Wednesday, May 15, 2024

An Interlude Again

The last few weeks I've not been able to game much: either the others had schedule conflicts, or I did. I was out of town last weekend visiting my family in the DC area. One of my sisters was getting another degree, and as we're getting older, I figured I should visit them as life is not all about games! It was a good visit, though even after decades, we still have the same sibling rivalry and squabbles. In some ways we never grow up.

So not much of a posting this time around, though I'll share some of the mini painting I am working on (and some of it is not to my liking, but at least I am painting some!). Images - the easy filler!

I'll be finishing the Traveller 5.10 Book 1 overview in the next post or two, not much left of book 1. 

For some reason I seem to suddenly have several harpies from a couple different sources, so that is interesting! Including a Lego harpy!

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