Thursday, November 03, 2022

Traveller 5: System Generation Iomaria Part 3

The End Result

Iomaria A99889A-8 {1} (B7K-1) [7F08] BDe Im NS G NIL

Trade codes: PH, PA, PI. Naval and Scout bases, Imperial Knight, Marquis and Viscount are present. Travel code Green, and there is a native intelligent lifeform present.

The Process

The next and final part of the main world generation is the NABZ NIL info. Nobility, allegiance, bases, travel zones and native intelligent life. Of course, the NABZ part of this is very OTU specific, though you can abstract those to be your universe's political groups.

First, nobility. Any system has a knight apparently. And I am not entirely sure if you get one per matching trade code, but let's assume you only get the highest. There may be others, but this one is the primary Imperial contact. Our three trade codes have two matches, and the PH, pre-high population, indicates we get a Viscount. We'll have to generate our noble later when we wrap up this system generation. And in re-reading the 1st part, there can be more than one. We'll have to add the ever-present knight, as well as a Marquis due to the pre-industrial nature of Iomaria. I think the Imperium wants to lead the world to produce for the Imperium and the Marquis is there to lend a "guiding" hand. The knight I think is closer to the general population and a general troubleshooter for the Imperium. The Viscount is more of a grand social director, seeing as that role is based on the pre-high population trade code.

Allegiance is something we can choose. For this particular system, we'll default to an Imperial planet. From part 2, I see this world almost as a Soviet block-style world: boring or brutal architecture, a cog in the Imperial machinery. People are, at least on the surface, bland Imperial citizens, not expecting too much, and with the efficiency rating, not giving a whole lot either. Quiet quitting on a global scale.

Bases are based on the starport type. And can affect our importance. Having an A port gives us almost a 50% chance of having a Naval base. Rolling a 4, we now have a Naval base on Iomaria. Inversely, far less likely to get a Scout base. Yet I roll snake eyes, so we also have a Scout base. I am a perpetual low roller...except when the game mechanics make low rolling good. The dice gods hate me in RPGs. The Way Station and Naval Depot are based on a much larger view of the surrounding systems, effectively referee fiat. However - these 2 bases actually boost our importance from 0 to 1. Still not important (that is a 4 or higher) but at least of vague importance relative to local systems. 

The Travel Zone, our classic green/amber/red is also by fiat, unless the government + law level is a certain level. At 19, we just miss the 20 cut-off to become an Amber Zone. This would also add the Da, Dangerous, Trade Code. Those definitions are both new I believe. And note that 22+ is automatically set as a Red Zone and a Fo (forbidden) travel code. 

Native intelligent life is all new. Apparently with our 8 populatiom and our type 9 atmosphere, as well as having a TL above 0, there is some sort of natives still living here. I am leaning to not liking this to be automatically a yes based on the world stats. I'd rather make this wither referee fiat or some sort of roll. Not EVERY planet will have (or have had) native intelligent life. Although honestly, we have no idea. If the world has a breathable atmosphere there is life, but intelligent life each and every time? Pretty sure Earth has not had intelligent life except for the last tiny part of its long life. Countering that, supposing dinosaurs had some sort of civilization, would anything be left that we could determine was an aspect of intelligent life? I am going to ignore this part and let it be even/odd for native intelligent life as it meets the other criteria. And yes, there is some sort of intelligent life on Iomaria. 

We now know that this world has three Imperial representative, a Vilani Viscount, The Lady Shana Lerisnarsii Akrashash. We also have a knight and a Marquis. The Knight Lady Bethany Quatori, and the Marquis Sir Flynn D'Oric. Somewhere there is a definition of how many hexes the nobility gets based on the social rank. Not there yet - that will be yet another part of my exploration of Traveller 5 system generation. I've yet to do the rest of the system (which at initial glance looks to be similar to Classic Book 6, Scouts.

There is both a Naval and Scout base present. The Naval base may have Imperial Naval engineers and their own stockpile of high-tech parts for repairs and building. The Scouts, being Scouts, will have some sort of local bureaucracy to handle repairs, though probably not as extensive as the Navy. 

Green Travel code, meaning nothing much to worry about in general. Though it is borderline amber due to the impersonal bureaucracy and the high law level of A. 

Finally, we have some sort of native intelligent life. How intelligent, and is it land based, or ocean based? Yet another post waiting to happen!

Part 1

Part 2

And another view of the world.

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