Wednesday, July 03, 2019

Fantasy Trip Game - session 1

Realizing I just posted the end game, here is session 1. Testing using Trello for that game and the game recaps were there except for the final session, which I posted earlier then linked to that post from Trello.  Just to keep everyone guessing I suppose!

Having more than one book of the rules was helpful. Characters got generated, 2 humans, a goblin and a halfling. Not all the characters were quite legal but we fudged a little and adjusted as the rules got better figured out.

The group was part of a caravan and dropped off at the entrance to Edge City. Paying their silver to get a "passport", the wandered into the Broken Sword Tavern, a dwarf-owned establishment in an okay part of town. Drinking and eating, they were approached by Glori and her taciturn body guard. Sir Rabbit had flirtatious eyes and the stout dwarf eyed him back under glowering thick eyebrows. It was agreed that they would accompany her on a mushroom expedition for 4 gold, two up front and two on completion of their task. Glori left a sizable tip to help with the rather, err, messy eating habits of Merk, the Goblin wizard.

Meeting at the Northern gate, there was Maggie the pony attached to a small cart, with GLori and Hanarlig waiting for the day trip up to Hamor, a small hamlet next to some caves where the aphrodisia mushrooms can be found.

Once past the open farmlands and entering the woods, the group reorganized with Harkin taking lead, Merk peering over the edge of the cart and probably drooling, Quincy watching the back trail from the cart, Sir Rabbit I believe was walking beside the cart, and our woodsman Barnard walking near the front. Harkin noticed a couple and was weapon ready. The young couple indicated that they too were heading to Hamor and could they ride along? Suspicious bunch that we are, they were not allowed on the cart but asked to walk several paces ahead of everyone else.

Not much further, Harking realized there was an ambush waiting to happen (yay awareness skill!). Everyone got ready for the battle.

I did pick pretty poor combatants for this first battle - they were basically average human so their stats would be a bit lower. I did not want to kill off anyone before we even hit the eponymous dungeon!

The battle went fairly quickly. We do have to get used to the 2 phase method of combat. Move first based on an initiative roll, then actions based on highest adjusted DX down. And I need to figure a good way of displaying that info to help everyone as well as me.

Sir Rabbit managed to confront one of the ruffians, and Merk hopped out as well for the combat. Quincy managed to sidle around one as well to attack frm the rear (+4 to hit from the rear). Harkin was taking aim at the two ruffians up the road, and Barnard confronted another of the couple. Our stalwart NPCs did not do a lot in the first round: Glori is basically a city mage with no combat spells. Hanalig's first task is to protect Glori so he first got in front of her.

The players did some significant damage in round 1 to the assailants next to the cart: a short sword (I think - need to get that GM player card!) almost took one out, and a rapier to the back just about finished off one. A fireball also did significant damage to another. In combat, 5 points or more means that the one attacked is basically reeling and gives a negative DM on their next attack (and I need to dig into the rules to make sure I've got that right). So those two were out of the picture basically, and finished off with a coupe de grace next round. Meanwhile, the two archers in the distance were shot at and missed by Harkin, and they in turn both missed him. Arrows are stuck in trees everywhere.... Next round, there is some shifting about as the first couple of rogues are dispatched, and Hanarlig rushes to confront one of the archers. Basically blocking Harkin as friendly fire does apply in this game! The archer gets a last shot in and misses. No more combat so in round three, Quincy moves about to get behind one of the archers (I think - maybe I should keep notes about the combat). Regardless, all the assailants are killed by the next round, and there is all of 8 coppers between the four of them. I suppose if they were rich they would not need to rob!

That's where we left the game pretty much. This combat was low level just to get a handle on the mechanics. And also realize that I do not plan on handing out riches. Although who knows what will show up in the dungeon: I plan on using random treasure cards or rolls.

Notes for me are to get better organized with the cards, Next time there are attackers, I will be using random cards. And those tend to be tougher than average so it will be a challenge.

And I am still not sure if using real coins helps or distracts. My theory was that having the physical coins in front of you made it more tangible as to how much you really had. I'll have to see if I can make a survey on this to see if it helped or hindered.

Each character got 50 XP, so half of what they need to boost an attribute. My goal is to have them be able to add 1 point at the end of the game, maybe more. I also may see if we can do a bonus per player if they do something really good in character.

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