Guild of Armourers of Edge City is located at the Armory on Siege Street.
Lead by the estimable Mr. Burleigh, the Guild has not only supplied the city with Cidri-class weapon and armor smiths, but has trained generations of smiths through the greater regions.
Per the general guild rules (p60-61) Guild fees are 2% of your monthly income, but gives access to the library, workshops and Guildhall. Apprentices are allowed full access but pay their teachers an additional 2% throughout their journeyman years. Journeymen smiths can earn between 25 to 75 silvers a week making basic tools armourer or smith earns about 100 silvers a week, and a master armourer can earn 150 silvers a week, with their respective 8 to 12 silvers a month going to the Guild. Members also pay for the materials needed, but the Guild gets an excellent discount for most materials.
Learning skills takes time and patience, as well as the requisite IQ.
Armourer (IQ 10) build and maintain ordinary weapons and armor. Once he character has the needed IQ, this will take 6-14 months to get to journeyman status. Roll (15—the number of months of training) vs IQ to achieve the skill. So in month 6, 15-6 = 9D vs IQ. Month 7, 8D to month 12 which is a 3D vs IQ.
Master Armourer (IQ 12) can make fine weapons. Requires Goldsmith to make silver weapons and armour. This takes more time, so the roll is 18—the number of months studying at the Guild.
Bypassing this, characters may of course use experience points to get the skills, with the assumption that they are adventuring between studying and gaining experience not only at surviving but honing their skills in the broader world.
In addition to the standard metals, as per Hexagram #4, there are additional materials that armourers, and particularly master armourers, would be familiar with. The rules are specifically laid out there, but mentioned here to broaden the knowledge that our would-be armourers should know.
Bronze is a softer metal, and easier to work with. Weapons require more care and are generally not as effective as steel. Common.
Iron and steel. The basis of most weapons and armor in The Fantasy Trip. No changes as these are the assumed standard. Common.
Silver used by magic users to not suffer the negative effect of cold iron on magic. Rules per book p110. Uncommon.
Meteoric iron star-stone stuff. Also known as starsteel. Has a huge impact on magical attacks. Rare.
Chryseton crystal formed deep underground that has caustic effects. Also known as blood crystal. Rare.
Volastre Found in dormant caldera of deep-rooted volcanoes and is prized by Goblins. Also known as Goblin Steel or volcanic iron. Rare.
Abdurum forged by ancient dwarven masters, the formula has been lost through the ages. No known weapon or armor forged of this has ever been known to break.
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