Friday, January 31, 2025

Character Challenge 31: Quantum Sentinel

Last one. Thinking ahead to the Space Gits game I'll be running, the ship the players have will need an engineer (even though the rules do not specify that, but this ship is not going to fix itself! And I've never done a robot before!) Apparently, they gained their rights about 40 years ago to choose their own career. I had a few political things about that but decided to keep my blog politics-free. I play games to get away from the world!

As a benefit it will get +1 to any 2 attributes, and +1 to any 3 skills. Their talent is override: their brain is a computer and can apply it to most things for advantage, such as calculating a trajectory solving complex problems and dealing with security. And hmm, that station will now have more security layers.

Quantum Sentinel joined the Navy - it had a strong urge to be surrounded by the vast machines and feels more at home in a ship than any planet. And while the original robot was designed as a war machine, Quantam Sentinel decided it would rather join the Navy than a face-to-face military force.  It is literally a walking encyclopedia. In his spare time, he performs Zero-G ballet and collects vids of various ballets wherever it can. QS (as most people call it) also oddly hums when working on machinery, a habit he picked up from working with humans to help him fit in better. 

In basic training it gains Pilot+1 and Zero G+1. It's first term he gains +1 coordination and gets even better with Zero G +2. By careful observing the mostly human crew and spending a lot of time in the engineering spaces, he gains the Constructor talent - the uncanny ability to fix and create things.

Its 2nd term, it starts to specialize in engineering. It gains Mechanic +2 and Knowledge +1: with perfect memory circuits, QS (as it is known by its crewmates) never forgets a thing and is a walking encyclopedia. A server motor upgrade bumps his strength. He also gains a contact - one of the players?

QS's 3rd term gains Zero-G +3. Apparently, QS enjoys Zero-G ballet and practices in the cargo holds. It also gains Computers+1. Working with organics has strengthened his resolve in the face of robotic prejudices (will +1) And gains another contact. 

The 4th term bumps his Mechanics +2, and Ships-Guns +1. Hopefully the player's ship has guns. May be an upgrade as it was originally a colony ship. And an improved fusion pack increases QS' health this term. And QS was caught doing a crime and cashiered from the Navy. It never talks about it: QS actually encrypted the memories and entrusted the decryption key to his 2nd contact (player contact?). But it was murder, and as a result, QS is a pacifist. While he won't hurt anyone intentionally in person, space combat is a different matter as he is protecting his crew mates. 

Leaving the Navy, Quantum Sentinel gets hired by the players to be the ship engineer and gunner. Which, if the players go this route, then we can drop QS).

And getting to bump 3 skills, we'll bump mechanics, ships guns and knowledge. This NPC will be the in-universe encyclopedia.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Character Challenge 30: Traveller Belter

For some reason, I wanted to do a belter. And think that could even parley into some solo-Traveller gaming as I go prospecting in the belt. Just to play with the rules and see about the fractional fuel usage, tracking life support, all the little technical things that to me are actually fun. At least in theory! I'm using Mongoose v1 Adventure 1: Beltstrike rules and may see about the rest of those rules if I decide to try a solo game again.

And belters also start at age 14 in Classic, so I'll do the same here even though I cannot see if that rule applies to the Mongoose version.

Pascal Esperon, Miner 5 terms

9687A7 age 34 Rank 5
Pilot (small craft)-1, Computer-1, JoT-1, Prospecting-1, Mechanic-1, Broker-1, Vacc Suit-1, Medical-1,  Admin-1, Zero G Combat-0, Gun (Laser)-0, Comms-0, Astrogation-0

A well-rounded character, Pascal is living his dream aboard his own singleship, rock hopping like his childhood video heroes. Though sometimes he is borderline about the law as he does have smuggler friends, he is generally an honest man trying to make an honest living. Easy to smile, he enjoys his long solitude

Educated on a high-tech world, Pascal Esperon learned his way around the teaching computers, getting Computer-0 as a homeworld skill. While his system had an advanced educational system, Pascal wanted nothing more to be in space, prospecting the belts. Perhaps growing up watching too many episodes Rock Hoppy and Belter Bob helped push him to a career in asteroid mining.

Joining the mining guild as well as the team at Swift Rock Group (see, I remembered this time!) he learns the basics of mining and continues on in the rough and tumble world of asteroid mining.

