Decided to dive a bit more into the MAUI stuff and create an application that works on Windows and Android. I've set the repo to public if anyone wants to check it out here. And yes, there have been, and are several current web-based ones. Traveller world explainers. But I figured I'd start smaller, and possibly this will morph into an Android/Windows Traveller ship tracking/trade management system. Be sort of cool to be able to do this on your phone.
Essentially a C# program. Though if the .Net loading on the Android VM is any sign, not really sure how well it will work. Though I will install it locally on my phone for testing to see if that makes a difference. In theory this would also be able to run on iOS, however, lacking a Mac I cannot verify that.
Going to go through several small phases, and phase 1 is complete: I have a UI that does not do anything other than accept the data to be explained.
If you read the readme file in the project (a readme file in Github, or any system really, is just that: read me for instructions and information as needed), I have several phases I plan on doing:
- Phase 1: a UI. Done - it is basically there, though no display area for the results we calculate
- Phase 2: make the explain button actually explain the world
- expand on the base stats to say what they mean (size 6 = 6000km diameter world sort of thing)
- get the trade codes calculated
- Phase 3: get Classic Traveller trade results
- Phase 4: see about using the TravellerMap API's to allow the user to search for a planet
- Phase 5: we'll see how this project goes
- ...
- Phase 10: conquer the world! (old joke, I know...)
Android emulator |
Yes, I do seem to work on personal projects when I am unemployed and have time, once I get past the panic stage! And yes - that is one of the worlds I created via various software packages. I've a list of directions in these posts:
tutorial 1 tutorial 2
And yes, the great job hunt continues! More rejections, more applications. I've added my Github and this blog as URLs for some places to let them see there is (1) a person who can write code and learn new things and (2) a person with at least some modicum of creativity. A real, live person. Unlike a lot of the resume review systems which are mostly automated. Which is sort of where my previous post was coming from, I think. Anyway, something will eventually come up, and in the meantime, I'll be spending time applying to more jobs, working on various personal projects, and still worry until something wonderful shows up.
Windows version below - same code! So that is pretty cool really. I also think I can make this into a single executable for Windows, though while I say, sure, you can trust me, you should always be wary of downloading software! If there is any interest in that, once I get it to actually do something, please let me know and I'll see about that process. 99% sure that is possible now without going through installers. And I sort of miss the installers I've used in the past. I think they are still supporting
ClickOnce installers which is what I used for the medical Windows program I wrote. It would automatically update the program as changes were made.
hmm, wonder if I should make the Android app a black background? Easy enough with the resource dictionary to change those things |
Anyway - enough software talking (even if Traveller software, the best kind!). Next post will probably be another month using Organic Towns and Windemere Crossing updates!
And thanks for listening to me, my real-live audience! Or at least reading me...
I'm always interested in (Classic) Traveller-related programs! I'm not that technically oriented though, so simple works best for me. Looking forward to following your progress. Have fun!
Thanks! Yeah, this will be simple to begin with, but really hoping I can do a classic Traveller ship/cargo tracking program. And get it on the app store, assuming I get permission from Marc Miller (it would of course be free; and I will set the source code to have an open source license).
And aiming for simple. A good UI should be simple enough to use yet complete.
and thanks for your encouragement, Sir Baron Greystone!
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