Tuesday, July 02, 2019

Session 0.5 - More characters!

I broke down and bought the SOLO supplement. I've yet to read it (got the PDF and the hardback is getting printed) other than a quick glance. I will need a small adventuring group, and as I really do like trading games for the baseline, and I need a ship & crew for a trader, I'm seeing about generating some Merchants. And as I had to come up with a trader for the T5 rewards, I am now working on the crew.

This one came from the RPG Suite as I went through that process. So meet our steward/broker/cargo master for the No Refunds:

Eaaia Wasaiea Oieei (Ewo) 757994, age 34, Merchant

Admin-1, Advocate-1, Deception-1, Diplomat-1, Electronics (Comms-1, Computer-1), Language (Anglic-1), Persuade-1, Astrogation-0, Broker-0, Drive-0, Mechanic-0, Steward-0, Vacc Suit-0

Ewo was born on Kimitri (A563788-C 0107 D'Arlee), part of a small clan of merchants. Growing up at the port, she picked up some smattering of various languages, the ability to at least function not too badly in a vacc suit and some rudimentary driving skills. Her attempt to enter college failed, partly due to her clan having little influence in the system. She took up the merchant life, first on her mother's ship then on a human ship.

Term 1 gave her basic training and a swath of basic skills. She was also involved in a legal tussle, and managing the books for her mother gave her the Admin-1 skill, and she was promoted due to that and her persuasion skills.

Term 2 she switched ships to become more familiar with a more human-centric crew. Unfortunately that merchant made some unwise decisions and had a very cunning rival. She still picked up Advocate-1 but there is a criminal syndicate added as a rival (quite possibly the same one as the adventurers in the last Traveller game encountered via getting kidnapped).

Ewo returns to college, but living the life of a merchant is just too much of draw. She got basic training for Astrogation, and picked up Anglic so that she is now quite fluent. She never gets her degree.

She returns to the merchants, in another human free merchant. Legal troubles abound, but she does manage to talk her way through things, picking up the Diplomat skill. Not getting promoted irked her, so she left, and with some of her ship shares, joined forces with the No refunds crew. She now has some roihoaaea in the game!

There are a few bugs in the RPG Suite software: she was not supposed to get a few of those benefits rolls, but I am okay with that. It gave her 3 ship shares. Once I get the rest of the crew up, we can figure out the shares and how the characters get paid.

From Deviant Art Aslan Sample

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