Term 1: 14-18

Basic training, and picks up Vacc Suit-0, Zero-G Combat-0, Gun (Laser)-0, Comms-0, Astrogation-0, Pilot (Small craft)-0. And as the government came out with new rules and administrative processes, he also gains Admin-1. For his diligence, he was promoted to rank 1.

Term 2: 19-22

His past diligence was no indication of future work ethics: snake eyes on the promotion roll! Pascal was taking things for granted, after realizing that the shows he watched were much more exciting than the life of a miner actually was. Though he did learn how to properly prospect with Prospecting-1. And his love life got better: Arcadia Brosnan and Pascal serve aboard the Crazy Gander and seem to really hit it off. They remain close friends to this day and sometimes talk about getting married but Pascal and Arcadia both want to have a big strike before they can tie the knot. They are having an informal contest to see who gets rich first. 

Term 3: 23-26

Deciding to buckle down, Pascal is promoted to Rank 2, and takes in the role of medic this term, getting certified in Medical-1 as well as basic maintenance with Mechanic-1. But he also allowed a smuggler to use a company ship (which will benefit him in the mustering out process). Our Pascal knows people from the wrong side of the asteroid now. Which could work in the game I am planning as well (though Space Gits and not Traveller).

Term 4: 27-30

Mishap! One of his supposed friends betrayed Pascal over a rich seam of precious metal in a newly found asteroid. He is now enemies of Wyn Strackam. He does get promoted to Rank 3, becoming a supervisor and getting the Broker-1 skill. He also had more practice in space, getting certified to Vacc Suit-1. And getting to be a bit of an all-arounder, gaining the Jack-of-all-Trades-1 skill.

Term 5: 31-34

20 years of working for the same company! He survives and is promoted to Rank 4. He works out a lot more in the high-grav gym, gaining strength +1, and improves his small boat skills to Pilot (Small Craft)-1. He also made a contact with Berloc Ros somehow. Perhaps a signal from an alien device picked up from the alien ship in the junk yard (and hmm, that opens up a possible NPC connection as well I can throw in if needed!) 

Mustering out

Deciding 20 years is long enough, Pascal retires from the Swift Rock Group. Due to his smuggling friend, he does manage to get a Belter Singleship which he names the Silent Drifter. Along with Cr11,000, a planetoid share, a bump in intelligence from all the reading he did in his downtime.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Character Challenge 29: Traveller

Getting back to a Traveller character as this was originally a Traveller blog! No real idea what to do, so let's do what I always do: roll up stats and see what comes to mind.

UPP: 877884

So - pretty average across the board, though a low social ranking. I've already done a hit man this time around I think, so no need to do that again. And not all low-social characters have to be bad people or come from a bad background. Looking at the books on the bookshelf (sadly all the Classic stuff is actually in a tub as those small books do not fit on a bookshelf well. And I want them more protected) I see the Mongoose Book 7: Merchant Prince. And as the Space Gits game may change impetus (same scenario I plan on running but the characters they want to play are not mercenaries, so will need to figure out with them what sort of game they are wanting to play and go from there). And a junk dealer works for the characters they want to play. And fits in with a new reason to visit the station which I need to work on a bit more.


Berloc Ros, Junker, 5 terms

877884, age 38
Computer-2, Broker-2, Gun (Pistol)-1, Gun (laser)-1, Advocate-1, Melee (Bludgeon)-0, Investigate-0, Mechanic-0, Pilot (Small Craft)-0, Trade(Salvage/Repair)-0, Vacc Suit-0

An older man with rough speech yet seems to know what he is talking about when it comes to buying and selling second hard parts. He wears rough coveralls, and his tool belt is festooned with a variety of tools, all in excellent condition. His protective hat is hardshelled, and the coveralls have padded knees. He has crawled through a lot of spaces and takes care of his knees. Willing to trade and his ability to broker good deals has led many spacers looking for cargoes and replacement parts at the Fos Gently Used Parts Yard.

Berloc Ros was born in a system that was once popular and high tech, but politics, shifting space trade lanes, and several natural disasters later, much of the population had left. Berloc's family lived in Startown, and ran the scrap yard. Their three children had a wonderful, if occasionally dangerous, playground. All three learned how to spot treasures in the junk, and after their parents cleaned things up and fixed them, they would sell them to the spacers looking for cheap parts. 

