Tuesday, April 07, 2020

RPG via Skype

The last two Mondays I've been playing Tumbleweed, a Western RPG, via Skype. As the place we normally meet has decided not to host game clubs for the duration, and we're supposed to be quarantined and stay at home, we started via Skype.

Both sessions have gone really well and we actually stay more on point in terms of the game: the 3 hours we played both nights was almost all part of the game. Our face to face games tend to wander all over the place at times, but for me that is part of the fun as well - I learn all sorts of things about comics, old games and stuff.

After I pointed out that we can share screens, we may get a bit more interactive. We've been sharing some images via the chat channel next to the audio. I'm also the only one, I think, with a webcam, so we don't do video although I think that would help a bit as well, or perhaps be distracting. 

While we could play Traveller this way, as it is mostly theater of the mind, The Fantasy Trip does not lend itself to a voice-only session. It's appeal to me is the tactical level stuff that requires the battle map and tokens or minis. And I do like minis!

I've signed up for Roll20 and have been going through the tutorials. That would work for TFT but it requires my Sunday group to get used to using computers a bit more. Our first attempt at it failed as they were having some technical issues on their side, then Bryson came by so I took a break for working out (I've a bit of stuff in my garage, but I really miss the gym!) We'll have to try again at some point, either via Skype, and I use a google drawing that I share for some real-time sharing/editing and they can move their tokens around, or we try Roll20 again. I just have to upload a bunch of stuff to be effective at Roll20, and practice. Like everything, it takes practice.

This is also the 4th week of working from home, and I am adjusting. I get sick at least once a week with fever or something but I think that is more a stress reaction than anything else. I did get to the grocery store last week, so now my wife won't stay here for the next 2 weeks (she is at her mother's house which is 15 minutes away. That's also where Bryson and the dog are, so it is usually just me and the cats here. I cannot blame them - there are a couple of acres and more space to move around outside. But it does get a bit lonely here at times).

Hope everyone is doing well and taking care of themselves through these interesting times. I do need to come up with the next adventure for the Sunday game, one that may be playable mostly via audio over Skype. And I need to work on the NPCs and rumors, make my little corner of Cidri a living world with more than just the labyrinths to delve into!

William Reese Sweeny, miner. And the mini:


Baron Greystone said...

R20 is a good solution, but it's audio is awful. You can turn it's audio off, and run Skype in the background if you like.

Baron Greystone said...

Now autocorrect is actually wrong! I hate computers.

Craig Oliver said...

I like comnputers but as I've been writing software almost 40 years there could be a bias there :)

Good to know about the audio, maybe we'll try Skype for audio. There are several other on-line TTRPG systems but I think Roll20 had the best overall reviews.