Thursday, May 30, 2024

Game Ideas from what has happened before

As I am running another session this weekend (assuming work does not get in the way!) I need to figure out what to do. Based on our recap from the last game here, we have two rumors, plus the trip back into town. And they have a map of a dungeon I handwrote a while back that they found (and did not keep a copy!) 

First, they will have to get back to Edge City, but I am thinking a longer-term quest with a goal in sight may be a good thing. Once back in Edge City, they do have a few errands to run: get the plants to Eleanor Codington's Apothecary shop so she can start on the medications, maybe check on the child thieves, not sure what else. And we have those twin Elves, Estalar and Aleesa. But perhaps Sam Vines, the commander of the City Watch, will want to have a few words as our adventurers have been in the sewers, and seem to be friends with known thieves. Though all may not be dire: the thieves do have a guild that has to abide by some city rules. 

Sam Vines. His wife does raise dragonnettes if I recall...

We also have those 2 rumors:
They pick up a couple of rumors: two towns over graves seem to be emptying out, though if a watch is there nothing happens. And the Iron Castle seems to be mounting some attacks

Commander Vines, knowing Hexis from some of his bodyguard duties and knowing Sorglug, an Orc that "knows" people and being a good judge of character, has recommended Hexis for a number of jobs. This comes from some notes I started but am having a hard time finding I was trying to keep up with all the NPCs and things, and as much as I love organizational skills, I have none myself apparently.

Hexis Contacts: 
Orc broker Sorgulg. Lives near the docks, frequents Old Flagg Inn, next to the docks (E1)
Landlord Mr. McQuarry, lives in same building 1st floor
A well-dressed Orc
While we are sort of centered on Edge City, there is no reason they can't go someplace else. 

Also, could not find exactly what I wanted, so AI drawing to the rescue for our lost Elf children. Which I need to come up with a good backstory, but as we have 1 full Elf and one half Elf/half Orc, there may be some interest in pursuing that. So a backstory is forthcoming! I may use the backstory the AI generated along with the images, or at least some variation of that.

One possible backstory from AI based on the prompt "please draw me a pair of young twin elves appearing about 8 years old, one male and one female, in a dilapidated fantasy building". Though I updated the names with the names I had randomly chosen.

Certainly! Here’s an imaginative depiction of the young twin elves in a dilapidated fantasy building:

In a forgotten corner of the mystical forest, where ancient trees whispered secrets and moss-covered stones held memories, stood the remnants of a once-grand elven dwelling. The twins, Estalar and Aleesa, explored its crumbling halls with wide-eyed wonder.

Aleesa, the older of the two by a mere minute, had wild chestnut curls that framed her freckled face. Her emerald eyes sparkled with curiosity as she tiptoed over fallen beams and broken tiles. She wore a tattered cloak, its hem brushing against the dusty floor.

Estalar, with tousled silver hair and eyes the color of storm clouds, followed close behind. His small hands clutched a wooden sword, ready to defend against imaginary foes. His patched trousers bore evidence of countless adventures, and his boots were scuffed from climbing ancient staircases.

Sunlight filtered through gaps in the roof, casting dappled patterns on the cracked mosaic floor. Vines crept through broken windows, their leaves brushing against the twins’ cheeks. Aleesa pointed to a faded mural—a scene of elves dancing under a moonlit sky—and whispered, “Do you think they lived happily here once?”

Estalar nodded solemnly. “Perhaps,” he said. “But now it’s our turn to weave stories within these walls.”

And so, with laughter echoing through the hollow chambers, Aleesa and Estalar explored their newfound sanctuary. They discovered hidden nooks where fairies might have rested, and they traced their fingers along faded runes etched into the stone. The scent of moss and old magic hung in the air, wrapping them in a cocoon of enchantment.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Aleesa and Estalar sat side by side on a cracked windowsill. They watched fireflies dance in the overgrown courtyard, their tiny lanterns illuminating the past and the future. The twins vowed to restore the old elven home, to breathe life back into its weathered walls.

For in that dilapidated building, amidst broken dreams and forgotten spells, Aleesa and Estalar found their own magic—the kind that binds siblings, fuels imagination, and turns ruins into realms of possibility.

I hope you enjoy this whimsical scene! If you’d like any other illustrations or have more requests, feel free to ask. 😊

And then, something bad happened and they end up in Edge City, found under the bridge where the pickings are easy as lovers are usually too busy to notice a few small, quiet figures swiftly taking coin bags...Yes, now I've some ideas, and between that and the Iron City invasions of the north, think I am on the trail of a longer-term adventure.


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