I've never rolled up a Zhodani character, and as the Classic Reprint Alien Module 1 was handy, I decided to actually try that out.
Initial Stats
Rolling the UPP we get B8876A, with a PSI rating of 8. This places our character in the Intendant social rank. Which means we actually boost our education to 8 giving us B8878A. The PSI rating does not help a lot, and in rolling for our psionic training, we get telekinesis, telepathy and clairvoyance. Looking at our stats, we get bonuses for most, though the Guard would be difficult to get in - I need a 10+! We'll go with the Zhodani Navy, and we get in even without the DMs.
Rolling in the language tables, we get the utterly unpronounceable Zhdinch as his name. And yes, rolled odd for gender. I suppose it may be pronounced Zhink.
Zhodani Naval Career
Term 1 - Subaltern Spacer
We barely survive this first term, and only because of our +2 Int DM. We do not get a position, nor a promotion. Note that in Classic there really are not enlisted ranks, but we can pretend. Also, this term he was a Subaltern. I did note that I could have tried the Psionic Games after I did this, so I rolled 3D6 but failed, so we can never try again. It was not a very good year for Spacer Zhdinch as he only picks up 1 skill, And interestingly, Talent which means he picks up either talent by choice or can add one to his psi. Although not 100% positive I am reading that correctly. But as there are 6 talents, I'll just roll on that and if he gets a new skill, he gets that else he gets a +1 rating. 1 = telepathy, so we boost his psionic rating to 9. Which gives him some nice talents, but he has no skills.
He makes his renlistment.
Term 2 - Ensign Zhdinch
He does make a position (and it turns out as he was an intendant, he automatically got rank 0). Now an ensign, he picks up Gunnery-1 and Admin-1. But he fails his reenlistment!
Mustering Out
Well, he is going to be hunting for a job soon! Possibly as a teacher as he got a +2 Education and Cr1000. And one more roll and he gets a weapon. As I used basic rules, he can use any weapon at level 0 basically, so we'll give him a Zhodani Naval issue auto pistol.
Intendant Zhdinch-ieptr
Born into the Intendant social strata, Zhdinch had an excellent education and a near-perfect childhood. As with many others of his social ranking, he tried out for the Psionic Games but washed out early. Seeing the Navy as his best choice for promotion and improving is social status, he readily joined the Navy. Unfortunately, he was not a particularly good fit. He managed to improve is psionic strength and was forced out with an honorable discharge with a rank of ensign. Managing to hang on to his service pistol, he realizes that with his learning, he may be a good fit for trader at the edge of Imperial and Zhodani space, teaching his fellow traders the ins and outs. Plus he can always read the others minds if need be.
Navy Ensign Zhdinch-ieptr B887AA age 26
2 Terms Cr1000
Psi-9, Telepathy-9, Telekinesis-9, Clairivoyance-9
Gunnery-1, Admin-1
Auto pistol
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ArtStation - Ship Cook, Joyce Koo - maybe drinking is why is was discharged? |
Day 4: OSE Witch BellatrixDay 5: Mechanoid Invasion CommandoDay 6: Planet Mercenary CaptainDay 8: Classic Traveller PirateDay 9: Amazon NasliopeDay 10: OSE Merchant UsmanDay 11: Brass Rings Gouda ParsnipDay 12: The Fantasy Trip BarbarianDay 13: Planet Mercenary: Legal CounselDay 14: OSE Grace Carver, GuardDay 15: OSE Kobold ShamanDay 16: OSE Dungeon Duck
Day 4: OSE Witch Bellatrix
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