Wednesday, December 08, 2021

Mini Interlude

 Decided to go ahead & get the 1/1000 scale lab ship. It was both more expensive and larger than I thought. But I figured, hey, Christmas. May as well get myself something (as most of the rest of my money is going to home repairs - yay septic systems!)

It was from Shapeways (search for Traveller RPG - there are quite a few out there, including the Scout & Marava class trader I already had. Also in 1/1000 scale). Of course, I have a LOT of space ship minis so really need to get back to face to face or something to use all these things. As a matter of fact, backing the I-have-no-idea-how-many-I've-backed Ryan Wolf's latest Kickstarter for another ship & poster that I may never use, but will still enjoy nonetheless. And who knows - perhaps I could use a huge passenger liner or stealth ship! (Stealth in space is an interesting concept with some very heated arguments at times!)

I've also painted a couple more minis, but not really all that happy. Good enough for playing, and that's good enough for me at the moment. I am getting better when I take my time. Even added a bit of moss to that stone wall. 

And we've a short-run game going one while the anthropomorphic game is on a temporary hold (work interfered with gaming - the nerve!) Playing a microlite version of Crimson Skies. Oddly we all decided to play women in 1935, part of the Banshee Squad. We had a really fun first night, and our next session will be a bit more sneaky. Fortunately there are "jink" points and I used them all to recover from some pretty horrible rolls while attempting some aeronautical feats. But we truimphed. I'll see about posting my character at some point (possibly save her up for January's character challenge if that happens this year. I think it was January!) But she is based on this picture though in-game she is about 20 years older. This was her in her prime:

Like a lot of my characters, rolled a die and came up even for female. She has an interesting background that has sort of already played out a bit in the 1st session when she threw an ice cube at a rather menacing Russian. Who, being 1935 and male, did not want to start a fight with a woman. 


Baron Greystone said...

Wow. I love the lab ship, but as you say... I too have tons of little spaceships. Mine are mostly still bagged, so no more for now.

I envy the heck out of you for getting to play Crimson Skies! Microlite, that's a d20-ish rules set, right? I'd be very curious to learn how you handle RP vs flying sequences, rules-wise.

Craig Oliver said...

The GM is really good. He added classes that applied to the setting that could boost some game mechanics. For the 1 dog fight we had, all three of us were in a bomber. I was piloting (and had an aviator class that gives me some perks for piloting) and the other two were in the gun balls (turns out we should have stuck the air marshall class as co-pilot as she would have given us more HP basically for the plane). The dog fight was frantic action and using my jink points, pulled off (and used extra jink points to re-roll as the dice do not like me) some maneuevers that gave them a bonus to hit. It was a group thing that we all had a good part in. We're still playing via Skype so no minis or anything (and my space ships would work as proxies, though I've a feeling the GM has minis from Crimson Skies already).

I'll have a post for this game though normally I don't recap games I am not running. Just need to get around to creating a character sheet from my scrawled page of notes.