Sunday, February 23, 2020

Fantasy Trip Character - Prentum

Thankfully my Sunday group may have a second game master, as the father probably has read more of the book than I have! So in preparation, I introduce my 1st 32 point character, Prentum Bysk:

Prentum Bysk

ST: 11
DX: 12  adjDX: 10 (adjDX missile weapons: 12)
IQ: 9
Missile Weapons x2
Long Bow (1d+2)
Short sword (2d-1)
Leather Armor (2)

Human male from the deep woods around Hamor, north of Edge City. Unlike many of the  other adventurers out there, Prentum comes from a happy family, learning to hunt in the woods and picking up some sword fighting from his Aunt Gwen, who served a few terms in the town guard. A handsome young man with great ambition, on his 18th birthday Prentum decided to venture into the wider world outside the woods and carries his long bow, a sword gifted from his Aunt, leather armor his father made from a buck Prentum had killed with his bow, and, as a gift from his several siblings, a true labyrinth kit from the Goblin's store in Hamor. Armed also with his natural charisma, he is hoping to have many adventures!

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