Term 1: 18-22 Basic Training, Rank 0

Working for his parents, Berloc gains Melee (Bludgeon)-0, Investigate-0, Mechanic-0, Pilot (Small Craft)-0, Trade(Salvage/Repair)-0, Vacc Suit-0. He would sometimes co-pilot the shuttle to ships in orbit, and his father made sure he knew how to get a vacc suit on. This was after a close call (just made the survival roll!) when a leaking airlock connection tube almost killed him. And once during a salvage operation, he found a stockpile of guns and ammo in a secret compartment that had survived the crash. The sold them and he picked up Cr2500 for his share. He also picks up Broker-1 this term, bartering with his parents and learning how to get the best prices when buying or selling.

Term 2: 23-26, Rank 0

Easily surviving this term, his parents still do not think he has what it takes and is still at rank 0. Sadly, he breaks up with his first true love, and perhaps it is he constant dour outlook that dissuaded his parents from a promotion. He gains Computer-1 as he turns inward, and putters on the computers during his depression.

Term 3: 27-30, Rank 1, Wreck Peddler

Again, just barely surviving, he does get promoted to Junk Peddler, bumping his Broker-2 skill. He also focuses on computers more and gains Computer-2. Unfortunately, a criminal friend of his wants to hide his speeder in the junk yard, but Berloc thinks better of this, and despite the possibility of easy money, decides not to do this. 

Term 4: 31-34, Rank 3

Easily surviving, and promoted in the family business again, Berloc picks up Gun (Pistol)-1, Advocate-1. He is learning a bit about lawyering up to protect the family business as they are (mostly) legitimate. And it came in handy as he discovers a neighboring junkyard dealing with pirated salvage. Knowing to keep his mouth shut, Rhel For is in debt to the junker. 

Term 5: 35-38, Rank 3, Junk Dealer

Being a junker is dangerous as Berloc again just makes his survival roll. But he is taking over the junkyard as manager now, with his parents retiring and his two brothers having moved on to other careers. Oddly, an odd alien ship was hauled into the yard - the security system did not record anything but when Berloc shows up the next morning, there it was. It is an ancient warship. Taking things apart and putting them back together, Berloc learns to fire Guns (Laser) -1

And he will still be in business, so no mustering out though I think this could be a fun character to play.

Space Gits

Of course there is no career match, but as this is an NPC, we really don't need one. Going from the original book, he is from Mars, and that alien ship is part of that background (as well as actually being the event I rolled!) All the stats will be straight 10 (default). He won't be in combat as now leaning to this is how the rat brothers learned of the item on the station, and Berloc has hired them to retrieve it. There may be another alien artifact there as well, and they can keep that.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Character Challenge 27, 28: Alchemist and Inventor

And of course, I forgot the magic spells for my cleric yesterday. At level 4 she gets 2 level 1 and 1 level 2 spells: Cure Light Wounds, Purify Food and Water, and Bless seem appropriate. I've updated the character sheet with those added. And also miscounted so the title is off as well! Getting tired I suppose.

Niamai - Alchemist

In keeping with the same book of explosions, there are 3 more classes (and I need to update my list! And probably need to stop collecting races and classes that I may never use!): Alchemist, Demolitionist and Inventor. Going with an alchemist, and I did swap 1 set of stats - initially rolled the 17 on CON and swapped with INT as that is the primary trait. 

And the 4 charisma: while originally I was going with some sort of acid burn, charisma is not just appearance but in how you interact with people. To use the (in my opinion) over-used spectrum, she is very attention deficit for most things. But get her in front of chemicals and potions and she'll work until she collapses. She does not understand social interaction at all and does not read social cues. If you did not understand her, you would think her quite odd and rude. Even ignorant, but that would be underestimating Miss Nianai. 

Nianai was a problem child growing up: forever distracted, she was fascinated by the town's brewery. Her experiments in the kitchen often yielded strange droughts and stranger smells. A quick study for things that interest her, a passing warlock mentioned to her parents that the Acroamatic's Academy of Alchemical Attributes may be a place for his wild-haired girl. And so it was. 

You may find Nianai in a larger city, in a more decrepit part of town due to the smells, minor explosions, and the occasional fire. She talks to herself in the third person and never directly speaks to people. Rather, she will respond by saying something similar to "Nianai knows that this person has been poisoned. Perhaps they need this potion to counteract the soulless mist poison" and will hold out a vial, not looking at anyone. She tends to ignore most people but will talk to all animals. Even ones that are attempting to kill her. 

