Saturday, April 10, 2021

MTU: Montca

One of the worlds my solo game may go to next. 

Montca / Yontin 1107 A639997-C

It has an A4 V star. An A star:

The surface temperatures of A-type stars range from 7,400 K to about 10,000 K; lines of hydrogen are prominent, and these stars are white.

Montca is the 8th planet in a system with no gas giants nor planetoid belts. It is also the only planet with any hydrogen, liquid or otherwise, making it the sole place to visit in this system.

The extensive class A port follows most of the League's standard design patterns: a central hub with a multitude of concourse spread out over several miles. There is a a significant Space Patrol presence: a Type 1 Bureau, which has extensive facilities both at the ground and high ports, as well as stations for their Lancer Class Cruisers. Standard rates are applied for berthing. The low port Athena is located on the Graastle continent and uses the Deep Sea for its fuel source.

Moving through the rest of the UWP:

The size 6 planet has about a .81G gravity system, and orbits almost 10AU from the hot, white sun. It's day is 29.45 hours, and a year is 7,455 days, or about 20.4 standard years. 

The 3 atmosphere is very thin, averaging about .23 standard atmospheres of a standard oxygen/nitrogen mix. Generally a cold planet, the nights can reach -50C in some latitudes. 

Almost 90% water, it is not a frozen ice ball due to an active molten core and copious underwater thermal vents. The underwater life is more varied and plentiful than the sparse flora and fauna of the few land masses. A majority of the foods produced on Montca come from vast undersea farms. Additionally, there is some weather control to warm the planet up a bit - large mirrors are used to reflect additional light, often causing for multiple shadows during the day.

The population is just over 2 billion people. The largest city of Maqua has almost 800 million inhabitants, and sits on the southern continent's northern shelf. A large portion of the city is on and under the water, next to several large underwater farms. With the high population, robots and automation are not allowed, and manual labor is the base of their currency. Imperial currency is not accepted, but the port carries money changers, and cargo bought and sold is via the Credit. Outside the port, however, credits are not generally accepted. The legal age is 1 year, or just over 20 standard.

With an impersonal bureaucracy and several councils, the world is governed by an almost caste system. Most people tend to ignore the government as their lives are wrapped up in the day to day living. The port has its own Port Authority security, which is backed up by the Space Patrol. Outside the port, each city maintains its own police force under the auspices of world-wide police council with its own staff.

With a tech level of C, life is pretty easy on Montca. Basic needs are met easily and the average work day is 6 hours. Seafood is a specialty and cooking and preparation of various sea life are family traditions. 

I'll expand a bit more later. I do like undersea farms though :)

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