Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Game Prep: The Fantasy Trip & stocking the dungeon

While the outside areas have wildlife and thus resources such as potential food and water, what about underground dungeons? Especially those that are sealed off? I'm extending one of the maps with a few map tiles I've got but it is essentially a dead end.  And being sealed, nothing could live down there, right? I do have a note scribbled on the index card where I have the 3 square tiles sort of outlined, and in one I'm adding a small underground stream with some fish. Where the stream comes from and where it goes, who knows. But it is not enough to feed anything for long. 

However - while I was thinking I was just joking about the gelatinous cube simply because I have a big die that IS such a beast, I read the description in the book to see if it indicated what it ate other than the occasional adventurer: 

Deep underground, the party enters a small room, only about a megahex wide by seven megahexes long. The door is completely rotted away – only a few fragments of wood remain stuck to the top hinge. The room is completely bare except for a pool of water a hex in size, at the end away from the doorway. The water is undrinkably acid. Things thrown into the pool vanish into its greenish murk. Before long (sooner, if the party interacted with the pool) the water will begin to overflow, and a greenish pseudopod will emerge and quest about. Then the whole pool hex will be filled with the greenish flesh of a gelatinous cube, slowly emerging. It will take a minute for it to get completely out and move toward the party. 

So I can have that cube in there! Probably no other creatures other than maybe rats?

I've also written down two other characters (Dina Goldenfoot and Aigulf Proudfoot) that I may have in the tower when the group gets there. They were part of the January character challenge and while written for OSE I've basically created TFT character cards for them to have. And having Aigul there, as he is a bit of an historian, when I let the players roll for the weapons, he will have a decent chance of knowing about them so the players may have a better idea of exactly what they are getting.

And since I've also recently decided to get some of the scenery and figures off of sprues from Archon, I actually have a couple camp rolls, tents and stuff. I may add that to the center of the tower. 

camping in a tower with unpainted camping equipment
Part of my questions on dungeon creation are coming from my reading of a few books on game mastering, and the new book that showed up on actually designing dungeons. I need to think of just how things survive in places. And a sealed dungeon does not give a lot of room for the living. It does for the undead though. And at least one of the players does have an enchanted sword that works great against the undead. So maybe I'll add a few skeletons or something. As I have way too many skeletons!

Like Checkov's Gun, everything in a dungeon must be there for a reason. And that equally applies to the various critters that are there. There needs to be a reason the creatures are in there. Though to be fair, I will leave clues for things I am planning for down the road, and so they do not have an immediate use in that particular game and may never actually come to fruition. But I do have the concept of a plan usually!

But I also thinking traps: I've not been good about adding traps to dungeons. I worry that they can be insta-kills or too easy. Not sure how to balance that really, despite reading a lot on it. But I think I can add at least 1 trap in the adventure. Just need to figure out how to role play it well for the players.

Anyways - thinking of a living dungeon that has its own ecology can be a fun challenge. But a dungeon that is only (let's see, each tile is 7x7 5' squares, so 49x3 = 147 square feet, which includes walls) does not leave space for an ecology honestly. But, what if there was another secret door on one of the rooms, and a much larger dungeon behind that? Maybe I could connect it to the Lost Depths of the Ageless or the Glimmering Crypt of the Ioun King! One of these days I will try to run those as well. 

As an aside on living dungeons - that is really what the wandering monster tables are for in various games and adventures. In OSE you roll every 20 minutes to see if something shows up, and that reflects that the dungeon is not a static place with creatures just sitting in a room waiting for someone to show up. I do use the OSE time tracking sheet even for TFT when they are inside as it is really pretty handy. Those torches are not going to last forever!

And while unrelated to TFT, we did have basically a session 0 for Space Gits and everyone has their characters. Character generation went well and even with the random process, they ended up with the characters they envisioned, I think. I'll try & have a post on those characters, but this weekend is running the Fantasy Trip game, then Monday night is session 1 for Space Gits. Not sure I'll handle running two games concurrently well, but the Space Gits game I think will only be 2-3 sessions, and TFT is only monthly. Surely I can handle that! And don't call me Shirley!

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Game Prep: The Fantasy Trip

Then I realized I have a face-to-face Fantasy Trip game coming up this next Saturday. I have to catch up as it has been a while since we ran. And funnily enough, it has been 1 year since we started this game. But this will be the 8th session. Getting together consistently is hard, plus this is a once-a-month game.

