Friday, December 24, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve 2021

 Merry Christmas Eve to anyone reading this! And everyone who is not reading this. Have a little bit too much time on my hands as my child, who is 21 so I suppose not a child, is at his girlfriend's place, and my wife is at her mother's place. Just me and the cats for a while.

I've added some filters to GIMP, specifically one that has clouds in it. Just so I can add clouds to my maps (and these clouds are a lot nicer than the ones in Dungeonfog, so I may end up exporting those maps, and adding clouds and possibly other affects in GIMP. And me not an artist at all!)

This was originally generated in Fractal Terrains, then I added a grid in that software for the water using a hex grid with transparency I created a while ago, then exported that as a PNG and opened in GIMP. Added a very light cloud layer (you can just see it on the lower right quadrant; think I need to add more clouds next time), then mapped that to a sphere. Kinda like how it turned out! Not any world in particularly - I was just playing with all the software. One of these days I'll have the time & interesting overlap enough to practice a lot more and get better. I'd really like to get a lot better with Campaign Cartographer as there is a lot of power in that software as well.

What was really cool was that the projection from Fractal Terrains also adjusted the grid layer: the hexes were stretched to match the Mercator projection I was using. That is some powerfully interesting software!

Anyway, off to watch some sappy Christmas movie, and I hope everyone one has a wonderful holiday!

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