She knows the fire operation calcinatio and gets a +2 saving on fire-based attacks. She knows the solutio and can extinguish fires with a touch, even magical fires if they created by a magic user less than her current level (4). Knowing the earth operation coagulatiogives her a +2 AC.

Besides Common, Nianai speaks Gnomish and the eastern Halfling language. Gnomes are fine crafts people, and she has bartered for complex equipment over the years. Halflings are also known for fine glassware for their many meals and has become quite fluent in that language as well. 

not credited

Chefren - Inventor

Chefren hails from a neighboring town of Nianai's village. Neighboring as in about 200 feet below - it is a Gnome town. Smart, he was bullied a lot growing up. Small to the point of almost being scrawny even for a Gnome, he was a disappointment to his father, the town smithy, for the first few years of his life. The one day Pent-aue noticed that his child, while not able to swing the smallest of his hammers, had created a mechanical doll that seemed to mimic movement due to clever wires and springs he had somehow scrounged up. From then on, Chefren was given opportunity to create not just toys, but helpful inventions for the town. 

An inventor can create inventions that can have similar effects as arcane magic. They are bulky, and prone to exploding on critical failure. Inventions are 10x the weight of the equivalent spell in coins. It takes a bit of time to create an item from the scraps and bits and bobs they can find. Inventions tend to have a short lifetime - one day per level or 3 uses if replicating a damage spell such as a fireball. It takes one hour per level of the spell, but if they take twice as long to make it, it will last twice as long as well. Sadly, these inventions only work for the inventor. And they are noisy when carrying - a party with an inventor will never have surprise.

They are also adept at finding and removing treasure traps. They can also improvise things such as grappling hooks or thieves' tools. Though the weapons do 1 less point of damage.

Chefren knows and likes Nianai - they met at a Gnome warehouse when looking for similar equipment. He speaks Common as well as Gnome, and they often have conversations in that language as it has better terms for some of the more technical aspects of what they do.

Clumsy with crazy hair, he talks incessantly at times, usually to himself as he works on creating his next invention. Still young but looking older than his years, he has gone on one above ground adventure with Nianai. While he was terrified for most of it, he did create a fireball thrower when being attacked, and wants to try to go again.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Character Challenge 26: Half-Elf Apothecary

Somehow today has sped past. Though I did get a Zombicide: Black Plague game in today that we actually won. Though we thought we'd lost but then the tides turned.

Personally, I am not a fan of zombie stuff. Other than the Zombicide games as at least I can get people to play. And despite me liking crunchy games, finding people who want to play (and finding time to play, and for me actually figuring out how to play!) is hard. So fun coop games work well enough for my gaming itch. And sadly, not sure my mental capacity is there for actual complicated games. Sometimes I think I like the idea more than the reality.

Needing a character, and looking at the Alchemy, Explosives and Inventions book, and liking the idea of an apothecary, we can try that. This is an "expert class" of the cleric class, and can use magical research to create potions of healing starting at 2nd level. They also gain a +1 hp/die on healing spells and has a 2-in-6 chance of detecting poison. It may be cheaper to get an apothecary hireling along if you go through a lot of healing potions! Plus, something I've not managed to do, is get the players to craft things and go on adventures to collect the goods they need to craft things. I'd have to do the heavy lifting as none of them really want to deal with actual rules as I did bring it up before but it "was too complicated." And then of course I got into a discussion of an RPG without rules is just make-believe and wish-fulfilment which did not endear me to the group. Sadly, I am the only one who seemingly likes crunchy rules in my group.  But enough whining when I actually have a group that manages face to face! And we always have a good time. So counting my blessings!

Sister Veritas never quite fit in with the Sisterhood of Maion, God of Wind. Being only a half-Elf, she felt that perhaps her connection to this god honored by many Elves was not complete. It was not until she spent a few years in the gardens and herbary that she suddenly found her connection through the plants. She focused her studies there, becoming an apothecary for the nunnery for a few years. Then, deciding to spread her help to other, she left the Indigo Woods and ventured into the world. She has accompanied more than one adventurer's group, both to provide aid as well as searching out new plants and herbs. She does tend to get a bit focused on plants and considers them easier to get along with the people.

Not a fighter, she can usually create healing potions in a few days and normally will carry 1d6 with her ready for use. If she has time, she has some honey she found that gives +1 on the healing for light wounds. Plus works well on toast.
Care for a cuppa tea? (Pinterest, no credit)

Maion, God of Winds

In my old pantheon he is one of the primary gods the Elves worship. Perhaps I'll expand a bit on thi god as I've not really done much with my pantheon in a long time.