Recap so far:

S1: Sewers, found crypt, rescued Keg
S2: return for the crypt, find Ax (goblin rat catcher), Hexis has sword
S3: shopping, get medicinal weeds for sick child thieves, stay at Olmsted farm
S4: back to Edge City, twin Elf children of possible royal descent. mission to head north for Orc Fist Gauntlets, fight a sect
S5: escort Clybe to Bresselwyth, fight demon, meet Marian Harefolk, stay in goat town
S6: heading north, meet harpies, fight wolves, find strange green crystals in the wolves
S7: Battle of the Cutting

See - I knew there was a reason I do game recaps in electronic and shareable format!

One of the things I am doing is putting the NPCs on note cards - old school style for an old-school game! I did have them printed up on paper but that kept getting lost in the other papers. I *could* use a notebook with tabs but the only one I have at the moment is filled up with characters I've played in games. Though yeah, I could get a notebook! But I have a set of index cards that came with the recipe box I got to put the TFT monster cards in, and they can in 4 colors. So blue are NPCs to help track things.

I am also planning on doing a jump cut to get straight to some action: they are trekking through the Cutting Fields, Sister Ishbarra will get a little better, but she was sorely injured last session. But they will be in sight of what appears to be a small tower. And then hopefully will notice the goblins and gnolls also approaching the tower. 

And when I was looking for kobold and gnolls for TFT, while kobold still are not there, the Old School Monsters book does have gnolls in it!
TFT Old School Monsters
And I am using some maps I got from the Campaign Cartographer series - 24x26" dry erase maps. Plus, I got the map tiles from their last KS and have some ideas for extending the map beyond what is there. And I've been told I am far too stingy with treasures and magic items. So, I'll have them roll on the d20 table from the OSR Booster. I may not explain all the effects though as some of those things are more than a literally 2-edged sword. I still need to stock the new section not on the map - thinking I do have these gelatinous 2" dice...
what's on the other side of that door?

I have the maps set up the way I think will work, almost finished painting 2 additional gnolls I picked up from some KS (and sadly think there are more eventually on the way). I am hoping we'll have a good time. 
it is a narrow staircase to the castle entrance

Entirely unrelated to games

And entirely unrelated to gaming, I managed to add a new process for work that is infinitely expandable as I know that there will be more options down the road. And the actual code to get the correct mapping is only a few lines long. And this was in Ruby, so we also ported it to the .NET C# code base we are replacing the far out-of-date Rails application (safer to start all over than to try to update the old application as there are significant breaking changes to get it up to date. Plus, I really prefer .NET / C#) But the fun part was once I had the Ruby code, working (and yes, it worked in production in the first order that came in. But I did test the heck out of it before deploying), I got AI to translate it to C#. And that worked out of the box with just some minor tweaks. I know people keep saying AI will take over, and while it is a tool, they've been saying this sort of thing since I started almost 40 years ago. And I am still writing code.  And as I retire with any luck in just over 4 years, I'm good. Like a lot of things, it may be close, and in some cases good enough, but for a lot of problems that are not simple, it still takes the creative spark to figure things out. After all - you need to know just what to ask the AI. All it does currently is spit back out the stuff it has been trained on, though it can find interesting combinations from that morass of data. Which someone has actually written, drawn or whatever. Eventually the androids will dream of electric sheep, but we are not there yet. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Space Gits game prep

 Moving into high gear now. I am still trying to get them to name the ship, but so far they are just making jokes. All fine and good but we may end up with a joke name. Which is perfectly fine by me!

Thunderchicken did come up

And I decided that I did not need to roll up ALL the NPCs. Asked AI for 8 science fiction mercenaries, and this is what it gave me. Now to wrap them up in Space Gits skills. I did the 1st one as a test. And yes, fairly stereotypical, but at least I don't have to try and come up with a minimal background and personality. 
  1. Kai "Ironclad" Drayden

    • Background: A former military strategist who now operates as a freelance mercenary, Kai's tactical genius is unmatched. He carries an aura of authority and a sense of justice.

    • Skills: Tactical planning, hand-to-hand combat, advanced weaponry

    • Personality: Calculated, determined, and fiercely loyal to his comrades.

