Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Character Challenge 3 of 31: Rony Sonnet Subsector Navy Master Chief Petty Officer

 I decided to work backwards and find an image and figure out a character for that for this post. Started searching for science fiction character art, and this face for some reason stuck out for me. He is either a noble or Imperial Navy. Could also be a doctor but with those boots, a military doctor. 

Rony Sonnet, Glisten Subsector Navy Master Chief Petty Officer

A6676A age 42 2 Starbursts for Extreme Heroism, 1 Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry, 4 Meritorious Conduct Under Fire
Engineering-4, Vacc-Suit-3, Electronics-2, Mechanical-2, Carousing-2, Gambling-1, Blade-1, Cutlass-1, Computer-1, Brawling-1, Gravatics-1

A well decorated master chief petty office, Roy Sonnet served with honor in the Glisten Subsector Navy. A "pull yourself up by the bootstraps" man, he was born and raised in the Glisten asteroid belt and joined the Navy. While he did not qualify for the Imperial Navy, he joined the subsector Navy. Putting his life on the line multiple times, his skills and aptitude put him in charge below decks after his tenacious adherence to protocols. And his complete mastery of engineering and related skills.

Proud of his service, his decorations are contained in a luxwood inlaid box that is part of his luggage. The roaming nature of Navy life gave him a penchant for travel and seeing the worlds not from the Navy port, but now as a Traveller. With his Traveller's Aid membership, he will usually stay on a world for a month or two then take a comfortable high passage ticket to the next world. 

He may be met almost any place on any world. A solid presence, he would not be averse to hiring on as engineering crew should he be on a world that is no longer interesting, or he needs more credits. He has a quiet confidence and no wasted motions. He also will help others to the point of putting himself in danger. While he does not consider himself a hero, for many he is. Some of the crew he has saved over the years will often pay it forward in some way, so Rony Sonnet has had a larger impact than even he suspects.

Character Generation

Rolling up stats for Traveller, the raw UPP with 1 allowed replacement is:

A5574A. Which does not do anything great other than hoping the Navy takes him in. And yes - I rolled a pair of snake eyes in there, but sadly a 5 was my single extra roll. Seeing if he could enlist, I roll an 8 which does allow him into the subsector Navy. I decided against trying for medical school as with his intelligence and education there will not be any bonuses. 

Rolling on the enlistment table, hist first term will be in engineering.

Term 1

Year 1: Basic training. Engineering-1, Electronics-1.
Year 2: Patrol. He took a bit of a risk but still did not get promoted or decorated. Vacc-Suit-1
Year 3: Training. Engineering-2
Year 4: Strike. E2 Spacehand Apprentice, MCUF, Carousing-1

Hist first four years he had 2 military missions and was decorated. A lone promotion set him up as an able spacehand for the subsector Navy. Rolling boxcars for reenlistment the Navy really wants him back!

Term 2

Year 1: Patrol, and taking risks again managed a 2nd MCUF. But no promotion! +1 Dexterity
Year 2: Patrol, but barely survives. Promoted to E3 Able Spacehand and Mechanical-1
Year 3: Patrol. and passed over for promotion. Engineering-3 though he is becoming an expert engineer
Year 4: Cross-trained in the Gunnery division, Computer-1

Another 4 years without a lot of promotions. Though well qualified in engineering. And oddly the re-enlistment roll was again boxcars. I cannot seem to roll high for his promotions, but the Navy will not let him leave!

Term 3

Year 1: Shore Duty. Works out at the gym a lot + 1 Endurance
Year 2: Strike. Taking a risk, he also gets the Starburst for Extreme Heroism, promoted to E4 Petty Officer 3rd class, Vacc-Suit-2
Year 3: Siege, and picks up a 3rd MCUF. But no promotions or skills.
Year 4: Patrol, promoted to E5 Petty Officer 2nd Class, Gambling-1

Another heroic term and promoted twice. He is also relaxing a bit more and putting that carousing skill to use to learn a bit about gambling. I did not roll boxcars, but he stays in at least 1 more term.

Term 4

Year 1: Training, Mechanical-2
Year 2: Strike and taking a bit of a risk, receives his 2nd Starburst for Extreme Heroism. Yet not promoted. Blade-1
Year 3: Strike, promoted to E6 Petty Officer 1st Class, Engineering-4
Year 4: Training, Vacc-Suit-3

Another heroic term - not sure I've ever managed to roll up a character with 2 starbursts before! But his character is coming through: a tenacious man who risks his own life for his fellow Naval crew. He is a risk taker, at least for helping others. I successfully manage re-enlistment and fortunately pass the aging tests.

Term 5

Year 1: Shore Duty, E7 Chief Petty Officer, Brawling-1
Year 2: Training and manages no promotions or skills
Year 3: Strike, MCUF #3, promoted to E8 Senior Chief Petty Officer, Carousing-2
Year 4: Strike, E9 Master Chief Petty Officer, Cutlass-1

More heroics, but I did fail his reenlistment roll this last term. Only 38 though, so we'll pass a waiver with all the heroic stuff he has managed. Though he did fail his aging roll for strength -1 Strength

Term 6

Year 1: Strike, barely survives but picks up a Medal for Conspicuous Gallantry and Carousing-3
Year 2: Strike and easily survives yet picks ups MCUF #4 and a +1 Strength (yes, rolling on Navy life to hopefully pick up physical stats!)
Year 3: Engineering School and picks ups Electronics-2, Gravatics-1
Year 4: Patrol and picks up no skills.

Starting to feel his age at 42 Rony decides it is time to muster out. I did NOT roll a 12 so he is allowed out. And sadly, in re-reading for the nth time, I realize he was not supposed to have the same ssignment twice in a row. Pretty sure I said this in last year's challenge and the year before as well. Eventually I may remember!

Sadly as he is not an officer he gets 6 benefit rolls. We'll do 3 and 3. Total of Cr26,000 and +2 Education, Traveller's Aid, and a high passage. Which he gets every 2 months. He also has a pension of Cr6000/year. 

2024 Challenge

1 comment:

TamsinP said...

That's a pretty good character and an interesting idea to take an image and work from that to guide career decisions.

I've just gone back and checked about the retention in assignment. The rule is on p5 of HG(80). At the end of a year you roll 1D, if it comes up 6 you stay in that specific assignment, otherwise you roll as normal (I'd interpret getting the same specific assignment in this case as being transferred to a different ship).
The three exceptions are:
You cannot be *retained* in the same assignment more than once in succession (so you can do two years, but not three)
You cannot be retained if this was the last assignment of a 4-year term
You cannot be retained if the assignment was special duty

Interestingly, this rule doesn't seem to occur in any of the other three advanced career books (Mercenary, Scouts and Merchant Prince), so you could choose to ignore it if you want.