I fear I will not have time tomorrow to get a character rolled up - Mondays are good days as we do have our game night, but as I leave the house at 4:30 and get home in time to eat then meet up, there is not a lot of time for anything else. My habit of getting to the gym before work is one I want to keep as long as I can. While my mental facilities may be questioned (see one of the intro paragraphs) I at least have my health!

Character Challenge

Day 1: Halfling Heartsinger

Day 2: Classic Traveller Noble

Day 3: Halfling Reeve

Day 4: Arcane Bard

Day 5: Space Gits Scientist

Day 6: Classic Traveller Army (died in chargen!)

Day 7: TFT Kobold

Day 8: Alien

Day 9: Traveller Navy Pilot

Day 10: Mongoose v1 Traveller Belter

Day 11: War for the Wastelands Nuke Baby

Day 12: Half-Orc Fighter

Day 13: Traveller Hitman

Day 14: Space:1999 Pilot (via Traveller)

Day 16: Awakened Cave Locust

Day 17: Grove Guardian

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Character Challenge 25: Dumarest style Traveller

Finally got caught up via my little cheat. Still 4 years to go before I can retire and this won't be quite the challenge. And today's face to face game was also called off. Our last one was the first weekend in December - going to be 2 months between games at this rate! 

The TOY Traveller game finally showed up. While essentially a Traveller game, it is designed to also be a one shot and has some quick and dirty character generation. Let's see how that works!

Step 1: Bioscan

The standard 6 attributes. 66637A. A little below average in physical stats, not the brightest bulb in the room but an average education, and high up in the social world. Rolling even, and the gender reveal is: it's a girl!

Part 2: Personal Audit

Step 2: Career. As there are 6 careers, I roll an academic first. While you think that a low intelligence may not work well for an academic, I'm going with her parents pushed her and with her social background, she manages to at least learn by rote if nothing else. As such, she picks up Medical and Biology.

Step 3: Terms served. 1d3 = 2 terms served.

Step 4: Skills acquired. She picks up Administration, Poison in her academic profession. The poison may have been her mixing up a few things and finding out the hard way.

Step 5 Skill Levels A little d6 table to indicate the skill levels for each skill:
  • Medical 3
  • Biology 1
  • Administration 1
  • Poison 1
Very medically learned, the rest she knows and is proficient at least.

Step 6: Goals There are 5 tables to choose from: Revenge, Discovery, Heartbreak, Belevolence and Adventure. Rolling a d5 (aka d10 / 2) she is there for benevolence. You get 2 additional skills, and I'll just roll: Planning, Negotiations at level 0. Guess she has heard about the harsh reality of Toy and is wanting to rescue someone or to help. The gladiator fights are brutal.

Step 7: Name Sirena Santos was always special in her parent's eyes. Though slow sometimes, her angelic personality made even the harshest person smile. Always wanting to help people, she managed to get through school and pass and become a medical worker. Though she was near the bottom of her class, she always tries hard. At the starport, she was the medic on hand when a survivor from Toy came out of cold sleep. He was badly wounded not from the not-quite-safe hibernation tubes, but from what appeared to be a brutal beating. Hearing the horror of the Arena, she decided she needed to go there to help those poor unfortunate people.

Sirena Santos

Career: Academic    Terms: 2
Strength: 6                Dexterity:6            Endurance: 6
Intelligence: 3            Education: 7        Social Standing: 10

Medical +3, Biology +1, Administration +1, Poison +1, Planning 0, Negotiations 0
Reason for Travelling: Benevolence
Wanting to help others, she has learned of the harsh conditions of the Areana and wants to help. 
Fallout fan art?


Toy is based on the Dumarest books in general, and the planet is controlled by the Stockholders. Landing there you need to have a Sponsor to even get around. 

Friday, January 24, 2025

Character Challenge: Up to the 24th

As I have missed a few days, I need to catch up. And Traveller has an alien species that needs the player to run several characters: the K'kree! Looking over my reprint of the alien modules (which I found in a bookstore years ago when I had not played Traveller in years, and suddenly I wanted to play again. And found COTI, and well, I've managed to run a few games since then. Not yet managed to play in one but I can hope).