  2. Lyra "Shadow" Voss

    • Background: Lyra is an elusive infiltrator with a mysterious past. She specializes in espionage and covert operations, often working alone.

    • Skills: Stealth, hacking, close-quarters combat

    • Personality: Quiet, resourceful, and exceptionally perceptive.

  3. Rex "Blaze" Thorne

    • Background: A pyrotechnics expert who thrives in chaos, Rex loves nothing more than creating spectacular explosions. He's known for his recklessness and thrill-seeking behavior.

    • Skills: Explosives, demolition, high-risk maneuvers

    • Personality: Energetic, unpredictable, and fiercely competitive.

  4. Zara "Frost" Kallus

    • Background: With a cold and calculating demeanor, Zara is an expert sniper. Her precision and patience make her a deadly adversary from a distance.

    • Skills: Sniping, reconnaissance, survival tactics

    • Personality: Stoic, focused, and highly disciplined.

  5. Jax "Echo" Ryder

    • Background: Jax is a communications specialist with an uncanny ability to intercept and decode enemy signals. He's invaluable in electronic warfare.

    • Skills: Signal intelligence, hacking, communication systems

    • Personality: Witty, clever, and always one step ahead.

  6. Nova "Rogue" Hayes

    • Background: A former bounty hunter, Nova is a skilled tracker and hunter. Her unorthodox methods often lead to unexpected successes.

    • Skills: Tracking, marksmanship, hand-to-hand combat

    • Personality: Independent, rebellious, and fiercely determined.

  7. Viktor "Titan" Kruger

    • Background: A towering figure with unmatched strength, Viktor is a heavy weapons specialist. His imposing presence often ends conflicts before they start.

    • Skills: Heavy weaponry, mechanical engineering, close-combat

    • Personality: Brash, fearless, and fiercely protective of his team.

  8. Raven "Specter" Cross

    • Background: Raven is a master of disguise and deception, able to blend into any environment. She's an expert in undercover operations.

    • Skills: Disguise, espionage, martial arts

    • Personality: Charismatic, enigmatic, and highly adaptable.

NPC card - as small as I can I think at 1/4 of a page

playing with WordArt on Publisher :)
Of course, the players are just part of a team here. I am used to running and playing games where we ARE the team, though there are some NPCs who get added to the mix to help. But they are not the top dogs in this group (which is closer to the original version of the game). Though if everyone else dies, guess they will be the top dog. I think this may be a fairly lethal game if I play it right.

I've even started coming up with a list of atmospheric descriptions I plan on dropping in at random time. I want to see if we can make this feel as claustrophobic and stressful as some SF horror movies are. Which I don't really like though I did see Alien way back, and I think at least 1 more. But those types of movies give me nightmares and I have strange enough dreams as it is. Sometimes I feel I am living other lives in my dreams, which may explain why I am always tired when I wake up. Perhaps I am really a butterfly dreaming I am a man!
  • flickering lights
  • grav field fluctuating (unless they have 0-G at disadvantage?)
  • no life support sounds - e.g.,no air flowing
  • metallic banging - rhythmic, random, code?
  • scream in distance - organic? machine?
  • flickering shadows
  • sounds of *something* in the life support ducts
  • dripping sounds - sizzles?
  • pitted deck plates
  • stains on the floor - blood? food? mechanical fluids? something else?
  • single boot on the floor - empty? a foot remaining? vermin in it?
  • odd smells - acrid? smoke (always a bad sign in a ship or station!)
I'll add more but I need to see if I can get the scenes set and the atmosphere for this. I can't do background music or sounds as those just distract me as I am listening to that rather than the players. If we were face to face and it was dark that would help but when we do play face to face it is daylight. Me and my getting up at 4am makes staying up late not great as I start getting sleepy not long after 8!

And Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Quick catchup

I had to take a break after a post daily for 31 days (with a couple exceptions). The blog is supposed to be fun, not work! 

Still working sporadically on the Space Gits game coming up, and I've decided to try & see if I can do a bit of horror-styled gaming. We had an interesting conversation last night rather than gaming, so I know (a) that the game is dwindling to its conclusion as the current GM does the same thing I do when getting tired of running! and (b) I need to start working a bit harder for the game as it will start soon. But one of the players was talking about how can you get the sense of horror in an RPG game? Gore is easy, but how to portray that creeping sense of dread and pressure? Of course, I am not a fan of horror (and less so of splatter gore stuff. I have a sensitive mind and stomach! One of the reasons I run PG-13 games basically).

