Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Traveller 2020 game 1

Starting to look over possibilities for the Traveller game starting in a couple of weeks. As I got the Great Rift set, I do want to use that. So digging through that there are a few possibilities but the Big Wreck seemed to call out to me. From the Mongoose:

The Big Wreck is thought to be a gigantic starship
dating from the early days of the Vilani Imperium. It
looks like a Vilani design and its doors, furniture and the
like are suitably sized for humans. The wreck was found
drifting in deep space in Corridor sector some years ago
and despite being declared off-limits to unauthorised
personnel, it has been visited by scavengers and
scientists on several occasions since.

I may start them out on Antiquity (from the Great Rift, Mongoose Publishing):
The subsector is also well known as the location of
Antiquity, which has one of the largest and best-
preserved Ancients sites in Charted Space. This site is
unusual in that some parts of it are still functional. Most
are completely off-limits to casual visitors, although
some apparently harmless functions can be viewed
from close-by platforms. The world is a major tourist
destination, although its location makes visiting it an
expensive undertaking. Nevertheless, there are sufficient
wealthy people interested in the Ancients to support a
regular run by luxury liners. Given the people travelling
on these liners, security tends to be very tight and
the vessels are well-armed. It is not uncommon for an
Antiquity liner to be escorted by small warships
Seems like a place full of possibilities!

So I think we'll start there with someone wanting to get a crew together to explore & salvage anything they can from the Big Wreck. This should also allow an interesting group as if they don't have a ship they will be on one with the patron. So that means I need:

  1. A patron and enough of a hook that hopefully the players will want to play along.
  2. A large ship set of plans I can use. None of the 0-Hour ships are large enough for that, but they still have to get there so hopefully I can use one or more.
  3. Some good descriptions of the area 
  4. Maybe start 1 system away - they could pose as rich tourists on the King Richard getting to Antiquity (how's that for bridging Classic Traveller and Mongoose!)
  5. Talk to the players to see if that is something they may want to do.

Overview cribbed from the TravellerMap site:


Simon Brunning said...

There was a scenario set on antiquity in one of the old Travellers' Digests.

Craig Oliver said...

Thanks. Sadly those are some of resources I don't have (I think I've got just one of those in hard copy and don't think they are available in any other format yet). I'll have time this week for research and writing up a loose framework for the adventure. Maybe I'll find that scenario

Simon Brunning said...

Even more sadly, I doubt any of the DGP stuff will ever be available legally again in any format - https://tml.travellerrpg.narkive.com/MNghXBLX/roger-sanger-and-dgp

Craig Oliver said...

There is rumor that Marc is still trying. I hope that eventually they'll figure out that the people that want to read that older stuff are getting fewer and fewer, and that eventually it won't be worth anything. Still can't see how it helps anyone to hold on to old game material that way.