Per the introduction:

Because of their gregariousness nature of the race, the K'kree have special character generation rules to more closely simulate their natures. In effect, the player will be playing not a single K'kree, but a family of them - a leader, bodyguards, females and servants - all at once.


Note: K'kree language generator I re-found here!

The Ee'takrekr Clan run a small K'kree merchant business. Their Xeekr'kir! class Merchant ship Kue Xaarraaka (Swift Runner) carries Mak's primary bodyguard Akrin (not too bright but amazing with weapons!), his K'kree servant Kaakika, and the real brains behind many of his decisions, his first wife Tiaa. While Mak has 6 wives, the 5 younger ones stay home to raise his children while he takes his first wife, now past childbearing years, with him on his interstellar trips.

not the right ship but hard to find K'kree deckplans (from Yet Another Traveller blog!)

Mak, like all male K'kree, does his first term of service in the military. He got a bit smarter, learned the Polearm (Halberd)-1 and picked up Admin-1 as well. He then joins the merchant clan properly, and in the next 3 terms of service he gains Tolerance-2, +1 Caste, Forgery-1, ceremonial yet functional halberd, Broker-1, Bribery-1, Admin-3. Mustering out gives +1 intelligence, +1 education, Cr30,000 and +1 education.

Mak is a sly K'kree: not always on the up-and-up. Even when dealing with other races, which he can barely tolerate but credits are credits, he cannot really be trusted. But few dare to threaten him: though he has his bodyguard Akrin, Mak is large even for a K'kree, and despite just saying it is ceremonial, the huge halberd he often carries looks wickedly sharp and functional. He runs a tight ship and manages even the complex paperwork inherent in trading with aliens of the Imperium.

Mak's first wife accompanies him everywhere. Meek but as smart as Mak, she offers counsel at times. Her 4 terms of service gave her +2 education, +1 intelligence, Steward-1, JoT-2. She has a knack for handling things that confuse the other K'kree at times. Though she cannot tolerate aliens, she seems capable of handling odd requests from them as given to her from her patriarch. And while Mak is quite capable of the administrative tasks in running a ship. Tiaa is adept at keeping the small herd on board comfortable.

Akrin, the bodyguard, is a 4-term space military veteran. Having Mechanical-1, Gunnery-1, JoT-1, Longsword-1, Rifle-1, Close Combat-1, Vacc Suit-1 has given him the skills to protect his patriarch. He is rarely far from his side and always presents a dour face. He almost never speaks and will always precede the patriarch when entering new spaces. He has manned the ships guns on more than one occasion so far, but has yet to fire them other than practice shots.

Kaakika, the servant, has been with Mak the last 18 years. Older by almost 2 decades, he is adept at anticipating Mak's needs, and between Tiaa and Kaakika, Mak is rarely wanting for anything. In the military for 2 terms, he picked up Medical-2, Admin-1, Auto-Pistol-1, SMG-1. The next several years he picked up +2 strength, +1 dexterity, Steward-1, Streetwise-1, JoT-1, Enclosure-1, Gambling-1. 

In rolling up these guys, they really are on the shady side - gambling, forgery, bribery skills, oh my. While they have to do some honest trade, they are not above using somewhat unscrupulous methods to make a better trade in their favor!

Character Type













9 (not noble)






















Sunday, January 19, 2025

Character Challenge 20 & 21: Rest of the Swift Search Team

Knowing that Monday is going to be too busy to get a character in and wanting to get 2 more of the character classes in and also needing a name for the private archaeology team, going to get them done today. 

Continuing with a brief overview of the mechanics, Luck is a 1d4+2, then +- /- your charisma score and any received from your class. I forgot the charisma in the previous characters. Luck allows you to re-roll but of course, you need to accept the new roll. I'll update my character sheets but probably not the blog.

And Evade is the equivalent of amor class - what people have to roll to hit you. Which makes for a better name than armor class. Armor class should be how much armor you have, though in the abstract it is taking some of the damage so you could interpret that as being harder to hit.

Needing only 2 more classes, I have 3 to pick from: Occultist, Street Rat and Treasure Hunter. I've already rolled and got 1 male and 1 female. So, let's roll up stats and then see what fits which class and go from there!

1, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5 (for -2, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2 stats) and 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 (for -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 2). Very similar and so I'll just roll 1d3 to see which I don't use instead. And we drop the treasure hunter, which does have the nice class skill of doing the impossible once per session. We'll just have to see how we acquire an occultist and the street rat. But as Indiana Jones had a street rat, and this game is trying for that sort of pulp vibe, it can work here as well. 

