Sunday, June 21, 2020

Blog Overview Father's Day Edition

I've added the tags to the right now, so that if you want to get all the solo game posts, you can select that tag. I've gone back & retagged a couple of post, and will try to do better in case you want to be able to find specific posts. This will also allow readers to follow specific games, assuming I have a game title such as the Big Wreck (the last Traveller game).

Not that I've ever done a state of the blog but the statistics give some interesting pictures of what sort of machine and browser they are using, as well as where from. It is interesting that a lot more Macs and Safari users at least look at the blog. Way back when I linked to GooglePlus there was a significant number of Macs but I want to say more Window machines. It was nice to drive a bit of traffic to this blog for a bit of an ego boost.

I used a Mac for work the last 3 years, a Windows for personal and now work as I am working from home and can do everything on it now that Windows supports Linux a lot better (we use Ruby On Rails, and while I am not yet there, I do have it all set up now on Windows / Ubuntu). I've also used Linux and Unix for a while, and Datapoint's RMS Operating system for almost a decade. Which I've mostly forgotten. Anyway - interesting view for me.

If you look at the world map, mostly the US at 148, with 1 from Canada, 1 from Russia, 7 from Germany (I've heard really good things about the German version Traveller), 3 from Great Britain, and looks like 1 from Romania. So cool to have an international audience, though I would not be surprised if some were bots.

I have put out a number of posts this weekend. I've had to do a bit of work, but most of that is watching and more a moral support thing. So I have had a bit more time in front of the computer. One of the downfalls of having the only Windows PC in the company is that the new VPN is causing us issues. I messed around a bit too much and had to reset my computer to a previous checkpoint. Hopefully it is something simple, otherwise I'll have to go to the office and get my Mac and figure a place on my overly crowded desk to put it on to work with. 

And finally, for any fathers out there: Happy Father's Day! Being a parent is the best and most scary thing a person can do!

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