I'll be taking a mostly Alfred Hitchcock approach if I can: hint at things, try to set the scenes but try & let players imaginations do more than me. So I need to make a bunch of little snippets I can inject into the game: flickering lights, odd sounds, the grav net fluctuating. (Note: grav net came from a  Closed and Common Orbit which was a really good book (as was the 1st) and really posits some very interesting questions about what a person is. And 99% sure grav net was used before that but that's where I last read it). I have 3 decks of the station even though the image I have of the station I want has a deck plan, I want something a bit less Traveller-like and more complicated. Of course, stitching together maps from different sources is a bit clunky but good enough for me.

I did do a few characters and the aliens in the game, so need to polish those up and get them actually ready to play. As I am using one of the 0-Hr maps for their ship, I'll probably do a quick write up of that and the crew of mercenaries of which they are a part. I have 3 players, and the ship is pretty large, so I need some crew and of course a couple squads or so of NPC mercenaries. Red shirts in this case to show how dangerous it may be. I'll just mook the NPCs - no need to really go through char gen, just get their stats needed and personality quirks so I can at least attempt to differentiate them. The players I am with who run games are really good at doing NPCs and I am jealous of that.

For what was a colony ship (this is the cargo version of the Atlas) it works out well for a mercenary group as there is also a drop-ship version. The only difference was the bottom part. But there are 2 barracks, so I'll have 2 squads. I have things to do in the next few weeks!

And this is a short game - 2-3 sessions. Maybe more if we're having fun. But no grand plot - just a single scenario. 

0-Hr Atlas

Friday, January 31, 2025

Character Challenge 31: Quantum Sentinel

Last one. Thinking ahead to the Space Gits game I'll be running, the ship the players have will need an engineer (even though the rules do not specify that, but this ship is not going to fix itself! And I've never done a robot before!) Apparently, they gained their rights about 40 years ago to choose their own career. I had a few political things about that but decided to keep my blog politics-free. I play games to get away from the world!

As a benefit it will get +1 to any 2 attributes, and +1 to any 3 skills. Their talent is override: their brain is a computer and can apply it to most things for advantage, such as calculating a trajectory solving complex problems and dealing with security. And hmm, that station will now have more security layers.

Quantum Sentinel joined the Navy - it had a strong urge to be surrounded by the vast machines and feels more at home in a ship than any planet. And while the original robot was designed as a war machine, Quantam Sentinel decided it would rather join the Navy than a face-to-face military force.  It is literally a walking encyclopedia. In his spare time, he performs Zero-G ballet and collects vids of various ballets wherever it can. QS (as most people call it) also oddly hums when working on machinery, a habit he picked up from working with humans to help him fit in better. 

In basic training it gains Pilot+1 and Zero G+1. It's first term he gains +1 coordination and gets even better with Zero G +2. By careful observing the mostly human crew and spending a lot of time in the engineering spaces, he gains the Constructor talent - the uncanny ability to fix and create things.

Its 2nd term, it starts to specialize in engineering. It gains Mechanic +2 and Knowledge +1: with perfect memory circuits, QS (as it is known by its crewmates) never forgets a thing and is a walking encyclopedia. A server motor upgrade bumps his strength. He also gains a contact - one of the players?

QS's 3rd term gains Zero-G +3. Apparently, QS enjoys Zero-G ballet and practices in the cargo holds. It also gains Computers+1. Working with organics has strengthened his resolve in the face of robotic prejudices (will +1) And gains another contact. 

The 4th term bumps his Mechanics +2, and Ships-Guns +1. Hopefully the player's ship has guns. May be an upgrade as it was originally a colony ship. And an improved fusion pack increases QS' health this term. And QS was caught doing a crime and cashiered from the Navy. It never talks about it: QS actually encrypted the memories and entrusted the decryption key to his 2nd contact (player contact?). But it was murder, and as a result, QS is a pacifist. While he won't hurt anyone intentionally in person, space combat is a different matter as he is protecting his crew mates. 

Leaving the Navy, Quantum Sentinel gets hired by the players to be the ship engineer and gunner. Which, if the players go this route, then we can drop QS).

