Tuesday, March 09, 2021

Terror Bird!

or perhaps just a really angry, large chicken

Now to put that into an adventure - either as someone's mount or an attacking creature. Or both...I did do a little bit of basing there - there are a couple of bushes! I may add a bit of sand as well - not sure. 

Think this is the Fantasy Trip stats for you from the Decks of Destiny:

And despite my not wanting to do more Kickstarters, I did do the one for the Old School Monsters that was part of the Hexagram (which I really wish was made into a subscription - I miss getting a monthly or quarterly game magazine in the mail. And Steve Jackson Games keeps piling more on the Hexagram KS projects, though I think they are listening to those of us who don't want ALL THE STUFF ALL THE TIME. Though I usually do get most if not all the stuff, but that's my own fault! Now we just need to get back into face to face games to use all our fun toys.

Anyway - there will be more of these really nice creature cards. Currently in a box, but I was thinking a notebook with those card holders. If I could get holders large enough for these cards (tarot sized?) to make it easier to look through and find; I could sort them alphabetically or by area they can be encountered in. And all the other adversary cards are great for random encounters and such. I just have to use them!

And one of the Journals had an amber zone about hunting, which was really an plot to kill the local dignitary. Journal 12: Royal Hunt. Could always use this mini for something they are hunting. Which reminds me - there is an Amber Zone contest on at the Zhodani Base - maybe I should finally try and enter it. Just have to come up with a good plot.


Michael Thompson said...

It's worth double experience if you use some kind of fire to kill it, because then it's a barbecued.

willconsult4food said...

That's much bigger than a "Survival Chicken" (link).

Craig Oliver said...

one of the fantasy games I was in had a frost-giant descendent, so a good bit larger than most barbarians! We joked that she would finally have a drumstick that was more than a chicken finger for her!