Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Windemere - Silver Pirate Inn

 Run by the half-elf pirate Nohemi Wirididae, the Silver Pirate is a relatively small tavern and inn facing the main square, on the main east-west road through Windemere. The inn has several rooms for rent upstairs, as well as a fairly large barn with stables for patrons. There is an old calliope against one wall, with one of the ex-pirates playing mostly sea ditties in an off-tune way. Inside, there are tales to be told of the Rainy City and Wex's Drift as well as of days plying the savage ocean currents. Occasionally one will hear rumors of Amazons, but the other Elves will quickly make a sign and change the topic of conversation. Many of the regulars here are from the Ocean and talk of the coastal cities they have been through, and the joys of the living in the salt air. When asked why they are here now, they look to the owner, Nomehi Wirididae, tending the bar. The half Elf has a scar across her face that disappears down her neck and she will scowl as the conversation quiets for a moment. The crew of her ship will stick by her, but she was banished from the open water to live her life near the desert sands by a curse. And then she took over Windemere Crossing almost a year ago. The tavern offers great drinks as well as some sea faring favorites. The near constant flow of merchants and caravans keeps her kegs full and spirits from across the world. While not as fine a wine selection as the Sarap Evi in Ceawla (see this post), there are some fine drinks and foods available. There is also a strange bird, a cacklemaw, that is kept behind the bar and fed the scraps. It is quite fat and unable to fly.

Playing with Dungeonfog which has some nice capabilities. And poking around, there are a fair number of asset packs that contain all sorts of interesting art. While I can make battle map style & size maps with Campaign Cartographer, this is a more paint-style editor, so it makes it easier at the expense of a lot more control. It is fun to mess with. Added a dirt trail to the outhouses (1 square rooms, and yes, there are toilet seats in the art. Hey - alcohol is always just rented!)

I've also thrown in references to a few other Kickstarter products I've backed. Figure the pirates would know about the sea places. Though I neglected the Flotsam Fair which is also in the sea. I keep trying to make a more living world but have yet to really get good at it other than in my head. Eventually I'll get to use all, or at least most, of the stuff I am getting. And in the meantime, I do enjoy reading them as they do spark off ideas. In fact, going through a book of rumors & it had some things I can toss out there. And the Phylactory has a fun adventure in volume 1 (and yes, I have all the ones they have made so far in print). And as I think I noted in this post, I have been using a few of the random books to have interesting random things. One of the players says he actually likes it when I open the book & have them roll for me to see what happens. It does make it "living" in the sense that I don't control the entire world. 

And hopefully I'll have time to continue the voyage of the No Refund this weekend. My Traveller posts tend to be the ones that are read the most, and this did start as a purely Traveller blog. And even though blogs are free, I just don't feel I need to have that much of a focus on just one thing.

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