Sunday, July 07, 2024

Battle of the Sects, the Followup

Seeing as our group interrupted the ritual of a few women about to sacrifice Clyde, and I happened to be painting so demon-type things, I figure I should use those no-longer-grey pieces of plastic. I was actually painting a few things, but I had picked out the demon minis as I have a box of a few demons already painted, so figured I could add some. And as our last alternate game (which is at my friend's house, and for some reason I never recap games I am not running...maybe I should) has an imp, I do have some imp minis. Though knowing him, he also has a lot of imps and demons to choose from.

Who interrupted my meal?

And while I have 2 weeks to plan a few things out, I also know I procrastinated a lot the last few times. Now my plan is to have the minis and any papers I need all ready to go instead of having to frantically search for where I stashed the cultists (one of my boxes is going to be cultists and religious figures: the monks, clerics and cultists. Religion in a box!)

The general idea is that I'll also introduce Erirderlun Earthfury, as while technically I cannot stack the healing up, he will have some healing potions. And he will know of the sect in question, as our group has never heard of it. 

And since my random rumor card had the Indhyna League also looking for the Orc Fist. And as I have a book on creating cults...

The Indhyna League is essentially a bandit gang: a bandit gang are usually groups of murderers, muggers, thieves and/or rogues. In our case, we're also going to throw in a bit of the eldritch for our cultists, who are part of the League. Sometimes the die roll does not do what you want, but rules for RPGs are really more of suggestions at times! But the banditry helps get them money for some of the more expensive parts of their rituals. Which the women our group killed (except for the one prisoner they have) apparently only had those necklaces with the runes, which did give off magic to Deimos. 

The Indhyna League is not particularly wealthy or powerful but does have 5 buildings in a few towns north of Edge City, as well as their own stronghold near Stubboon's Final Stand. The small town of Bresselwythe (where Clyde is taking them) may or may not have a building that the League uses. But those buildings they have access to are:

  • a hospital (often used to treat their members, so at least one physicker is a member)
  • a granary (there is a hidden room. Now I need to find images of granaries to see just where and how we put a hidden room!)
  • a safe house (perhaps even in Edge City!)
  • a carpenter's (giving access to wooden goods. Often crates with a secret bottom to smuggle goods)
  • a workshop. Tools for keeping their gear in good working order
Their stronghold is an old wizard's tower, just on the outskirts of the remains of the outpost of Stubboon's Final Stand. And yes - I will eventually have to write up just what Stubboon's First, Second and Final Stands are all about. I had this idea back in college but never wrote it down. Yet I still remember the basic idea of what I was planning. 

The League has a special resource of armor: they give all the lieutenants and higher ranked thugs special weapons. One of the reasons they are going for the Orc's Fist: it is for one of the leaders. Hah - see, I managed to work that random roll on a table into the narrative. 

The Indhyna League got started more than 50 years ago, when Loretta Darcival heard an eerie message from a plane of demons. She was a large woman but was beaten by her husband. Indhyna, the voice, gave her the power to overcome her husband. Lorretta killed him and left the small town to start the cult to help empower those who were beaten down. Over the years, and via more violent sacrifices, the leagues has been getting both larger and darker. It is probably 2/3 women, and the majority of the leaders are women. Lorretta is now housebound in her tower, but still directs the League. They pray for boons and powers from the demonic plane and are often gifted weapons of magical abilities. They have also been given a massive grimoire, which Lorretta and trusted lieutenants have been adding to over the years. This book sits on the top floor of the tower, in a room adjacent to Lorretta's bedroom. 

Not all of their techniques use overt force: when they can, they have killed off those in power and managed to get their cult members put into that power. While originally it was to help pass laws to help the weak, over the years that focus has been somewhat lost in the thirst for more power. 

To communicate with the demon plane, they need the blood of young male virgins. Lorretta discovered this when her husband, in a drunken rage, cut their son, and from that blood, Indhyna could first be heard. Over the years, this grew from a simple cut to full scale sacrifice. More blood gave more boons and power. Without these sacrifices, the cult would soon lose contact with Indhyna and her fellow demons. 

The symbol often associated with the League is a spider spinning a web of flames. 

Lorretta is now approaching 70 years old, and her skin, from years of contact with Indhyna, glows with a lava-like appearance. She radiates heat but does not seem to be bothered by it. One of the reasons is that she is now undead: Indhyna has granted Lorretta life after death to gain more followers. And the radiant heat covers the scent of her undead flesh. (Note: one of the characters actually has a +3 sword against undead from an earlier adventure, and this undead thing was just what I rolled up on the table!) Despite her lust for power, she remains true to some of her roots, and wears simple peasant garb. In fact, most of the League wears poor clothing as most of them are from poor backgrounds, seeking strength and protection from others. Then turning that into a vicious assault on those who would have assaulted them first. 

Lorretta is rarely still: despite needing a cane now to walk, she is always getting up and re-arranging something. If the rest of the cult knew she was embezzling gold from the collections, they may turn on her, and this is part of the reason she is rarely at rest. She has managed to siphon off gold for her child and 2 grandchildren. They have no idea who their benefactress is, but they live in comfort in Edge City. 

The Indhyna League employs fences in numerous towns and cities, including Edge City. The fence in Edge City may be getting some idea about the embezzlement of funds to the rich quarter of town, but so far has not done anything about it. 

Staying in the stronghold is Lorretta's right-hand man, the Summoner. I'll have to come up with another post for him as this one is getting quite long! There is also a Loremaster, another man, who has added several pages to the Indhyna Grimoire. 

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