And speaking of - there is no setting in the 46-page book. It does give an interesting variety of bad guys: Author the Axe who gets advantage when attacking with his axe, Gunslinger Bob the maybe he is maybe he not a zombie, mutant military. And a power armor princess...perhaps like the first Tim Burton Batman movie: while there were modern aspects it was a lot of art deco and 20's/30's vibe to fit with Batman's origin in 1939.

Nicki Sweet

While in Mongolia, Steven and Stephanie realized that her pack had been picked, and she no longer had her passport and about 700,000 tugriks (tugrik is the Mongolian currency as of 1939, and in today's exchange rate about $200). Steven, chagrined at not seeing this happen, scoured the little city they were in for hours but never found the culprit. Later, at the hostel, this chubby street urchin came up and handed them her passport and 300,000 tugriks. "Finder's fee" she said. "I can guide you and keep this from happening again if you want to pay me." Knowing it was probably her who stole the passport and money in the first place, Stephanie somehow felt that she was at least enterprising. The next several months they got to know Nicki better and while Steven still never trusts her, Stephanie seems to enjoy the young girl's company. And as sometimes they are retrieving artifacts from unscrupulous treasure hunters, she has been more than useful at times.

After a few years, they still do not know how old she is. She is no longer the chubby little girl either. But she seems to be able to get anything they need in various cities (just don't ask how) and she is quite the escape artist. But they feel their luck has improved since she has joined the team. She is tiny and while not strong, can run faster than most people. Perhaps a survival trait.

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Reginald Eugene Piscine

Nikki was actually caught once while in Oujda, Morrocco. She made friends with a fellow inmate, and somehow, when they were supposed to be an offering for some Cthulian type of monster, Reginald managed to create a wall of fire around them and they managed an escape. He proved an able young man as the team was battling eerie creatures that he seemed well-suited for in fighting. And it seemed that more of their adventures seemed to involve the supernatural, Reginald was a natural fit for the team. Tall, always wearing a tie, and never far from his book, Reginald speaks in a precise manner. Words are important, and he is very careful in what he says and rarely reveals much about his background.

Swift Search

While Stephanie still hates the name, Steven and Nikki like it, and Reginald has never expressed an opinion. While Stephanie started with her inheritance to fund trips, she also realized that this source of funds would not last. Realizing that many historical treasures were not really lost but often in private, unscrupulous hands, she also does what she calls "retrieval projects" to recover these artifacts to be returned to their proper owners. It is amazing how often modern collectors will recreate, with modern enhancements, vaults similar to the ones where the artifacts were originally buried in. But they only do these to pay for the next dig, which sometimes will pay for itself as museums often pay handsomely for these treasures.

Character Challenge

Day 1: Halfling Heartsinger

Day 2: Classic Traveller Noble

Day 3: Halfling Reeve

Day 4: Arcane Bard

Day 5: Space Gits Scientist

Day 6: Classic Traveller Army (died in chargen!)

Day 7: TFT Kobold

Day 8: Alien

Day 9: Traveller Navy Pilot

Day 10: Mongoose v1 Traveller Belter

Day 11: War for the Wastelands Nuke Baby

Day 12: Half-Orc Fighter

Day 13: Traveller Hitman

Day 14: Space:1999 Pilot (via Traveller)

Day 16: Awakened Cave Locust

Day 17: Grove Guardian

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Chararcter Challenge 17 & 18

Friday got busy and I never got to doing a character. Tody will have to be a double character challenge. And Sunday (tomorrow) perhaps as well as Mondays are always busy as well. Spelunking through some of the physical games I have and never played, I found Eric Bloat's Destination: Uncharted. I bought this when I was going to start the Cowboys & Dino game, thinking it may be a way to play that. Then I was pointed to the Apex game and it already had dinosaurs. I went with that.

I've not really looked though this game. It has the same 6 stats as most RPGs. and throws in Luck like many other games do as well. It abstracts distances like Traveller range bands, Close, Nearby, Faraway and Distant. The game is intentionally theater of the mind, and the rules promote that sort of play.

There are 5 classes: Archeologist (well-versed in history), Mercenary (often former military), Occultist (student of the Dark Arts), Street Rat (quick-witted and agile on your feet) and Treasure Hunter (thrill seeker who loves seeking treasure).

