Saturday, October 26, 2019

Shadowrun Van

Looking around, I did find the official image of the fairly expensive van Jupiter has. It is a bland sort of van but really good stats. He did manage to drive it cross country and arrive alive after all. The quote from the site I found says:

Bigger and more powerful than it needs to be, this luxury van is the top-of-the-line in its class, and just as much of a status symbol as the Bentley. On top of that, it packs intimidating size and all the accessories for cruising through the wilderness. Or, more commonly, through elite urban neighborhoods. This expensive vehicle is gaining more and more popularity with discreet security details for its combination of status and security. 

3 5 3 15 12 2 4 3 10 68,000¥ Core

Now, this one is a tad beat up, and does have a Boris or Frazeata air-brush style painting on the side of a Viking on a Pegasus or unicorn. We're currently at what appears to be a high-end fixer, so I'm aiming towards armoring up and expanding my small, and recently diminished, fleet of drones. If you can call 2 drones a fleet. Although it may already be fairly well armored, but not knowing the Shadowrun rules not sure how a 12 stands up.

The official image is:

Poking around there are some other vans that I'll have to ask about that I think look a bit closer to what I have in mind. While the 1st is a fire truck, it would have the space for drones. I imagine my arial drones are on a roofrack that is also a charger, and the Lynx drone folds a bit but does take a chunk of space in the rear area. The 2nd van down is pretty close and may work. And finally, that last one is really interesting - a "van" if you stretch the definition, but with a variable payload or stripped down for some real speed I would imagine.

Next post I'll try & find som Vikings on mythical beasts. There was also an interesting email exchange for the 8 track sound track system installed. Magic-proof and matrix-free so no elf-induced feedback to worry about. Just the pure sounds of Tin Lizzie apparently...

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