Saturday, January 04, 2020

Zandra Morrows Dossier

Trying the Solomani SolSec character generation. While not entirely sure I did it correctly, it came out with a pretty good character.

I had a conversation last year when I was running another Traveller game about creating the NPCs. I told them it took a lot of character generating to get some of the NPCs I wanted, and they said I could just create the character as needed. And while, yes, that is always an option, I feel that would eventually lead to all the NPCs following certain parameters, having no backstory, and be boring. Of course, the players rarely see that side of things so perhaps they are correct. However, I just enjoy the random character generation process - it can lead you to characters you never would have thought of.

Regardless, her character generation was actually the first one and came out good enough. I did throw a couple of zero level skill in there for background skills.

Zandra Morrows Dossier   8A58E3  age 32

Comms-0, Admin-0, Gun Combat (Handguns) 1, zero-G combat 1, Pilot 1, Navigation 1, Battledress 1

Born: 314-1073 Twylo / Cappella  0134 / Solomani Rim.

College: 1090-1094 New Harvard University (+4 EDU), no honors, success

Joined SolSec as a Monitor after graduating college in 1094.

1094: Administrator, somewhat dangerous, promoted to Lt., Gun-Combat [Army]

1095: Corporate, extremely dangerous, Zero-G combat [Army]

1096: Administration, dangerous, decorated [Party]

1097: Corporate, probably safe, promoted to Captain, Pilot [Merchant]

1098—1099: Hierarchy, safe [Navy]

1100: Corporate, dangerous. Battledress [SolSec]

1101-present: Elected Government, somewhat dangerous. Major, Nav [Party]

Born on the subsector capital planet of Twylo in the Cappella sub-sector to a mid-range Party family, Zandra was brought up in the Preservation Party. Her college years were full of a wide variety of classes, ranging from philosophy to the hard sciences. Her harsh course load took its toll, though. While she did graduate, she had no time for much of a social life and did not make honors. Going straight into SolSec, she joined the group as a Monitor. She spent two years posing as an Army adjunct where she picked up her gun combat skills. Promoted to Lieutenant in the Army was matched by the same rank in SolSec. Her next stint in the Merchant service covered some aggressive privateering, and she gained a certification in zero-G combat. The final year of her 1st term brough her to Party membership, where she parlayed her previous cover and learned to pilot Party officials, gaining both a Pilot-1 certification as well as getting promoted to Captain. The next two years she was transitioned to monitor certain individuals in the Hiearchy. While considered a safe posting, her Navy cover was blown in 1099. Being in the open now, she went with SolSec corporate raiding parties, learning battledress. At the end of this stint, she went back undercover into the elected government as an Army advisor, her public records completely rewritten. Two years into this she was promoted to Major in 1103 and also certified as a ship’s navigator.

She is currently a high-ranking elected government official with a high security clearance. She still monitors for SolSec, leaving updates at specified drop boxes. Her current mission was the retrieval of the coordinate device. She managed to retrieve it from the Museum of Antiquities on Strand, and is now on her way to Antiquity via the King Richard. The museum has only a prop of the device and it is unlikely to be discovered any time before she is long gone.

A tall blond, Zandra manages a hunched over demeanor to hide her actual height and natural gracefulness. She is a firm believer in the Solomani Hypothesis, which is not too popular in Imperial space. She manages to always carry a small body pistol on her at all times.

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