Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Bresselwythe - a small village that raises goats

At the end of the last TFT session, they had rescued poor Clyde, who was about to be a sacrifice to Indhyna. The cult surrounding this demon is outlined in this post, but looking forward to what is to come I needed the village where Clyde is from. 

Starting with the time-sink site from Watabou I ended up with this village (and that site lets us rename and mess with those maps, so a great resource. I did "buy a cup of coffee" once for the creator, maybe I should do so again! Or join his patron. But I digress.)

Then I drag out the Spectacular Settlements and roll on a few tables to get the following info:

Age: Old, almost 70 years now

Hardships: Victims of war 30 years ago, which is why the wooden palisade is in place. More recently, young men have started to go missing.

Size: Small, about 20 buildings

Condition: Immaculate. The buildings are well-crafted and cared for, palisade almost gleams.

Specialty: Goats. There are a lot of goats in the surrounding fields. There is a shearing shed, fodder storage, a barn, a small stall and shop that other villages will trade at. Recently some goats have started going missing.

Population: Sparse, with a noticeable paucity of young men. 60% human, 40% goblins. All are very friendly

Law Enforcement: Disorganized rabble

Leadership: none

Crime: Uncommon (it is a small town). Though travelers may have a higher chance of something.

Places of worship: 1, an oratory in a glade outside of town. A small, wicker background and 3 stone benches in front. They pray to Tonna. Tonna's holy symbol sits on a trapezoid base and depicts a field of grain under the stars, usually carved in bone or ivory when near the sea. The grain is to feed the animals, and the stars represent Tonna herself. Most clerics or druids wear a modest robe during ceremonies, with ribbons adorning their hair. Reading from the sacred texts is accompanied by percussion and acapella singing. Mead is often poured out as a sacrifice. The ribbons are often knotted, which is also how messages and doctrines are passed along (part of the Druid's cant for Tonna is being able to read and write using the knotted ribbons). 

Places of Gathering: 1 large outdoor field where they have goat races, children and goblins racing one another.

Superstition: ivy over the lintel means no harm will come to those who come inside.

Additional: alchemist Ezmirylda Rixile: Soft-spoken and frail-looking, Ezmirylda is a skilled alchemist and poison maker. In her youth, the halfling traveled widely, making her living as an apothecary and discreetly selling poisons. While able to stay ahead of consequences from her nefarious trade, she eventually tired of constant travel, and decided to settle down in an unsuspecting community in need of an apothecary.

Since opening her shop, Ezmirylda has stopped selling poisons, so as not to be discovered, but she hasn’t stopped experimenting and trying to improve her potions and medicines. This does mean that sometimes the local populace becomes reluctant test subjects, but most of the settlement tolerates this because her treatments do work, even if they are a strange color.

She has also gotten good at goat doctoring since settling in Bresselwythe.

General Notes:

· The sounds of goats bleating can be heard a good distance away.

· Coming into town you will probably pass a herd or two of goats if daytime. More often than not children and goblins.

· Trade with several neighboring towns

The alchemist came from the same Spectacular Settlements book. There are sample settlements in there, but I just like rolling dice. But there is enough to go there, though I need a few more NPCs:

  • Clyde's parents, Johann and Juli Smeigmeister, an older couple who despair of Clyde finding a wife and getting grandchildren. Those goats won't take care of themselves. They may look to the 2 female adventurers in the group as potential mates for their not-too-bright child.
  • Ceteern Gur, goblin. Grumpy and has the largest flock of goats. Trades often with the neighboring towns and is probably the richest inhabitant. He has the only 2 story house in the village, and probably the only space for the group if they want to stay in a single place, assuming they stay.
  • Lots of children who tend to ride goats. 
  • lots of goats, some friendly, several not so much to strangers
I also have a few things that are affecting them, so may erase that war issue, though it was in the last generation. They are missing goats as well as young men, and I seem to have an overabundance of harpy miniatures for some reason...
WIP. And yes, even a harpy may be a blond!

And some notes in the Fantasy Trip Bestiary:
And while never 100% prepared, I think I have enough stuff to cover the 3-5 hours we play on Saturdays. I've got 1 pre-determined encounter, an interesting NPC I have in my head but need to write down all the things (some are but not enough) so I can play her readily, another probable encounter, then at least 1 potential side-quest for the village as those harpies aren't going to take care of themselves...and this group is pretty good at role-playing. And I have the minis I need ready to go this time - so hopefully no panic searching this time! Though I do need to set aside my box of "tavern" minis as they will suffice for town folk as well.

Though we cannot forget the main quest from Edge City: to Stubboon's Final Stand to get the Orc Fist before anyone else does. Especially the Indhyna League, who so far unbeknown to the group, is a cult around a demoness. Though they may find out this weekend!

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