And getting to bump 3 skills, we'll bump mechanics, ships guns and knowledge. This NPC will be the in-universe encyclopedia.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Character Challenge 30: Traveller Belter

For some reason, I wanted to do a belter. And think that could even parley into some solo-Traveller gaming as I go prospecting in the belt. Just to play with the rules and see about the fractional fuel usage, tracking life support, all the little technical things that to me are actually fun. At least in theory! I'm using Mongoose v1 Adventure 1: Beltstrike rules and may see about the rest of those rules if I decide to try a solo game again.

And belters also start at age 14 in Classic, so I'll do the same here even though I cannot see if that rule applies to the Mongoose version.

Pascal Esperon, Miner 5 terms

9687A7 age 34 Rank 5
Pilot (small craft)-1, Computer-1, JoT-1, Prospecting-1, Mechanic-1, Broker-1, Vacc Suit-1, Medical-1,  Admin-1, Zero G Combat-0, Gun (Laser)-0, Comms-0, Astrogation-0

A well-rounded character, Pascal is living his dream aboard his own singleship, rock hopping like his childhood video heroes. Though sometimes he is borderline about the law as he does have smuggler friends, he is generally an honest man trying to make an honest living. Easy to smile, he enjoys his long solitude

Educated on a high-tech world, Pascal Esperon learned his way around the teaching computers, getting Computer-0 as a homeworld skill. While his system had an advanced educational system, Pascal wanted nothing more to be in space, prospecting the belts. Perhaps growing up watching too many episodes Rock Hoppy and Belter Bob helped push him to a career in asteroid mining.

Joining the mining guild as well as the team at Swift Rock Group (see, I remembered this time!) he learns the basics of mining and continues on in the rough and tumble world of asteroid mining.

Term 1: 14-18

Basic training, and picks up Vacc Suit-0, Zero-G Combat-0, Gun (Laser)-0, Comms-0, Astrogation-0, Pilot (Small craft)-0. And as the government came out with new rules and administrative processes, he also gains Admin-1. For his diligence, he was promoted to rank 1.

Term 2: 19-22

His past diligence was no indication of future work ethics: snake eyes on the promotion roll! Pascal was taking things for granted, after realizing that the shows he watched were much more exciting than the life of a miner actually was. Though he did learn how to properly prospect with Prospecting-1. And his love life got better: Arcadia Brosnan and Pascal serve aboard the Crazy Gander and seem to really hit it off. They remain close friends to this day and sometimes talk about getting married but Pascal and Arcadia both want to have a big strike before they can tie the knot. They are having an informal contest to see who gets rich first. 

Term 3: 23-26

Deciding to buckle down, Pascal is promoted to Rank 2, and takes in the role of medic this term, getting certified in Medical-1 as well as basic maintenance with Mechanic-1. But he also allowed a smuggler to use a company ship (which will benefit him in the mustering out process). Our Pascal knows people from the wrong side of the asteroid now. Which could work in the game I am planning as well (though Space Gits and not Traveller).

Term 4: 27-30

Mishap! One of his supposed friends betrayed Pascal over a rich seam of precious metal in a newly found asteroid. He is now enemies of Wyn Strackam. He does get promoted to Rank 3, becoming a supervisor and getting the Broker-1 skill. He also had more practice in space, getting certified to Vacc Suit-1. And getting to be a bit of an all-arounder, gaining the Jack-of-all-Trades-1 skill.

Term 5: 31-34

20 years of working for the same company! He survives and is promoted to Rank 4. He works out a lot more in the high-grav gym, gaining strength +1, and improves his small boat skills to Pilot (Small Craft)-1. He also made a contact with Berloc Ros somehow. Perhaps a signal from an alien device picked up from the alien ship in the junk yard (and hmm, that opens up a possible NPC connection as well I can throw in if needed!) 

Mustering out

Deciding 20 years is long enough, Pascal retires from the Swift Rock Group. Due to his smuggling friend, he does manage to get a Belter Singleship which he names the Silent Drifter. Along with Cr11,000, a planetoid share, a bump in intelligence from all the reading he did in his downtime.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Character Challenge 29: Traveller

Getting back to a Traveller character as this was originally a Traveller blog! No real idea what to do, so let's do what I always do: roll up stats and see what comes to mind.

