Saturday, November 16, 2019

Planning the 1 Shot, Part 3

We're going to try again this weekend, barring illness or other interruptions. I've also asked them to generate 2 characters apiece - TFT can be a bit deadly and 2 beginning level characters may not fare so well.

So my huge friend is playing a Dwarf Smith and a Goblin wizard. His 11 year old an Elf archer and a Halfling rogue. I'll have to poke around to see if I have any minis close to those: the Dwarf I have covered, I actually half a Halfling rogue but it is a female. I don't currently have any Elves so will have to do with any archers I may have. And pretty sure not a Goblin to be found. All that will be covered with the Bones V Kickstarter, but alas, that is April of 2021.

I've also worked up the falling apart guard house a bit. I really need to take the time to learn how to use Campaign Cartographer...but I have at least a basic map of the building. I have a lot more respect for those people that can make beautiful maps. I am still fingerpainting...

Bottom floor has the kitchen area. A corner is full of guano - always look up! Upstairs are the barracks and a new alter. Still need to pick a god for the avatar thay they may end up fighting (which is why there are 2 characters apiece). There is a trap door under the staircase that the rogue will hopefully notice. This may lead to a small dungeon I need to work up.

The building is in shambles, and there is light only from the door and the single window on the 2nd floor. Except: the fireplace is still roaring. I'll have the avatar Urkon on the 2nd floor. We will have to roll for surprise - we'll see if they are trying to be sneaky or not.

There may be miscellaneous treasures to be found - I may roll on the random treasure table or bring along the Deck of Many Things for a more humorous treasure. I want this to be fun and memorable, but not set up expectations of riches from the get-go. I also need to remember to bring along some of the coins and maybe even the stamps - if they die we can stamp the sheets. Or if they live...

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