Saturday, February 05, 2022

Windemere - Challenge Characters added to WIP PDF

I've added the various characters from the January challenge to the most definitely WIP document. That was my Windemere January Challenge in a Challange. I'll try & get the high port done in the next few days to bring together all the Traveller characters and the high port at least partially outlined.

Here's a slightly updated keyed map (keys are in the PDF as to what they mean):

 Here is the PDF so far:

And previous links:




Adventure hook created via Dangerous Destinations: Who watches the gelatinous cubes?
Expanding Windemere and here and here
Original keyed map

I actually have a lot more posted than in the document I am working on - I'll have to pull that info in.

Anyway, this is just fun for me, and maybe someone else can use this info. I've got more town-building rules and things coming, including Organic Towns. This allows for a changing town: while the various settlement rules I have now (primarily Spectacular Settlements) show what the place looks like now, along with its history, the Organic Towns shows the town evolving. Windemere started as a guard post for Tunvano (and that is a Fantasy Trip adventure I am wanting to run for my group, so I stuck a town nearby and need to throw in some hints!). It was deserted when that kingdom fell and is slowly coming back to life due to the increasing trade and the Ocean Trade Route. I may have to establish some sort of timeline.

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