Wednesday, June 05, 2024

Running Games

I've not actually run a game in the last few weeks - adulting is hard, and getting everyone together even over a Discord channel is hard! And I've got a few things happening the next couple of weekends so still won't be able to run or even play anything! 

As per my last post, I need to come up with some ideas, then remembered that over the years I have bought a LOT of adventures. To be run. Which just sit there. And then also remembered my plan to document my game stuff (and other books as I expanded the idea). And now, months later, realized that flash of an idea did not get too far. So, trying again!

Plus, it gives me another reason to go through the books, zines and PDFs I have just to see if there are some good things to run. And as I have a lot of mushroom minis (and a lot more on the way since I did back that Archon caves project, mushrooms may work! And I am probably going to back the 2nd edition of the Fungi of the Far Realms so that I can give my current copy to a friend who is playing a Druid. It is a really odd book but for some reason, I really like it! And it has an ISBN so was easy to import into my slowly growing library database!

Anyway - why have I not been able to run a game? Last weekend I had an emergency work issue: while the person knew in February that the API was changing the 1st of June, they had no idea that OATH is not just new credentials but an entirely different workflow. And let me know 1 week from the deadline. So, I worked last weekend to get it all done, and it worked for at least the part we were really concerned about. Then UPS said, well, we'll give everyone another month. *sigh*

Back to games and running a scenario: in reading through I've already discovered a couple I have that will work. They will need work as they are OSR style games, and I am running The Fantasy Trip. A conversion is not difficult other than magic, as magic works a lot differently in TFT versus most fantasy games. For instance, let's look at the shrieker mushrooms.


Neutral, AC 7, MV 1”, HD 3; they make noise!

Not a perfect match as movement ranges always confuses me but going with the 1" will be 1 hex per turn, AC does not exist in TFT, and hit dice can be the strength of 3-18 (3d6, with the assumption the HD is a d6). Killing them is not an issue per say, but as with a lot of OSR style games, often your best bet is not a direct confrontation. I'll have to go ahead and convert the rest that to TFT and have it ready.

I've added the "adventure" tag for adventures in the Zotera software, though I may have to recheck what I've tagged, as not sure the few things I've tagged are really adventures. Ahh, there is no "just search tags" and it is searching in other fields. Still need to play with that software, and not entirely sure it will help. For someone who really likes organizing things, I am really bad at it!

And our group is transitioning from the Fate 1930s Vigilante game to a science fiction game. I've been asked to help design the system, but so far have no details on it. But as you all know - I love making planets and system maps. And speaking of maps, I started back to try and get a handle on Campaign Cartographer again. I am going to have to start over with tutorials and take it slowly. I just never seem to have the time and inclination simultaneously! There is a lot of potential there, I just have to learn to use those tools I have.

Anyway, back to the topic at hand: I've several smaller dungeons I can throw at the two groups. I do know one is running away from Edge City, being wanted murderers. The other I am thinking of moving to a quest to the north, based on those rumors about the Iron Castle. And why would they want to do that? I need to throw a few things that way: Hexis, the Lizardman, has been a good resource as a bodyguard and the Orc contact who helps find him jobs, thinks this could really help him with some good coin. And the Elf, Dawn, those two children escaped the Iron Castle. Why were they there? I am going to write some background that should draw her there, and perhaps even Deimos, the half Elf/half Orc. Though he will need something a bit more to pull him that way - perhaps rumors of a lost powerstone that would enable him to cast more spells? And the Goblin rat-catcher...that will be a harder one, but he is easy to get along with and seems to be tagging along with the group (new player that has played twice so far). 

And I remembered a while ago I started a spreadsheet to track adventures and things. Another initiative that did not get too far. But it does have an adventures section! Wondering if I should just do a personal and portable wiki? So many choices! I just have to pick one and stick with it.

And in closing, I think I need something like the Zombicide sites that give you new missions, such as this oneone for modern Zombicide. A one line of number of players, game system, levels if applicable, and notes. I could expand out that spreadsheet, move the adventures section to its own tab, and do that. Means I still have to actually DO it, but also means I may get out the stuff I've accumulated over the years and hopefully use it. And hmm, I could do it in a website as what that Zombicide site does is really nice. And...squirrel, another side-tracking thing!

And in really closing - looks like I now have 25 followers! Think I only had 24 before. I appreciate those who read this, and hopefully sometimes something useful comes out of it! I know most of the time it is me rambling, part of the time game recaps which are only useful for me and my players, but sometimes I hope I say something that is at least interesting! 

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