Saturday, July 27, 2019

Solo Session 3: 234-1106 Entering Preacep System

234-1106 Preacep 0803 C22467B-A
Malik sat for over three hours, waiting for the No Refunds to exit jump space. While waiting, he reviewed what the ship's computer had on Preacep. A small planet, almost a moon, in the 3rd orbit around an F3 V star, Preacep had a very thin, tainted atmosphere. Even the hydrosphere was tainted with hydrogen compounds (looked up and saw 11 possibilities listed; close enough to a D12. Not sure how a small planet could have a hydrogen taint, as I think that is a pretty light molecule and probably would not hang around. Unless it was bounded to something, but my chemistry knowledge is non-existent. So we'll pretend it is bound to something valuable, why else would there be what appears to be a significant population present?). These compounds were bounded with chlorine, and while the system is non-industrial based on its trade class, it does provide some interesting chemical compounds used in a variety of other industries. Regardless, a filter mask and compressor were not enough - light vacc suits were the norm for going outside the underground cities. There were about 2 million people living in the system, in a variety of locations spread out across the relatively tiny globe. The C class port offered little other than basic fuel and supplies. And oddly, a note from the ISS indicates that few outsiders meet any of the local residents: there is a near global ban on off-world contact. No notes as to why, and even though the government was deemed balkanized, it appears to be a universal trait. (Using Heaven And Earth to basically run the planet rolls as sadly I only have the World Census book. not the World Builder book. H&E [and had to change the compatibility settings again for XP service pack 2, but hey, this 20+ year old software STILL RUNS!] does the cultural stuff and one of the things it came up with was off-world contact prohibited. That and everyone is carnivorous - I suppose maybe meat tanks as there would be no native life they could eat.) Visitors were restricted to the port and the nearby startown, both which were maintained and operated by the Imperial Starport Authority. The planet had a really high law level, but as no one was really allowed to actually visit, Malik did not think that would be an issue. Probably no world-visiting to check for better cargos here!

Finally the external universe suddenly appeared on Malik's sensors. Interestingly, there appeared to be no other ships heading out or to Preacep. Wonder if the Ptolemy Traveler is here ahead of us or still in jump? We left about the same time Malik thinks as he checks his sensors. From the bridge in front, he hears Robard get up from his station next to Lynwood's. Stretching, the tall man walked back past Malik and Ewo, ignoring Malik but at least giving eye contact to the Aslan across the aisle at her station. He disappeared down the stairs, leaving the three of them on the bridge deck.

"Attention all hands and passengers. We have successfully arrived in the Preacep system at just over 103 diameters out. We'll be landing in a few hours, so please prepare your belongings."  Turning off the mike, Lynwood leaned back over his chair and yelled to Malik: "I've got nothing on sensors other than the landing beacon. I'm confirming flight path, so go ahead and get those two passengers ready".

Malik heads down and does what he can to help the now non-feuding passengers to get their gear together. They had brought no weapons or anything requiring the ships locker, so they had their bags ready in the two staterooms.

I'll detail the landing a bit more - got side tracked by mapping a size 2 world grid to an isomorphic map - seems to match up:



Shawn Driscoll said...

Sometimes, I wish I had kept my MegaTraveller books. I had all of them at one time. Never played the game though. I was an RPG collector it seemed.

Craig Oliver said...

Of all the games I had over the years, I only kept my Traveller and Fantasy Trip stuff. It has been the last few years that I decided to start actually playing again and not just reading them.

Shawn Driscoll said...

I only have four RPGs now. Got rid of so many.