Monday, September 06, 2021

Apex Session 8 Preparation

Despite a 3 day weekend, I've not managed to get a lot of stuff done (mostly took some nice naps, so I must be more tired than I thought). And I did give platelets this morning, so got to watch the 1st couple of episodes of season 2 of the Mandalorian. And then realized I never finished watching the 1st season as I dropped the subscription before I had to pay for it. And also realized that if you don't watch a lot of stuff, it is no longer particularly important or even that entertaining. But I digress...

I've got the basic battle area for the upcoming session. There may not even be a battle, but I wanted to have things sort of displayed so they all have an idea of what they are facing (or at least, what they can see).

The background on the right was what I was using as a background, but then I could not see anything else I placed on that. And it is actually a metallic tile or something, but I liked the way it looked. Close enough to a volcanic basic. 

Anyway, I also found that searching for Nazi soldiers does not return a lot of actual hits for gaming. German soldiers worked, and now I wonder if I am on some watch list somewhere (but as I am not playing Paranoia, I'll just continue on with my life).

So we have the temple. the troop carrier zeppelin, the experimental jet and our soldiers. Color coded for me so I can tell the general soldier from the captain and Dr. Mader. We last left our adventurers peering over the escarpment and seeing the scene as it is mostly displayed in the image. I again sort of managed to leave us on a cliffhanger (almost literally as they did have to climb a bit of a cliff to get there!)

Still wish we could get back to face to face playing: I have nice battle mats and stuff, and enough Lego minis that I could do this (though as I don't have many Indiana Jones sets, I only have a couple German Lego characters somewhere in that giant pile of boxes and tubs next to me or in the closet under the stairs (and no, Harry Potter is not living there: it would be noisy as that is where the heater/AC system is). So I would probably use Star Wars Stormtroopers as I have a large number of them, and they are basically the same thing just from a galaxy far away. Plus we could avoid some potential misunderstandings: having voice only we can miss out on some of the nuances of the group (I may have to publish my mea culpa post from 2 months ago, but maybe add an addendum. I know I suffer a bad case of foot in mouth: I seem to be able to say the wrong thing without even knowing. I fail all my diplomacy rolls in real life as well as gaming!)

Anyway, I've not done a whole lot more than set that up, and considering I've had two weeks to prepare...

I'll dig back into my maps for a temple map. I had one on Tong's handout (which was just a PDF even though I printed a copy on parchment paper and it looks pretty durn nice!). Need to find that one and do a bit of work. I won't publish that one here as we are playing tonight, and who knows, maybe my players DO read this blog before I send them the link for the game recap :)

And this sort of segues into a semi-random thought: way back as a player, I used to map the dungeon as we explored it. First, as you may all know, I like maps. But more importantly, it actually served a couple of in-game reasons. First, it allowed us to get back out faster if we needed to. While I use the megahexes for the Fantasy Trip games for a lot of things, I've just allowed them to know how to get back out (and of course, that last adventure was not a particularly large temple labyrinth so it would have been hard to get lost). But it can also give you a sense of missing rooms or chambers. Large blanks areas on the map may be more than simply a large blank area. Not sure if "modern" gamers still do this. The group I am now does not, but we rarely have dungeon crawls. The last one we had, Delve, we were going one way to get through the remains of the castle. We were not going back to the beach. Though I do hope we get to play there again: Featherstone has leveled up, but with my rolls it hardly matters that technically he would be a level above the others. But we'll see what that GM says when we get back around to that game. And I even bought the book and compendium!

Anyway, not having watched any of the videos of people playing RPGs (and I just don't see why people want to watch others play, but then hey, I don't watch sports games or Twitch games. If I am not playing, why would I care? Guess I am not tribal enough!) I've no idea if players still have a designated map maker. And someone with a 10' pole.

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