Sunday, August 18, 2019

Solo Session 6 - 238-1106 / Preacep

With the textiles impounded by the local authorities, we have a few choices. See if there is a fine to pay, and if so, how reasonable is it? If no fine, do we pursue getting our credits back as those textiles were sold to us in good faith? Do we break bad and do raid the warehouse, grab our cargo containers, somehow load them up and take off? That would not let us return to Preacep anytime soon, and as this is the gateway to the League on the core-ward side, that is not a good option. Additionally, there is that Space Patrol vessel a few pads over....

So, first lets see if there is some sort of fine or something we can pursue in a legal way. I'll let the die decide as I don't want the deux ex machina via me to solve the issue. And we lucked out - rolled a we're good result. So there is a small fine to pay to ease the conscience of those wishing to maintain planetary heritages. Make it 10% of the purchase price, or Cr6,600. Our coffers are a bit on the bare side at the moment, but assuming we can sell off the cargo on Krim we should more than make up for it.

So a small court date with Stoddy and the local council for World Heritage, we pay our small fine, the engineer has fixed up the No Refunds from the rude cargo removal process, and we are about ready to leave.

Recalling that the Ptolemy Traveler was headed this way as well, and should already be here. Deciding to let the die control her fate, and wanting to average out a few rolls, I got 1 bad stuff happens and 2 we're okay rolls. So: the Ptolemy was behind us a few hours and much further out: the astrogator did not dot all his i's and cross all his t's apparently when plotting the course. But they got into an orbit and have been ferrying down the goods via shuttles the week we've been here.

And now I am also realizing the truth of the SOLO book's advice about getting a notebook to track things. What I am going to try is OneNote yet again, and keep a notebook for this game, and a page per planet to track contacts and other notes. I tried that on the first Traveller game I refereed in decades a couple of years ago, but it did not go so well. I do better with a real notebook I think (well, they don't call it pen and paper RPGs for nothing!) .

So moving on with the game (and I may embellish later with a in-person viewpoint. Or not...) We're up to step 4, paying any warehouse fees. As we've not overstayed our welcome, we have no fees. Checking for contacts, and having none on-planet other than our merchant friend Stoddy, we meet no one else. Had I made the roll, then I think the Patrol ship would have been the Wyvern, and Malik would have met up with some of his old Patrol buddies from that term spent cruising the system and writing about the Quadrant. Clearing the port, we launch back into space with our 4 mid-passage passengers and a not-quite full cargo load. Rolling on the ship encounter table, there is a 400 ton Scout surveyor. In a bid to make new friends, we hail them. Sadly, the reaction roll was bad, so these taciturn Scouts want nothing to do with us. Could it be because our flight plan is for the League, a political entity not part of the Imperium? Are they in the middle of a long and tedious survey of the system? Was it the two escort craft following us to the upper atmosphere? Who knows...

So we enter jump to Krim after the good doctor has plotted the current jump route, and we'll leave here. Malik will be tending to the 4 passengers and checking lockers, as well as working on his book.

I never did make a map of the island. While not really needed, I do like maps and think they are fun. But Krim is coming up, so I'll spend some time detailing that planet.

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