer meeting before supper. Lee will probably get a lot of side-glances, perhaps even direct threats as a “savage Chinaman”. There are woods and areas that the group can camp outside of town if they like, though there is a ⅙ chance that the preacher will come out with some of his larger congregation. 

As they approach, Volgol getting tired from flying in the rain, the streets are empty, but the church appears full as hymns are being sung. Archibald thinks that having church on Tuesday is not quite normal church behavoir. As Molly get Volgol into a dino corral, the church doors open up and people in their Sunday best come out. The preacher, a tall older man approaching 50, large grey beard, welcomes the group. Yet glances at Molly's pants and the consternation many of the congregation are showing raises hackles in our party. 

"Are you one with Our Lord?" asks the priest, and we'll just go with the conversation did not go well. Deciding retreat was a better choice, they decide to move out. Unfortunately, Volgol is too pooped to fly much, and it is getting dark. Fortunately, we decide a stegosaurus can certainly, at least for a short period, carry a pterodactyl. The group leaves Harmony, Volgol perched on the back of Archimedes. They managed a few miles at a pace even slower than our Puddin' Pace®️ and find a good place to camp. But also decide a double watch is called for.

With valid reason - not too long and off in the distance they can see some torches make their way out of the woods. Lee disappears into the woods and sees that there are perhaps half a dozen men and the preacher, the preacher carrying an actual burning cross. Hurrying back, he tells the group what is happening. The characters spread out, ready for combat. As the priest gets into yelling range, more words are passed back and forth. The group is ready for some protective violence when Archimedes uses his telekinesis hat and yanks the burning cross from the preacher. Lee has moved up for an attack as the men decide a burning cross waving back and forth in front of them is something of the devil and decide perhaps town was a safer pace to be. The priest, fired up, did not leave but was quickly taken care of by Lee and knocked unconscious. The burning cross was pressed up on him for a bit, then removed and left next to the burnt but still alive. The rest of the night is quiet especially as they managed to move a couple more miles north, and this is where the game was left. The group may have heard some crunching from the direction of the zealot, but they are not sure. 

I gave out some XP for the game, and then we all yakked. Somewhere in the middle of this one of the players came up with prairie sharks (he did get bonus XP s we all laughed!) and I got DALL E to draw some crosses between bison and sharks, pencil style. I will have to use these in a game somewhere!