Monday, July 22, 2024

Logton, God Of Healing

As one of the player characters, Violet Applewing, was almost killed in our last session (2 weeks ago now, and while we were supposed to play today, we had some issues so having to play next week). TFT is of course not like modern D&D: sleep and you are magically and completely healed (and no, not really sure that is the case but to me WOTC have really nerfed the actual game so that everyone essentially plays superheroes. But again, I digress...)

And so. I've been working on a few other things, including trying to finish some painting and working on NPCs that may help.

WIP but so close on a couple!
I'm going to try and bring up my homebrew rules I first outlined in this post. To do so, I've also come up with the God of Healing, Logton. And no, not a part of my original pantheon from way back when. I view that as an idea or starting point, not a straitjacket! However - Logton is one of the many offspring of Tionna, who, like Zeus, seems to have a wandering eye. 

Sister Ishbarra is a cleric of Logton. She is a red-robed woman, carrying a shield and hammer or mace. The mace has a symbol of a base crescent with a mace and a constellation of the Lamb. She has taken a vow of silence but does carry a slate and chalk (and I carry a small whiteboard with a dry erase pen if I can find it for the next game session!). She does use CSL (Common Sign Language) which of course, none of the players know. Especially as I just made that up as I write this. But it is now a thing in my world. She is always healing people when she can, though this can be at some cost to her as per the magic rules I came up with. Her mace is blessed, and so will do damage against magical creatures normally immune, such as demons. Which may also come in handy soon...and for me, the advantage of playing an NPC character with a vow of silence is I don't have to talk! As someone who can barely speak coherently far too often, trying to make distinct accents or voices for NPCs strains my already laboring ability to speak!

Sister Ishbarra

And yes, I wrapped her description around a mini I already had, and even painted. As in painted a couple years ago or more! But at least I am finally using it! I have a feeling she and Erirderlun Earthfury are on the same trail to Bresselwythe. And sadly, though Sister Ishbarra is silent, I feel Eirderlun is a talker. Mostly talking to his goat Genny but will talk to anyone. Ahh, but in re-reading:

While quiet until his 4th mug of ale, Erirderlun is quite knowledgeable and seems to be able to get along with just about anyone with a perfect phrase and has been known to de-escalate tense situations so he would not have to use his healing arts
My group seems to think all Dwarves have a Scottish accent. At least every single Dwarf they play has such an accent. I may try something entirely different, though doubt I'll be able to pull anything off. 

But while I am here, let's see about getting some additional info for our newest god in the pantheon! And dive again into the Lesser Key To The Celestial Legion! 

Logton, God of Healing

Logton, a child of Tionna the God of All Living Things and a mortal woman, is known as the God of Healing. His mother died during childbirth, and Logton grew up as a human, not knowing his celestial origins. He was also mute, never even crying as a baby. It was not until his 25th year when, seeing a child hurt from being hit by a wagon, that his celestial background awakened: holding the child, ethereal wings spread from his back, and the child was healed in a blaze of light. Knowledge of his father seemed to burst into his head and memory, and since then he has been prayed to and places of worship sprung up all over Cidri. His clerics often take a vow of silence. mimicking their god's mute appearance. 
Another AI drawing
His symbol is a crescent moon with a hammer and the Lamb constellation as the background. Often it is very ornately drawn or engraved, sometimes a few lines. 

Yeah, looks a lot like Sailor Moon was here...
His herald is roughly humanoid, and generally about 4' tall but with regular proportions. The herald appears to be made out of smoke. The smoke itself is of an orange hue with spirals in constant motion.  The herald's eyes seem to have 2 pupils, has smokey wings that mimic Logton's wings. The herald's incarnation is from a large egg that drops from the sky, cracking open to reveal the 4' smoky herald. And water within 60 feet freezes over, though it does not feel cold to anyone in that range. The is also, despite the freezing water, the smell of fresh rain. 

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