There is a really cool mechanism I like and may have to try: you roll both a d20 & a d6 when needed. The d6 can add a hindrance on a 1, and a benefit on a 6. 2-4 are ignored. This allows for a more theatrical approach I think in running a game. This gives you 3 success types (success with a benefit, success, and success with a hindrance). Same for failure. A success could be something like this for the 3 cases: with a benefit, your leap across the chasm was successful but your landing cleared the dirt, and you found the symbol you have been looking for. Plain success is you succeeded the jump and nothing else. Success with a hindrance is you made the jump, but you dropped your binoculars. Failure the same way: you failed the jump, but managed to catch a ledge below, so could still clamor up. Failure means make a saving throw! And failure with a hindrance is you failed, and your pack managed to fall to the chasm below. Still make your saving throw! But the rules stress that this should be collaborative and everyone can make suggestions, and I think with the right group it could be a lot of fun.

The suggested rolls for d20 are 10 = easy, 15 = medium, 20 = difficult and near impossible = 25. You add your appropriate stat, and like most d20 games, 20 = always a success, 1 is always a failure. 

Character generation is straight-forward, though a bit different. The 6 stats are generated by rolling 6d6, then picking which roll to apply to which stat based on 6 => +3, 5 => +2 and so on to 2 => -1 and 1 => -2. Not sure what that bell curve looks like, but it is different.

For my two characters, going with a brother and sister: an archeologist and the mercenary. The woman is the archeologist and the brother the mercenary trying to keep her safe as she digs in ancient ruins in places she probably should not be in.

Rolling 5,5,5,4,3,1 and think this is the mercenary as he has mostly positive stats. Not too bright though:

  • Strength 2 => 3
  • Intelligence -2 => -3
  • Wisdom 0
  • Constitution 2
  • Dexterity 2
  • Charisma 1
Mercenaries get a +4 HP at 1st level, 1d8 Hit Die per level, have 4 armor points (heavy armor), and attribute bonus of +1 strength and -1 intelligence. He is NOT going to be the brains in this group. He gets advantage for explosives, once per session he can lose a tail or pursuer on foot or driving, and once per session can take an enemy on one on one with advantage for that fight. He also uses 1d8 for attacks.

I rolled a few 6s on the other roll, and thinking I was hasty. But I'll give the sister the brains and charisma. 
  • Strength -2
  • Intelligence 3
  • Wisdom 3 => 4
  • Constitution 0
  • Dexterity 2 => 1
  • Charisma 3
As an archeologist, she gets +1 hit point at level 1, 1d6 hit dice, wears light armor that can absorb 2 points of damage, and has a 1d4 for attack damage. Also, a boost in wisdom but a minus in dexterity. She gets advantage when attempting to decipher an ancient language or identify antiquities, or even a knowledge check by saying "I've studied that!". She also is lucky and once per session avoid something that would have caused significant damage. Similar to the luck usage. And once per session, she can reach into her bag and pull out the right tool for the job.

You know, in reading this, I can see this as a fun game. I may have to run a quick game this year using these rules after all, I think. 

Steven and Stepanie Serendipity

Growing up in Utah, Stephanie was always digging around for arrow heads and artifacts. Steven rough-housed a lot and got into several fights, often protecting his geeky older sister. While Stefanie went to college and ended up with a doctorate in history, Steven joined the Navy Seals and had a successful career, a lot of which he never talks about. 

Their parents died and left them enough so that Stefanie decided to get into independent archaeology, funding her own trips. After almost getting killed in the desert in Kuwait, Steven decided to protect her and together they have been traipsing the world. While Stefanie is oblivious to dangers around them and has a singular focus on finding the artifacts to be placed in the appropriate museum, Steven is always alert but is easily swayed by others. They have 2 partners in this venture. Who will be figured out tomorrow!

Character Challenge

Day 1: Halfling Heartsinger

Day 2: Classic Traveller Noble

Day 3: Halfling Reeve

Day 4: Arcane Bard

Day 5: Space Gits Scientist

Day 6: Classic Traveller Army (died in chargen!)

Day 7: TFT Kobold

Day 8: Alien

Day 9: Traveller Navy Pilot

Day 10: Mongoose v1 Traveller Belter

Day 11: War for the Wastelands Nuke Baby

Day 12: Half-Orc Fighter

Day 13: Traveller Hitman

Day 14: Space:1999 Pilot (via Traveller)

Day 16: Awakened Cave Locust

Day 17: Grove Guardian