Sunday, October 22, 2017

Traveller Tracker - working on the actual view

I've made a few small updates to some of the classes to include non-DB mapped items. Basically similar to javascript's promises - load the data when you need it.  It allows me to include the ship class object, world object and interesting things like that in the class to make the UI a lot easier to deal with.

Also added the initial pivot table for the view, not that it actually does anything yet, but hey, I've got placeholders!


Shawn Driscoll said...

What GUI are you using?

Craig Oliver said...

This is a UWP program (Universal Windows Program), using C# and XAML for the markup. There's a post where you can view the source code - it's on GitHub.

XAML is an interesting markup language that is, at the moment at any rate, Windows only. It has a lot of power that I am not really using, but databinding is built in (even if I am not really doing it the right way, but I'm okay with that :) )

Basically the 'view' is XAML which, like many markup languages, is full of brackets. The view has a code page attached (or if you got fancy and really used MVVM, a router and controller) where the actual code happens.

Backend is SQLite. I wanted to try and do a code-first program where the program maintains the database. Go back far enough in this blog and I've outlined a bit of that.

Craig Oliver said...

And I'm using Visual Studio for the development.