Friday, December 31, 2021

Traveller - Extended Starport Codes Again

Pretty sure I keep coming back to this every once in a while. But heck if I can find the post where I was messing with this. And there is an interesting discussion on COTI about the existing base codes. Got me to thinking yet again about something that should be useful fluff but also have some game mechanics associated with it. Not that I actually use any of these house-rules I play with when I actually run games: mostly use things at the plot requirements and I make up what I need before the session. Random things are handy for sparking ideas. 

Anyway, I can see have an extended port description. Something along the lines of ABCDE-F where:

  • A = main starport (same as the UWP, unless it is ONLY a high port)
  • B = port staff size: 0 = 0-9, 1 = 10-99, etc. (same as the population code)
  • C = high port (A to X for none)
  • D = trader information:
    • A = multiple brokerages available, up to broker 4. Extra cargo roll per week allowed
    • B = brokerages available, up to Broker 2
    • C = broker available, up to Broker 1
    • D = no brokerages available
    • E = minimal cargos, reduce available cargo rolls
  • E = Embassy population: 0 = 0-9, 1 = 10-99, etc. 
  • F = port TL level (may not be the same as the UWP
This presumes that the starport population is distinct from the planetary population. And of course, it would not be Traveller without having a bunch of rolls to randomly fill out the info. With DMs based on other UWP info. 

Port Staffing Levels

2d6 x planetary population code x starport code modifier x importance^2 where if importance <= 0, make it 1:
  • A = 100
  • B = 25
  • C = 10
  • D = 1
  • E = 0.1
Importance is not Classic Traveller, but a T5 affection. See this Wiki entry for that info. Interestingly the starport itself is part of the calculation for world importance. Regina, for instance, has an importance of 4, whereas Beck's world, a few parsecs away, is -3.

A world population of 7 on a port A world has a range (49...84) * 100 * (1..4) ^2 for 4900...134,000 employees. Honestly, rather than a random roll base the port population based on the system and trade routes around it. Gives a place for all those starport authority people to be emplyed at. Maybe we could redo the population code to be more granular, but I like using existing codes.

A class C port on a population 2 world of little importance (2..12) * 2 * 10 * 1 for a range of 40 to 240 port authority staffers. 

A class D port on a high population world of A and no importance is (2..12) * 10 * 1 * 1 for 20..120 people. 

A class E port on a high pop world of A would be (1..12) * 0.1 * 1 * 1 for 0.1 to 1.2 people. So, 0 to maybe 3 people if you round up. 

I think the numbers sort of work.

High Port

Normally the high port will be the same as the downport, and somewhere in the rules it does indicate that A ports almost always will have a high port, B probably will, and C is hit or miss. Some systems may ONLY have a high port, in which case the code may look more like X2Axxx-A for no downport, 10-99 employees at the class A high port for this TL A system. In MTU, I generally don't let 5000+ ton ships land on planets, but it all depends on the planet. A small planet with no atmosphere won't have the same gravitational stress. Military ships designed for planetary landings are of course an exception. A high port is better for those larger ships. 

Trader Classification

I'd fall back on the GURPS Far Trader book for a much better explanation (a great resource if you have it. While I don't like GURPS as a role playing system, though I've never played so that is not really a fair assessment, the books, at least for Traveller, are really great. Another interesting conversation on COTI on those books as well). 

While I don't have a formular per se, I think the start port type, importance and population will have an effect on the classification. I.e., an A port with a high native population and is important would be a A: lots of brokerages available, lots of cargos available. Are there pricing differences per broker? Maybe if you use the same one on multiple visits. Something to keep in mind: contacts are always important. A system with a low population and a cleared off section of bedrock for a port may not have much in the way of anything, and it would be harder to find cargos and no broker will be there as there is no profit to be had. Which makes me wonder about Petria...


