Friday, May 24, 2024

Marquis FFudn - the first Draft

I have a couple more patents of nobility! Meaning I really need to see what sort of world I am a marquis of! I am also the Duke of Mora (and there is at least one other, the imposter!)

This is my "let's throw some stuff on the wall" for the Ffudn system. I'll do a more concise guide next, as I need to dig through T5 to see how many hexes I get as a Marquis. Then find someplace to set my estate. So, more mapping, including some world maps. 

Checking out Ffudn on the Wiki, we see the following:

Ffudn system has a population between 10 and 100 million sophonts. This world designated as an Amber Zone. Caution is advised since the world has an environment, laws, customs, life forms, or other conditions that are not well understood and might be a danger to a visitor. It is a member of Third Imperium in the Glisten Subsector of Spinward Marches Sector and in the Domain of Deneb. Ffudn, as a member world of the Third Imperium, holds the estate of an Imperial knight and the fiefdoms of a marquis and a viscount. All three are members of the Imperial Nobility charged with overseeing the world.

I'll have to see where my fiefdom lies on this tiny little world. I played around with the fractal world generator and have a few images that I like. And apparently system maps are appreciated over on COTI so I will generate one of those once I see what the rest of the system looks like according to Heaven & Earth. And I am trying larger images. One I tried adding some clouds, though with a class 1 atmosphere (a trace atmosphere, but hey, even Mars gets some clouds sometimes!)

Looking at the TravellerMap details, Heaven & Earth also came up with 7 other planets! And it looks like some bases on various gas giant moons. No bases, so not the Imperial Navy, but perhaps mining, research, and some local navy to help with any potential pirates or other ne'er do wells. 

Looking at Ffudn, we have an ice-capped world that is Pre-high population, pre-industrial, a puzzle and an amber zone. Not sure about the puzzle as there is nothing in the wiki nor TravellerMap indicating why it is a puzzle. Perhaps that is the puzzle! A small, almost airless planet with a bit less than half a G. Being all of 0.2 AU from its red dwarf sun, a year is all of 46.67 days, and a standard day is 27.45 hours. 

Interestingly, the base temperature is a balmy 21 degrees Celsius. Though with that very thin atmosphere, and only about 45% liquid ocean, I am sure it gets really cold at night! And we have some native life! Mostly lichen and mosses with that atmosphere, and a variety of aquatic life forms that are quite massive between the lighter gravity and the buoyancy of the water.

Natural resources include the standard ores, radioactives and compunds. We process some agroproducts (that moss is a very high protein source and used in the FfoodBars™️ which is one of the main exports. Apparently, despite a very high law level, weapons are manufactured. 

The 900,000,000 people are spread out 54 large cities of 5 million+, the rest in smaller cities. Several of the cities resemble the Line being built in Saudi Arabia: essentially a horizontal skyscraper 165 stories tall, 500 meters thick and circling around so it looks like a metal donut. It is a torus, half underground. Using a torus volume calculator, a 500m tube with a 6km interior radius gives us 32,076,214,304 cubic meters, or about 475 dTons per person. There is a lot of green space. Ffudn is known for these torus cities. I picked a torus as a round structure is easier to keep structurally sound for the trace atmosphere. Plus, who doesn't like donuts?
the maths

Had the Bing AI try to draw some of the cities for me. I guess with high tech, the low local gravity and gravity technology, a standing torus would also work!

though Ffudn does not have a moon...

And the system map. There are a lot of colonies and research stations scattered throughout the system. Curious as it looks like at least one world is a lot nicer than Ffudn. Book 6/MegaTraveller generation can do that. I may alter the H&E results, we'll see.

And finally, some interesting details:
6.	Orbital Cities: Present
7.	Social Outlook: 
7a.	Progressiveness: Conservative, Stagnant
7b.	Aggressiveness: Passive, Peaceable
7c.	Extensiveness: Discordant, Friendly
8a.	Number of Customs: 4
8b-g.	Local Customs/Practicing Group: 
	Unusual mannerisms for.../All population. 
	Cloning allowed for.../Certain sex. 
	Live in special conditions/Certain sex. 
	Shaved heads/All population.
Not sure I want to shave my head!

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