Friday, November 29, 2019

Fantasy Trip - Big Boss

After discovering that they can die, but finding some healing potions (it was a random roll on the treasure table, and a very fortunate one!), they are pressing on. I am using the dungeon from the 2nd Delayed Blast Gamemaster, a Kickstarter for some old school fun dungeons. See - I *am* using some of the things I've purchased. In fact, one of the random things they found after defeating the giant spider was a spider-engraved chest, a bit too large to carry easily, filled with flat stones with spiders engraved on them. I've some ideas what they may be used for in a later game (imagine if they turn into giant spiders in the light of the moon...wonder who will be keeping guard that night?)

They have two more rooms to explore before the last one. One they are in when we left was a work room, with magical ingredients, books, scrolls and tablets. One of the books will be my fantasy mushroom book if I can remember to bring it in the next session. While not magical per se, it does have some notes and things that could be used in magical potions, poisons and other game artifacts.

Wish that the Bones KS delivered early - all these goblins and I only have game pieces for them. And an empty suit of armor is coming up, then our wizard of the eyes. She is a Dwarf wizard as I have a Dwarf magic user mini, and, hmm, could be a sister or cousin to Glorirnolsia Grumblestone. I may have to figure out if there is a connection or not there. How many wizardly Dwarves are living near Edge City?

And here is Vakkekara Mountainsunder, a female Dwarf wizard who lives to spy apparently.

ST: 10  DX: 12  IQ: 15

Meal, Dispel Missiles, Reveal Magic, Drop Weapon, Detect Magic, Scrying, Slippery Floor, Duplicate Writing, Spell Shield, Lightening, Unnoticeability, Staff I, II, III, IV, Create Gate.

Her ornate wand, engraved with eyes, does 1d+3 damage (she has had time to improve it over the basic 1d damage). Her one weaponized spell is the lightening, but she has a few defensive ones. She prefers to user her minions as her shield and sword.  She will attack at least one round but then slip through the door that is spelled only to let her go through, and anyone she is touching. So should one of the players be holding on to her when she steps through the gate, they will have a one way trip.

She has Create gate as she has a backup from getting trapped: the outline of a door is on the back wall. The gate is attuned to her and will take her to her tower. Not sure yet where the tower is, but I am thinking she could pop up later. She is holding a power stone that has 20 ST points to use, and her wand has 15 mana points, so she has some magic backup. She may drop the power stone if she gets hit by anything.

The floor in front of her will have the slippery floor spell on it, and she will have the unnoticeability spell running. So she may well get a few attacks, which she will make with 2 ST for 2D damage.

The ensorcelled armor will be ST 30 DX 12 IQ 2. It is carrying a 2 handed sword (3d-1) and guards the chamber next to Vakkekara's final study.

Not 100% sure we'll be running this Sunday - Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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