Sunday, July 18, 2021

Apex: The German Station

I've made up my 3 main research groups:

  • Menschlicher Dinosaurier (Human Dinosaur) using dinosaur genetics for improving human capacity. Emil Augsburg
  • Power Kristall (Power Crystal) - they have found small fragments of a crystal that has amazing energy potential. Rumors of a larger crystal and the search for them have lead to various expeditions on Apex Island. Isla retrieved the most promising map. Sybille Mader
  • Dinosaurier bewaffnet (weaponized dinosaurs) project to see if dinos can be used in combat. Kommandant Blut

 My apologies for those that actually speak German: I am just using a translate web site to get something about right. I've also got the 3 people in charge of each group a bit defined, and some still overly vague ideas how they will interact with our group, it at all. I'll post more details on those people later, as I really need to get some details for the port town they are going to! The first was a real WW2 person and I squeezed him to Apex Island. History's villains for the game. I just use the one, the rest will all be made up.

Anyway, our map:

And a map procedurally generated:

Located towards the south of Apex Island, Hafn Zweite's population is primarily German. This is the closest town outside of Wissenschaftliche Kriederstation, and used for those soldiers on R&R. German is the main language spoken, though most languages are also represented. It has a high wooden fence surrounding the town, which has four main sections. Roads in all sections are hard-packed dirt with raised wooden sidewalks. When it rains, the streets can become quite muddy, and torrents can cause minor flooding to the harbor.

The Smoke Docks to the north are where most ships dock. There are some warehouses and the harbor master's office here, along with what would be considered the red ight district. Most Germans on R&R don't get too far past here. Passports or IDs are required to get off the docks.

The South Docks take smaller ships and the occasional sea plane. Cut off from the rest of the town, the South Docks has many more languages spoken. There is a manned guard post on both sides of the Dock Bridge, but unless there is some sort of alert, they are not particularly strict. Passports or papers are required to cross the bridge, but not required in this section of town.

East Gate has several hotels, night clubs, smoke and opium joints, music halls, kitchens and cafes spread out between housing and some gardens. There are also stables. While there is a single horse stable, there is also Gunther's Exotic Stable, where one can rent trained dinosaurs. There are two trails leading out of town. Both have a guard squad on duty at all times to verify papers, and to be a rescue team when necessary.

The Knightring to the north of the town and outside the walls is an unbridled series of whore houses and speak easies. Native alcohol is available in large and cheap quantities here. As the patrons say, it does grow on you after a while. 

The New Danube River meanders through the city, coming from the mountains to the north east. The river itself is generally fairly calm, surrounded by the deep jungles. There is a tow path on the north side, though it is seldom used and growing over in many places. Steam ships are available to take one up river for a sight seeing cruise, though these are short trips. The river does have crocodiles as well as actual dinosaurs. While the posters in the travel offices show a more pastoral scene as below, there is a hefty insurance premium involved and several waivers. 


The river is generally sluggish until you get closer to the mountain source. River boats can go up river, taking 3 or 4 days to get to the ring of mountains. There is a single office that allows for unaccompanied boating excursions, but your deposit it the price of the boat.

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