We had our first session of the homebrew game last weekend, and it went well. Of course, I've enjoyed every game this GM puts out. Playing a bruiser as for me, playing a fighter when learning a new system is the easiest approach: you hit things.
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Look at me - trying to base things! |
Levi Doe, my character, is not human but I think, based on the game notes, that eventually he will become human as he manages to destroy Chaos. Issue is that his method of destroying chaos is incinerating people who have chaos in them, generally bad guys. And as he is what is basically a fire elemental, there are no issues as he is always hungry to consume more and more. And in the first game, he did indeed consume a lot, killing a lot of soldiers and in the end, along with the other characters, also killed off another demon. Of course, he was a bit overpowered, so his companions also took damage (similar to a berserker not getting out of the berserker state and just hitting anything in sight). And so, we leveled up a bit at the end of the game, and with that I assume got a bit of human soul as well.
But if that is the case, and here is where things get interesting to me at least, Levi may start to have some remorse about the lives he takes, even if they are bad people. And so far, I've been playing him as just wanting to go back to the flaming planes he is from (an as yet undefined fiery plane of existence: whether Hell or Hades, or more the traditional fantasy trope of other planes we've not really talked about. I am going with Hades-adjacent at least as one of the other players is playing a Cerberus type of dog, and Levi has become attached to the good doggy as he can actually pet him. Along with the Kitsune who helped him a bit as well and sometimes rides on his shoulder when he is in fire mode).
This becomes a more nuanced and character-driven arc if I follow through on that. I do tend to pick characters who end up a bit morose sometimes, though for reasons. The superhero game we played a while back, with the same GM, had a character, Verner Barrick, that had no memory to start with. As the game progressed, he and I developed his backstory along with the game, and it turned out he was really, really old and hiding from himself to prevent opening a gate to Earth that would destroy civilization basically. I've a feeling Levi, who also does not remember much other than flames and wanting to go home without even knowing where home is, may undergo a similar self-realization as he becomes more human. And curious if he will throw off that humanity if he could go back home or embrace something different than what he was.
At any rate, this is one our face-to-face games, which as we alternate weeks, means it will probably be January before we get to session 2 since December tends to throw a lot of monkey wenches into getting together. Next weekend they are at my house, and we'll continue the Fantasy Trip game. I'll have to post a recap as it has been more than a month since we managed to play (though I do recap the games here, but I need a recap of the recaps as I think they have forgotten the original intent of their current quest). I did dig out my holiday pans so will have to make something holiday themed. I do like to bake for them.
And finally, this was my wife's and my first Thanksgiving I think we've been by ourselves since we've been together. Since we've met more than 30 years ago, we've usually eaten at her mother's house. But her mother was with another of her children, and our son moved to Minnesota, so there was just us. Empty nest syndrome hit us both hard! And I fear Christmas may be similar as I don't think the child will make it home for Christmas. But that is the point of parents: getting their children able to live in the real world. I just don't like it! Though I do like that we have more leftovers...so there is a bright side to everything!