Per the rules, ports in the Imperium are technically part of the Imperium. Most worlds (with T5) will have some sort of nobility from knight on up on the planet. They actually get land fiefs, the size depending on a few things. But in the port itself there will be an embassy. The population code is probably too wide, but again, I like standard codes. A 0 may be no embassy staff present, and a 2 is almost a thousand staffers could be working there. I'd base this on a number of factors that really can't be part of a random roll. Such as:
  • closer to a border probably has a higher staff count
  • worlds well within the border and completely Imperial for centuries would have a minimal staff
  • the larger a population, the larger the staff to handle any inquiries and whatnot.
The embassy is also going to have a Marine garrison. This is not part of the embassy population code, but figure a minimum of a squad (aka fire team), and up to company. Found this handy site for the US Marines and how the units break down. Having no military experience, I feel I am always just guessing at things. But in brief:
  • Fire team = 3 marines lead by a corporal
  • Squad (or section) = 3 teams lead by a sergeant (9 Marines)
  • Platoon = 3 squads let by a lieutenant (27 Marines)
  • Company = 3 or more platoons led by a captain (243 Marines)
And of course, Marines will have their toys and by armed to TL-15. 

Port Tech Level

Always contentious (per LBB2, any class A port can do yearly maintenance on any ship), I feel that the TL of a port does not always reflect the TL of the system. It will generally, though not always, be higher than local TL based on the port code. A vague house rule:
  • A minimum TL A (decent jump and grav technology)
  • B minimum TL 9 (early jump & grav)
  • C..X will be the TL of the system unless the plot requires something different
Note that A & B ports do import higher-tech supporting equipment so that they can maintain higher-tech ships as necessary. The parts may not always be available (cue adventure time) depending on the world importance, trade levels and proximity to higher-tech industrial systems. 

I've also embraced the whole maker thing, essentially advanced 3D printers. While not at the replicator stage of things, an A port will have the raw materials and templates to create most parts needed on hand, a B port may or may not have all it needs, and good luck with the C or D ports. This allows lower-tech systems to maintain higher-tech systems. I also assume that the Port Authority moves its engineers around, so that those that learn to maintain high tech stuff get moved to lower tech worlds to share that information and skillset. 

There is an interesting conversation on COTI about lower TL ships in higher TL settings, and some, err, strongly help opinions. As it is a game, I feel what works in your game universe is what works. There is 1 poster there that is quite adamant about how he thinks things should work and contrary opinions are "using logic to come to the wrong conclusions". It is an imaginary game with imaginary conceits, keep it yours and do what you think works best for your games. Almost got into an argument with my group about something similar, and I just get tired of everyone complaining about everything and making fun of things they don't like. It is really, taking a step back, the kettle calling the pot black in a lot of these arguments. Back to logic and drawing the wrong conclusion. Anyway....

January's Character Challenge

I'll probably do this again this year, and I'll cheat again and have a few pre-made ones for those days I have too much going on to generate a character (Monday's are really tough as I get up, go to the gym, work and then have my Monday game night. No time for much of anything else). I'll try to do at least half Traveller, but as always a few other systems that I have will get used as well. I may even bring out Jungle Girl and her two dinosaur friends. I don't think I've posted her stats anywhere. And the Crimsom Skies character is ready to go. We're playing a supers game starting this week, so there will be a supers character probably Tuesday or late Monday night as that will be session 0.

As a reminder, I have my bibliography of Traveller careers in this post. I probably need to update that as I did get the Cepheus Deluxe book and need to add those careers to the list.

If anyone one has a specific Traveller character career they'd like me to roll up, please let me know. I will also be doing characters for:
  • The Fantasy Trip
  • Blackest of Deaths (yet to actually play this game)
  • Delve
  • Apex
  • Microlite D20 games (for the supers game coming up shortly, and will probably post Athagio, the centaur I played, on one of those days I've run out of time)
  • Brass Rings (we had a few good sessions for that and I may need an NPC at some point assuming we get back to that one)
  • some of the zine RPGs I picked up in ZineQuest 3. Need to hold back this year - as enticing as a lot of those things are, I am just not using them. And while digital hoarding takes no physical space, it does take mental and emotional space!

Year in Review

Not going to do that. Though I am happy that somehow, I picked up 3 more followers this year. 19 people following me - woot! My influence is felt...nowhere. Not sure that that really means honestly: I follow a number of blogs but apparently do not have the RSS or something set up as new posts don't seem to show up anywhere that I can find. But it has been, erm, a year. Just like the year before pretty much. Working from home (and will be for the foreseeable future), getting way too many minis to paint or even store. and not having enough time to play games. I hope everyone has had a good year, and that this coming year will be full of fun and good times. And hopefully for me, less anger and arguing. I get tired of myself sometimes.

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