Sunday, May 12, 2019

TFT: Adventures

As I am fairly certain / hopefully / terrified that I will be running a short session in June (possibly even shorter as two to the potential players are going to Origins) I have been reading over the Fantasy Trip and other fantasy game stuff to come up with some plans. By now readers should know I am one of those compulsive preparers. Fortunately I enjoy world building :)  The choices were for Traveller (continue previous game, new game) or The Fantasy Trip. I think TFT is a much easier sell.

Another option, straight out of the book, is having a naturalist want to hire the group to go on a delve to retrieve some rare mushrooms or other underground flora or fauna. It would smell less than the sewer dungeon! And I think the city map of Ankh-Morpork is perfect for Edge City. And handouts - first time there will be a 1 silver piece entrance fee to get their "passport". I have stamps and booklets, and can make more booklets.

I've played with making a FT style dungeon, a small and fairly simple 2 level dungeon. While one of the players may read this blog, just in case this may not be the final dungeon, nor am I going to put all my notes, to be written, in here. But in just looking over the map, one can see several areas for potential fun.

Last game we actually had a spiked trap, and the lead character did fall & get impaled. Fortunately he was our tank, so was less than half dead. My little half-elf mage would have died from the damage. I've not rolled well when leveling up in that game. Regardless, I want at least one trap in there, not too dangerous as this will relatively low level, starting characters.

In reviewing the existing traps for In The Labyrinth, as well as the far too many other things I've bought over the years, I think I'll just stick with 2 traps, one a nuisance trap early on to let them know to be aware, the other a bit more devious, and potentially dangerous.

Now, the thing about detect traps in this game as that the DM actually does the rolls. Not entirely sure I like that mechanic, so we will have to discuss that as part of session 0. I like rolling dice for my character, not having someone else roll them!

Additionally, the dungeon does need some critters and monsters. Pretty sure there will be the traditional slime or two hanging off the ceiling, a few nuisance critters, and perhaps some other critters that pose more of a threat.

The larger areas map out to the Melee or Wizard playmats - may as well get to use them as well. And I've got some beautiful art / maps from a few other Kickstarters or books or things I've managed to purchase over the years. While I can't cram all that in on this adventure, I also want the players to see this as part of a larger world. So I will need to expand out my little world a bit more. Figure out how to get rumors naturally into the game (this also applies to Traveller: I need to expand out my Pilot's guide to include that pirate supplement I got, along with the Space Patrol. And rumors, oh yes, make the world a larger place than just go here and kill that sort of thing).

I do need to stick a desert someplace there as I just got the desert creatures 'zine, and there are some cool things in there. And an island for the Amazons. Which may map into that Architect book of maps - there is a really nice small island detailed there.

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