Thursday, August 08, 2024

Apex Mentalist

I know, not the January Character Challenge, but I am thinking I want a mentalist in the game for some reason to yet be determined! And I found this image which sort of fits with what I was thinking. 

from ArtStation - Wild Frontier Game Characters

Mannix "Dragon" Durango tends to acquire things that are not necessarily his, but only from people who can afford to lose those things. He has a preternatural ability to sense extraplanar creatures and has used this in seances for those who can afford his services. He also has the ability to project his thoughts and to read thoughts, which, in the guise of his seances, manages to find where the family jewels may be hidden.

Though his last caper he was almost caught in the act of opening the safe, having read the combination from the town's councilman. And feeling that the extraplanar creatures are beckoning him to the north, he is headed to the badlands to see if he can discover what they want of him.

Our group may meet him in any place, but probably closer to New Dawn, perhaps even past Fort Talon. I'll add random characters to my random encounter tables. Which I have added a few new entries. I hope to get the dino table to a d20 eventually. And finish the initial table, though now I will add the random character to that one!

An attractive man who is older than he appears, he is well-dressed and seems to always have cash on hand for what he needs. He has a bit of a Southern drawl, and he comes across as quite cultured and learned. He admits to being a bit of a self-made man, but also admits that he has also been quite lucky. Always open for a game of chance, he routinely beats the house and there are a few establishments where he is no longer welcome. He always seems to know when to hold them and when to fold them. It helps that he can read minds, of course. 


character sheet!

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