UPP: 877884

So - pretty average across the board, though a low social ranking. I've already done a hit man this time around I think, so no need to do that again. And not all low-social characters have to be bad people or come from a bad background. Looking at the books on the bookshelf (sadly all the Classic stuff is actually in a tub as those small books do not fit on a bookshelf well. And I want them more protected) I see the Mongoose Book 7: Merchant Prince. And as the Space Gits game may change impetus (same scenario I plan on running but the characters they want to play are not mercenaries, so will need to figure out with them what sort of game they are wanting to play and go from there). And a junk dealer works for the characters they want to play. And fits in with a new reason to visit the station which I need to work on a bit more.


Berloc Ros, Junker, 5 terms

877884, age 38
Computer-2, Broker-2, Gun (Pistol)-1, Gun (laser)-1, Advocate-1, Melee (Bludgeon)-0, Investigate-0, Mechanic-0, Pilot (Small Craft)-0, Trade(Salvage/Repair)-0, Vacc Suit-0

An older man with rough speech yet seems to know what he is talking about when it comes to buying and selling second hard parts. He wears rough coveralls, and his tool belt is festooned with a variety of tools, all in excellent condition. His protective hat is hardshelled, and the coveralls have padded knees. He has crawled through a lot of spaces and takes care of his knees. Willing to trade and his ability to broker good deals has led many spacers looking for cargoes and replacement parts at the Fos Gently Used Parts Yard.

Berloc Ros was born in a system that was once popular and high tech, but politics, shifting space trade lanes, and several natural disasters later, much of the population had left. Berloc's family lived in Startown, and ran the scrap yard. Their three children had a wonderful, if occasionally dangerous, playground. All three learned how to spot treasures in the junk, and after their parents cleaned things up and fixed them, they would sell them to the spacers looking for cheap parts. 

Term 1: 18-22 Basic Training, Rank 0

Working for his parents, Berloc gains Melee (Bludgeon)-0, Investigate-0, Mechanic-0, Pilot (Small Craft)-0, Trade(Salvage/Repair)-0, Vacc Suit-0. He would sometimes co-pilot the shuttle to ships in orbit, and his father made sure he knew how to get a vacc suit on. This was after a close call (just made the survival roll!) when a leaking airlock connection tube almost killed him. And once during a salvage operation, he found a stockpile of guns and ammo in a secret compartment that had survived the crash. The sold them and he picked up Cr2500 for his share. He also picks up Broker-1 this term, bartering with his parents and learning how to get the best prices when buying or selling.

Term 2: 23-26, Rank 0

Easily surviving this term, his parents still do not think he has what it takes and is still at rank 0. Sadly, he breaks up with his first true love, and perhaps it is he constant dour outlook that dissuaded his parents from a promotion. He gains Computer-1 as he turns inward, and putters on the computers during his depression.

Term 3: 27-30, Rank 1, Wreck Peddler

Again, just barely surviving, he does get promoted to Junk Peddler, bumping his Broker-2 skill. He also focuses on computers more and gains Computer-2. Unfortunately, a criminal friend of his wants to hide his speeder in the junk yard, but Berloc thinks better of this, and despite the possibility of easy money, decides not to do this. 

Term 4: 31-34, Rank 3

Easily surviving, and promoted in the family business again, Berloc picks up Gun (Pistol)-1, Advocate-1. He is learning a bit about lawyering up to protect the family business as they are (mostly) legitimate. And it came in handy as he discovers a neighboring junkyard dealing with pirated salvage. Knowing to keep his mouth shut, Rhel For is in debt to the junker. 

Term 5: 35-38, Rank 3, Junk Dealer

Being a junker is dangerous as Berloc again just makes his survival roll. But he is taking over the junkyard as manager now, with his parents retiring and his two brothers having moved on to other careers. Oddly, an odd alien ship was hauled into the yard - the security system did not record anything but when Berloc shows up the next morning, there it was. It is an ancient warship. Taking things apart and putting them back together, Berloc learns to fire Guns (Laser) -1

And he will still be in business, so no mustering out though I think this could be a fun character to play.

Space Gits

Of course there is no career match, but as this is an NPC, we really don't need one. Going from the original book, he is from Mars, and that alien ship is part of that background (as well as actually being the event I rolled!) All the stats will be straight 10 (default). He won't be in combat as now leaning to this is how the rat brothers learned of the item on the station, and Berloc has hired them to retrieve it. There may be another alien artifact there as well, and they can keep that.