Saturday, June 27, 2020

SOLO - League of Planets: Krim 245-1106 (part 1)

From the journals of Malik:

After finding that tracking device in the gas lines, I think I was the only one with any concerns over it. Especially as this was my first time to actually enter the League of Planets. I've circled it when doing that series a few years back, but never really entered non-Imperial space. The ISS sets all the ports to red zone as they are non-Imperial, but what does that really mean? The Navy also keeps a base out by one of the moons of Eyumiromi by mutual consent,and there is also a League Space Patrol base on the other moon as well as a major one in orbit about Krim. And Krim: so many rumors I heard on Preacep about how their medical science is beyond most of the Imperium's expertise. Hopefully I'll get a chance to visit the Meditech home office. I've visited some of those in the Imperium - expensive real estate and expensive care. But apparently well worth it. Just waiting at the comm board to get out of jump - should be any time now.

The No Refunds comes out of jump just a bit past the 168 hours and is a few hours out from Krim. Malik immediately answers the hails from the Space Patrol and soon a patrol cutter matches speed and links up. Sensors can pick out the high port where the cutter is based in a high orbit about Krim. Several Patrol Officers board and begin the customs inspection. The crew, other than Malik, have been through this before, and are nonchalant about the process, and the Space Patrol maintain a professional stance throughout the inspection. The textiles in the cargo bay bring an appreciative comment from the commanding officer: Krim has little in the way of producing textiles and knows that these will bring the No Refunds a good profit.

Note I did not roll on the ship encounter table for our initial foray to Krim. I wanted to set up the Space Patrol as guarding the perimeters (sort of tough with jump drives but we're still going with that). Krim is a high-technology planet, and has an even higher medical technological level. I have to say I really enjoy Grand Census.


Tried a version of the T5 system profile. Sort of okay though needs a bit of cleanup and work. Lacking the details about the main world though seems to be an issue for me (and players who don't memorize the UPP stat blocks!)

Size:  3 4960 km diameter, so a very small planet. With the high tech level, grav plating is everywhere
Atmosphere: 1 - trace. Not enough to speak of or even breath.
Hydrographics: 8 - 78% ice-capped world. Not sure what freezes as purple but I thought it an interest color.
Population: A - 10 billion people living here! Arcologies, high ports and probably bases and colonies spread out over the system?
Government: A - charismatic dictator. Why do I keep getting dictators? Though the government rules tend to promote more authoratarian governments as the population increases.
Law Level: 8 - no open carry. Fairly strict law level but considering the lethality of the planet itself, probably a survival mechanism. We can't have the domes blown up!
Tech Level: E - High Interstellar. I'll need to check but I think it is the highest TL in the League.
Starport: B. Though I am going with that is how the Imperium may be ranking this as this is where starships are being made.

Got a really cool starport map from another of 0-Hr / Ryan Wolf's Kickstarters, Port Leonis. Going to borrow that as the standard design for class A and B ports in the League. The concourses will be the class C and perhaps class D ports. So let's take a look at the downport of Krim. There are actually two starports, the commercial one outlined here, and the construction yards which also maintain a high port for those ships that are never intended for planetary landings. The Space Patrol has a perpetual lease from the Port Authority for concourse 24 A&B.

The main hub connects via underground tube transport to the nearby cities. This is also the primary warehousing district and central control that coordinates with the 3 terminals. Each terminal is in turn in charge of the concourses they support, and each concourse is capable of handing two large ships of up to 5000 tons, or several smaller ships. See the lower image for that.

Internal security is fairly high throughout the port, and there are uniformed and plain clothes security personnel scattered throughout the station. Visas from Imperial citizens are handled at any of the terminals before access to the main main hub and from there to the rest of the planet.

The port also has several point defense lasers, and concourse 23 is the ground station for system defense boats that are planet-based.

Krim has 6 large cities with populations around 100-600 million, 84 moderately large cities  of 35-100 million, 392 small cities with a 2-80 million people, and thousands of smaller cities. Most cities are buried, though often have arcologies or domes above the surface. The city of Nohildu (pop. 491 million) is actually built into the cone of an impact crater.

Whew, enough for a bit. Added the part 1 to the title as I think there is always more.

And obviously I am not a follower of MOARN: Map Only As Really Needed. I just really enjoy building worlds.

So next post in the solo series: getting on Krim and following the SOLO rules as to what comes next.

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